1. I can’t read what the dog is saying because of the god damn subtitle CNN put there!

    Edit: Thanks for the likes. I wish my social life was 0.01% of the likes here.

    1. @Rick H Yea I can relate to that. My cats have caught bird ON AIR. All of ’em.

      It’s not uncommon either if they bring in or playing with a Dead small snake, a rat or a lizard on the front porch.

      One day they brought in a dead chicken and ate it whole, seriously. They hunted a free range chicken from a nearby farm. 😂

    1. @Slick Smoke lol – I asume you know every pedo then. Make you wonder why you dont want to change the people you seem to hang out with… 😄😝🤷‍♂️

    1. If I had that and taught my cat how to use it she would definitely click the button that would say “food” “where’s” “the” “food” xd

    1. I herd the average dog is as smart as a human toddler in smart human ways. Dogs are smart emotionally and in many non hum ways

    2. And that’s as far as it will go. Dog’s can be taught certain things, but they can’t really communicate on the same level as a human being. That’s impossible

    3. @BKD Vickers if only they could Imagine all they would want to say to us! They understand more than we know I believe that 💯% !
      They could answer many questions lol

    1. @JJ Amaya The joke is that the dog pressed an actual word to a question that is also the sound a dog makes. “Rough”.
      Why would there be a button that says “ruff”?

  2. “Where are my ovaries, Summer? Where are my ovaries, Summer? They were removed. Where have they gone?
    ” – Stella

  3. I’ve taught my dog to communicate verbally. It tells me that the outside of a tree is called “bark”, and that it can often feel “rough”. It’s a start.

    1. Absolute Greatest Comment by far @northerniltree & my dog learning it now! Pawtastic ❤️🐾🐾 woof woof woof wag wag wag

    1. @J T Yah man… who Cares how the biggest pedophile in the world that blackmailed some of the worlds most powerful men by using under aged girls died… just put your fingers in your ears and say lah lah lah lah lah…. like the good sheep that you are.

    2. Everyone’s getting political in the comments, but did you all know that 15 minutes can save you 15% or more if you switch to Geico?

    1. akui88 my dog kept barking at like 12am I turned the light on and started to calm her down and she looked up and barked and I saw a cockroach, she warned me

    2. @akui88 my dog does that too & few times at same area So I finally decided to video it when she did & I Saw Orbs! They say Orbs are Our Loved ones who passed on! We now pay attention & in other videos I see same color Orbs! I believe it’s my mom following us!

    1. Maybe she wants this technique to be available to all by putting on the news (though CNN is about as much “News” as Fox is…)?
      Less commodification = more unification.

    2. @Elektric Skeptic Johaniskraut Bernstein Or’Cheard That may be true. My comment is only intended to compliment her wonderful idea. I could see people wanting to buy a starters kit for this, complete with a guide based on her expertise.

    3. @communityband1 That’s True 🙂 I’m sorry that I appeared jaded & a terse • it wasn’t where my mind was at but looking back I could’ve thrown in an emoji or 7?
      All good? Peace Mate.

    4. @communityband1 Extremely excellent idea I’d love for my dog to be able to push a button and tell me more although I know her body language pretty well it would be nice to confirm communication! Absolute great idea and even better for service dogs to have & help humans more than they do already

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