Actress Michelle Yeoh rallies for gender equality during Cannes speech | USA TODAY

Actress Michelle Yeoh won the 2023 Women in Motion award at the Cannes Film Festival, tributing her win to the fight for gender equality.

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#Cannes #MichelleYeoh #Equality


    1. What is a real woman, some females are born with breasts, but no ovaries, some with no vaginal canal, (This is a real medical condition, considered a birth defect) are they women??? They feel like women, but are missing some parts.
      Isn’t it the same with a male born with the parts, but missing the feeling of being male?
      If we perform corrective surgery on females because they are lacking from birth the parts required to live their life as a woman, due to no fault of their own, are they female, what bathroom should they use??
      Too tell me my entire identity of womenhood is based on me being born with a working vagina sounds a bit backward. And I’m a straight female and there’s more to me than the parts I was born with or without.

  1. Women have to work twice as hard to be treated half as much. All men have to do is flatter another man in power.

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