1. The best Santos impersonator/actor so far. Get him tanned a little bit, to look like ‘Santos-cchio’ w/o a doubt.

    1. Yes. I was a little surprised that he lives in LA and is not tanned. Let’s blame it on the latest weather around here. Most people’s faces, arms, and legs are tanned here even in the winter.

  2. He is brilliant,that fake has quite a cheek to criticise someone so brilliant,he loves all the attention his getting…

  3. Love the Santos sketches 🤣 it’s incredible that the dude is actually still in the House after lying his way up, actually really sad, this is how corruption just walks in and plans to stay.

  4. You really can’t top that performance, that was outstanding … Nelson Franklin did an amazing job, that name will stick in my head … I hope he does more of that stuff … he really had me in tears.

  5. Love, love, LOVE Franklin’s Santos imitation💗. The best so far, followed by the SNL’s Bowen Yang.

    Santos is giving all comedians soooo much to work with! We’ll miss him when he’s prosecuted for campaign finance fraud.

  6. Nelson’s Santos is my favorite! The frenetic, frantic energy came through beautifully. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻💐💐💐🤗

  7. My husband isn’t a YouTuber at all but when I pulled up Nelson Franklin playing Santos he wanted to watch it twice!! We laughed so hard. I’ve seen all the Santo’s impressionists and Nelson is the best. I hope Jimmy Kimmel invites him back or we see him in another another setting like SNL!

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