Month: August 2010

Dominica Land & Its Beaches

The beaches aren’t worth the effort to get here, but the landscape and rivers, as well as increasingly renowned scuba diving, are. Nature lovers who visit Dominica experience a wild, rugged Caribbean setting, as well as the rural life that has largely disappeared on the more developed islands. Dominica is, after all, one of the poorest and least developed islands in the Caribbean. There are no casinos and no megaresorts and hardly any road signs. It’s also one of the less expensive islands in the Caribbean, and probably the only one that Columbus would still recognize.

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RE: Address to the Nay tion by Acting Prime Minister

Hi All,

As I have said before I will say again.

No Government is perfect and some even less so.

We have a small piece of land we all love, and it does not take much to make it reasonably prosperous if we put our heads together, because we have a large collection of brains and expertise, let us put our minds together and DO something that all will be able to see in Dominica.

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Promoting Democratic Governance

On 7/30/2010 9:45 AM, Christian Volney wrote:

For the past several decades the conventional and, until recently, the predominant perspective on development in the international donor community has been that countries are poor because they lack resources,infrastructure, education, and opportunity. By this logic, if rich countries and international institutions could only transfer enough resources and technology, improve human capacity enough, and support health and education enough, development would occur. To be sure, greater public resources, better physical infrastructure, and stronger public health and education are essential for development. But they are not enough, and they are not the most crucial factor.

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RE: Budget debate

On 7/17/2010 11:21 AM, Christian Volney wrote:

This ‘call’ to replace the Skeritt administration (due to the ‘suggested’ incompetence of the Prime Minister’s Administration) is based on a ‘non competent replacement’ strategy and it ludicrous, even dangerous by nature.
How can it be suggested that an administration be replaced, without a collective replacement means or governing body action plan?

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RE: Budget debate

On 7/17/2010 11:21 AM, Christian Volney wrote:

This ‘call’ to replace the Skeritt administration (due to the ‘suggested’ incompetence of the Prime Minister’s Administration) is based on a ‘non competent replacement’ strategy and it ludicrous, even dangerous by nature.
How can it be suggested that an administration be replaced, without a collective replacement means or governing body action plan?

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