2020 polling shows Elizabeth Warren and Kamala Harris on the rise

CNN's John King discusses recent polling data as the Democratic presidential candidates prepare for the second round of debates. #CNN #News


    1. Yeah, Biden is a waste of time. Americans want a progressive candidate and Joe simply doesn’t qualify.

  1. Expect a storm of President 1% tweets and chaos. Keep your eye on Epstein, Nader, Mueller and children missing from concentration camps

  2. Warren is courageous, smart, and has definite plans to implement her ideas. Very well organized and prepared for the presidency.

    1. bonanzatime , that’s the worst take I’ve ever seen. If you don’t like her whatever, but I don’t think anyone thinks that she is someone who would take a bribe from Goldman Sachs.

  3. If they would stop treating this like a horse race or a football game, we would all be better off. This constant polling and prognosticating is meaningless and ridiculous. Punxsutawney Phil has a better chance of being accurate in his prediction about winter.

  4. We want Bernie or andrew yang… Legalize it…free health care ..and the 1k a month that everyone in the us should get…anything else dont affect me at all…

    1. If Sanders gets the nominee, Trump would probably win even Washington DC in his landslide victory.

    2. No! Time to wake up, bozo. Old Bernie Sanders, a multi-millionaire Jew-fart commie, is done. Kaput! Bernie’s hope and dream is to make the United States like Venezuela, a socialist nightmare nation where starving sheeple eat their pets and poop out the remains without toilet paper. Only stupid fools would acquiesce with that insane economic model.

  5. I have a problem watching you guys smear Bernie and prop up people like Warren and Harris whom have stolen Bernie’s ideas. Shameful.

  6. Keep in mind the debates are all about whether or not the candidates support Sanders platform or not. He is leading the entire discussion.

  7. What a crock of s*** Bernie’s number one he’s not falling behind. I only agree one thing with Trump fake news.

  8. The only way the democrats have a chance of winning is by cheating, and they are good at that.

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