1. Sometimes i feel that i am living in an alternate reality when all this is going on smh

    1. @urmaker We known who was bribed. Joe Biden bribed former President Poroshenko, with a stimulus package to a Ukraine gas company, Burisma Holdings. The Ukraine government got a slice of that pie in taxes.

      Then, Burisma Holdings turned that money right back around, and deposited at least $50,000 –incidentally the exact maximum amount that can be funneled through the ACH per checking account, at a time (takes about 72 hours, not including weekends)–each month into Hunter Biden, who is Joe Biden’s direct family member.

      That’s the bribe that happened. And President Trump’s suggestion is that if he pushed for an investigation into criminal behavior, that because the Democrat party has been bribed, they would be obligated by Burisma to step in and try to stop Trump for suggesting that to President Zelensky.

      Nothing the House Democrat’s have done so far is evidence that they’re not doing exactly as Joe Biden would like them to, per the arrangement of the money laundering scheme he set up for his family, about four years prior… and that’s just in Ukraine.

    2. B.J Cameron so in your worldview it’s much worse to be lesbian than for a man to cheat on his wife with a pornstar while his wife is at home with their new baby? Imagine if h got pregnant, he would’ve got an abortion. And you know what, the mindless supporters would’ve found a way to defend his decision because they always do. C’mom really?

      I’m not religious. My mom and dad were religious and I was raised that way. My parents would take me to church as a child but then I saw the hypocrisy of it all as I got older. The absolute most intolerant, vindictive, hateful people I’ve ever met were religious and some of the most generous, kind and loving people I’ve met were agnostic or atheist. I guess you can get away with hateful behavior when you believe you’ll be absolved. You know what’s decent values for me and my family? Treating people with respect and dignity regardless of who they here born. Gay, straight, brown, white and even trump supporters we’re all humans deserving of dignity until we engage in behavior that try’s to strip another human of theirs.

      But how I am abusive? The only negative things I said were about the president and comment that people would mindlessly post trump2020 or non-sequitur nonsense, which to be fair, they did. Trump an awful human being. Unless you see view the treats others, the way he treats his wives trading or in the older model for a younger one and inspiration for your children? He’s the president of the US, the most powerful Man in the world yet acts like insecure and narcissistic clown.

      Maybe the “liberals” own part of the lack of discipline but it’s also due to modern parents thinking their child is above all and contradicting teachers and in some cases being hostile toward them.

    3. @urmaker You’re a bot, or; just an ignorant fool who cannot believe the obvious lies you’ve been fed by this POTUS. Russia DID interfere in our elections, Trump clearly was overheard by others on the phone, and; this POTUS will not anyone with “first hand knowledge” testify. Do not come here with your “moderate appeal” persona… and piss on my back.

  2. “We are all capable of believing things which we know to be untrue, and then, when we are finally proved wrong, impudently twisting the facts so as to show that we were right.”
    ― George Orwell

    1. As incomplete [b/c Mueller failed to follow the MONEY which is what links Russian Oligarchy to DJT, specifically the unlawful money laundering ] as the MUELLER INVESTIGATION was, it showed us these things:
      [1] MUELLER INVESTIGATION ACTUALLY MADE MONEY for the USA – NO COST TO TAXPAYERS: The Investigation more than paid for itself via fines, restitution & asset forfeiture.
      [2] USA ELECTION WAS ATTACKED by Cambridge Analytica (“CA”) & Russia: The investigation showed the USA was attacked by Cambridge Analytica (“CA”) and Russian Organized Crime (Oligarchy) via the St. Petersburg, Russia based Internet Research Agency. Even if you have not read the entire Redacted Mueller Report, just read paragraph #2 of the Introduction. Clearly concludes that Russia attacked 2016 USA Election. Here is the url to the Redacted Mueller Report. 
      Links explaining Russian Election Theft
      [A] Cambridge Analytica:
      CA & the UK-BREXIT ATTACK: And, it wasn’t just the USA that CA went after… CA manipulated the UK BREXIT vote!
      So, now you are wondering, who is CA? Billionaire Robert Mercer (the $$$ behind the Kleptocrat-in-Chief) and Steve Bannon (yup, one and the same!)were the founder/brain of CA!
      Be an educated citizen/voter. Don’t be swayed by simple tropes being spread by uneducated followers, non-thinkers and haters. Learn the facts about TRE45ON.
      The LYING-LIAR-IN-CHIEF is a CRIMINAL: Not just in your head, but in your heart, you know TRE45ON isn’t JUST a VERY bad businessman (the king of bankruptcy), you actually know he is a criminal con-artist. Laundering Russian Oligarchy money is his bread & butter – his kids have explained that Russia funds their ventures!
      [C] PSYCHOMETRIC WARFARE & HATE-FEAR: It is easy to be swayed by hate/fear (Nazi Germany). It takes true character, guts, determination and smarts to become educated.
      If you are still reading… 
      [D] FOREIGN AFFAIRS: IRAQ: Did you forget that George Bush lied us into the Iraq War? How many lives were lost and/or ruined by the Iraq War? And how many billions of our tax dollars were wasted?
      [E] TAX POLICY: AND, WHAT ABOUT TAX POLICY: The Repugnant Republican’ts [DJT, Bush & Reagan] tax cuts benefit the rich, not the middle class and poor. The USA debt and deficit skyrocketed with all of the Republican presidents since 1980…
      [F] DEBT: And, The SOCIOPATH-IN-CHIEF, is running up the debt faster than any previous Administration! Republicans are NOT the party of fiscal responsibility! REPUGNANTS are the Party of the 1%.
      [G] PARTY SYSTEM HIJACKED BY EXTREMIST: I am no fan of either party, but the Dems have, in the past, proven themselves to be the better party when it comes to fiscal responsibility. With all sarcasm that can be expressed, how are you enjoying the better health care system that was promised by TRE45ON?
      [H] PROMISES NOT KEPT: What a crock to claim the CHEATER-IN-CHIEF keeps his campaign promises: Here are a couple of links, one to read and one to watch:
      [I] MORE REPUGNANT FOREIGN POLICY CRIMES & TRE45ON: Regarding treason, Nixon did the worst Presidential treason in 1968 (links to news articles about the treason involving the war in Vietnam):
      As a private citizen, Nixon treasonously (VIOLATED THE LOGAN ACT – it is illegal for a private citizen to conduct USA diplomacy-foreign policy) conducted USA diplomacy-foreign policy. His political organization contacted S. Vietnam government officials and Nixon persuaded S. Vietnam NOT to sign a peace treaty during Johnson’s Presidency. The treason wasn’t just doing diplomacy-foreign policy as a private citizen, this contact prolonged the War – which resulted in more death and maiming. Nixon falsely claimed S. Vietnam would get a better peace deal with Nixon as President. So, no peace treaty during Johnson’s term which made the Democrats look bad because they could not end the war. Thus, Nixon was first elected President in 1968 as a TRE450NOUS TRAITOR. How many more people lost their lives and how many more were disabled by the failure to end the war during Johnson’s Term?
      [J] WATERGATE: Then, do you remember the 1972 Election & Watergate? Do you think you actually know what Watergate was about? Watergate was ALL ABOUT Nixon doing crimes – Treason again – to stay in power and win in 1972. The Convicted DNC HQ Watergate Burglars were REPLACING listening devices which means they previously broke into the DNC HQ, when they initially installed the listening-recording devices! Nixon feared Edmund Muskie as the potential Democrat Presidential Candidate. Nixon wanted to face McGovern, not Muskie. The fear was so great that Nixon had his criminal dirty tricksters sabotage Muskie’s Democraric primary campaign through numerous criminal acts – ALL involving lies and deception. One of the bigger crimes that ended Muskie’s Campaign was the Canuck Letter. Remember the Canuck Letter? Nixon Aide, Ken Clawson. (he has admitted to writing the Canuck Letter!) authored the Canuck letter which was designed to paint Muskie as a racist!
      [K] MORE OF THE SAME: The Kleptocon-artist-in-chief, along with Russian Organized Crime (Oligarchs) just followed the Nixon Playbook on how to criminally steal a USA Presidential Election. Just to tease your curiosity, do some investigation into Roger Stone’s connections to both Nixon & Trea45on. You might be stunned if you have not been connecting the data points.
      [L] EASY USUALLY MEANS FAKE: If something sounds like an easy answer to a complex problem, you can probably presume the truth is not so easy to discern. REAL PATRIOTS NOT FAKETRIOTS: Be a patriot to the USA. Do your homework! And remember, it was George Washington who warned us about Party Politics in his Farewell Address – Party(s) can be hijacked by extremists!
      [M] PEACE IN OUR TIME: Much of the real enemies of democracy are hate, war, military-industrial complex (Eisenhower warned us about the M/I Complex, right?), ignorance, looking for easy answers, not accepting the fact that corporations have no regard for the little guy – by law, corporations must first answer to their shareholders!
      [N] ELECTORAL COLLEGE: Remember how CNN screwed us all in 2016 by banning candidate Prof Lessig from the debates? If you are still reading, here is a clip of Harvard Professor Lawrence Lessig explaining why the Electoral College is not working as envisioned by the Founders: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=76_qOYaOPkI&app=desktop
      [O] GERRYMANDERING: After watching Lessig, read, or listen to, David Daley’s book [Ratf#%ked) on Gerrymandering.
      1) Watch, “THE GREAT HACK” on NETFLIX.
      2) Read, “Dark Money” by Jane Mayer.
      3) Watch, “THE BEST DEMOCRACY MONEY CAN BUY. Greg Palast film – Amazon.
      4) Read, “RATF**KED” by David Daley.
      5) Read, “One Nation Under God” by Prof Kevin Kruse.
      6) Read, “The Shock Doctrine” by Naomi Klein.
      7) Read, “On Fire” by Naomi Klein.

    1. @Robert Swims Bribery, and after these hearings, probably witness tampering! LOL!! That’ll be SO fucking funny if Trump is removed from office because of his FUCKING TWITTER bullshit!

    2. @Robert Swims “Hyuck hyuck!!! Hey everone! Here’s a black feller praisin Trump! See!?? That just PROVES that Trump ain’t no dayum racist!!! And, and and, remember back when Trump said he ‘loved Mexican people’ while he ate a bowl of taco salad!!??? That means he ain’t racist! If someone says ril loud “I AIN’T RACIST”, then that means they ain’t racist. And if Donald Trump says 8,057 times “I’m the least racist person in the world”, then we should all believe it because TRUMP NEVER LIES!!! MAGA 2020 DURRRRRRR”!!!!!!

    1. @Dale Anderson Still focused on me instead of the subject?! Putting letters in caps lock is to emphasize something, onnozel manneke. I know it is hard for a little child who hasn’t had a good education but you can learn to communicate like adults. It takes practice thats all. You start by staying on the subject!

    1. No the moocher is still drinking, fascist Crony capitalism Kool-Aid. Being a Kool-Aid Mom is still ingrained in that small pea brain of his…

    1. @ClayDog I liked him in the White House as I could sense that he wasn’t really into his job. I wasn’t a fan of his boss.

    2. You’re an idiot. He’s a psycho path who made it clear in college that he would get on top at all costs. He is a walking specimen of the lowest form of morality. He’s sick.

  3. Oooooh. Scaramucci calls it as is. “Disgusting. Fascism……” Love it! “Stay strong and don’t be intimidated by this guy!” Lol. Keep telling the truth Mooch! “He’s supposed to be below the law.” WOW! O_O

  4. The mooch woke up in time, suggesting to the others to do the same. OR they will go down. Vote people vote 🗳

    1. I think The Mooch has a very good sense of right and wrong and a good sense of when the ship will sink.

    1. @Sam Simm Sam, Crystal trolls these posts like the lost soul that s/he is.
      His/her obvious gender confusion is a result of sustained drug abuse.
      Do us (you, me everyone) a favour and just ignore it.

    1. …apart that he missed the word “democratic” from the term Democratic Socialist during his scaremongering.

    2. @get lost if anyone is inbred…its the republicans and right wingers . Anyone who leaves Trump is automatically redeemed , cause that UV rays of shitfuckery dont hit them anymore. Michael Cohen is another example

  5. Scaramucci isn’t my favorite person, but I have to agree with him about the phone calls. I want to know about the other conversations he’s had, and with whom, and what he said or promised.

    1. @Dan whining leftist crybaby. Get over the crushing defeat that you sustained in 2016 and prepare for another crushing defeat in 2020. Learn to live with it because there’s nothing you can do about it.

    1. Previous month I was able to pull my first five figure income ever!!! I’ve been working for this company over the internet for two years now and I never been happier… They are paying me $95 per hour, and the best thing about it is the fact I am not really that tech-savvy, they only asked for standard knowledge about internet and general typing skill…Amazing thing about this work is that I have more time to spend with my family. I am in a position to enjoy quality time with my family and friends and take care of my babies and also going on vacation together with them very consistently. Don’t neglect this chance and make sure to respond quick. Let me show you what I do… *discuss84­.­c­o­m*

    2. Previous month I was able to receive my first five figure wage ever!!! I’ve been working for this company online for two years now and I never been happier… They are paying me $95 per hour, and the best thing regarding this is the fact I am not really that tech-savvy, they just required standard awareness of internet and plain typing skill…Great thing about this job is that now I have more time for my loved ones. I am in a position to commit quality time with my friends and family and take care of my children and also going on holiday break along with them very often. Don’t ignore this chance and make sure to act quickly. Let me show you what I do… *foryou49­.­c­o­m*

  6. Mooch is playing his cards right when he’s on CNN and dealing to the CNN audience. He’s played his cards the other way not long ago…when on FOX. LOL It’s comical to me and he does it with a straight face.

  7. I like him, strangely I even liked him when he was still a Trumper. He’s a Republican but he’s a Republican with a brain. Going to do that

  8. Hey “Mooch”. Which way is the wind blowing? Because that’s how we predict the way you lead. Like a little blade of grass.

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