1. Y’all bout to get what you voted for so don’t b#$!# when Trump is out Number one, you’ll be locked down, number two, the covid relief bill was not about the American people, number three you’re all pawns. .

    2. If Obama did 0.1% of the things Trump has done or discussed since the election, Republicans would have lost their dammm minds. The time has come to purge the GOP.

    1. @Amfonee Granilla
      Evangelical “Christians” have Thrown away their Morals and Sold their Souls for a man whose Only character traits are Pride, Greed, Envy, Lust, Wrath, Gluttony and Sloth.
      Beware False Prophets.

    2. @Amfonee Granilla
      You are in for a BIG disappointment come January 6, when Congress confirms the will of 80 million American Patriots, and I suspect again on January 20th, when Joe Biden is sworn in as the 46th president of the U.S. of A.
      You might want to pick up bottle of Sour Mash to get you through it.

    3. Y’all bout to get what you voted for so don’t b*$!# when Trump is out Number one, you’ll be locked down, number two, the covid relief bill was not about the American people, number three you’re all pawns! ,

    4. @Amfonee Granilla
      Funny that NO court saw ANY CREDITABLE evidence the the election was “Stolen “.
      I guess your conspiracy involves GOP Governors, GOP election officials, GOP appointed Judges ( including some appointed by DEAR LEADER himself), William Barr, the SCOTUS, and the other 100,000 people it would take to “STEAL” the election.
      WOW, it couldn’t POSSIBLY be that DEAR LEADER, Donald Trump, has duped you into believing all of the above, because he is a thin skinned, narcissistic, pathological lier, who can’t bear to be a “LOSER”.
      So he’s willing to burn down our Democracy, rather than admit that 80 million Americans saw through his BULLSHIT, and, understanding how incompetent he is, FIRED HIM.

    1. Yall bout to get what you voted for so don’t b^$!& when Trump is out Number one, you’ll be locked down, number two, the covld relief bill was not about the American people, number three you’re all pawns’ .

    2. @Willy Amparo Either you flunked out of school on or about the 3rd grade, or you’re a Russian troll who’s using a very inadequate app as a source to translate.

    3. @Kim Tolliferreo yeah ok, not sure where you getting your info from? I bet you anything you can’t give me three great things that pervert Biden has done, keep watching CNN/ ABC or MSNBC.

    1. Y’all bout to get what you voted for so don’t b*$!# when Trump is out Number one, you’ll be locked down, number two, the covld relief bill was not about the American people, number three you’re all pawns! ,

    2. whilst I dont speak for the “world” anymore than you you do, the impression I get is that people cant believe that anyone voted for Biden and how blind you are to clear issues with your election process which not only will you not investigate or adjudicate but actively attack people who point it out instead of going through the established legal process, and that the same people doing this are the ones who were saying the election was rigged when Trump got in. thats just the tip of the iceberg.

  1. theres a madman loose in the whitehouse why are all these supporters in the white house putting their heads on the chopping block for him whats in their water / they all on lsd or mushrooms??

    1. @7rob27 So you’re ok with voter fraud and not proof reading your comments. Got it. That is what makes you hilarious.

    2. @thedon winss I had no doubts that Biden was a corporate democrat who will shove what I think needs done to the bottom of the pile. I weighed that option and broke from my traditional progressive/independent vote and cast a vote for him regardless. That’s because Trump is a moron, he’s dangerous and he is an immediate threat to American citizens. I’m glad I was in a swing state and people like me helped kick Trump out of office.

    3. @thedon winss So F the republicans, F the democrats leadership but most of all F TRUMP. That 🍊💩 needed to go and the people have spoken and no there was no significant fraud.

  2. Michael Flynn so vocal now that he’s been pardoned.
    Crazy to find out this is happening in the US and not some 3rd World Country!

    1. Why is it crazy? “Power corrupts absolute power corrupts absolutely” The US has been the mist powerful country in the world for a ling time. Both parties and all levels of government are thoroughly corrupt. This video is pure propaganda.

    2. Jeffrey Paguio
      How dare you insult Third Word Countries. Supposedly First world stole the riches of these countries and now their ugly faces are showing the whole world what they are. Look at the shamful past of this most powerful first world country.

    3. @will wong people just don’t get it and I keep trying to tell them this is the real America! In other words we are showing our true colors.

    1. We got sold out the day he became president. The funny part? The majority of Americans voted for Hillary, but the electoral college screwed us. So now we’re facing all this crap because of an outdated technicality. You can’t make this stuff up.

    2. @William Jackson The Electoral College worked exactly what is was intended to do by Our Founding Fathers . They did it for the obvious reasons

    1. @Karen Day Is that the BEST you got? So you’re turning a Blind Eye to all the evil & criminal things Trump has done?

    1. @Robert T Rumbling, Stumbling, Basement dwelling Slow J..J…Joe can stay in Delaware at his
      Just like Jefferson Davis.

    2. Yall bout to get what you voted for so don’t b#$! when Trump is out Number one, you’ll be locked down, number two, the covid relief bill was not about the American people, number three you’re all pawns .

    3. Well, yeah…..
      but this is what they think is a good idea.
      Not shocking at all.
      I just don’t know how to make people understand what a conman orange man obviously is.

    1. You are right! They should have stopped the coup at the polls and the preprogrammed, Venezuelan, dominion machines! They keep saying that Trumpers want to overturn the results. It is not an overturning because the real results were a majority for president Trump and should stand! Count the legal, valid votes and discount fake votes! 🙏

      Keep America Great!

    2. @Denna Kilpatrick 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

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