1. Thank you Jeanne.!! A wonderful counterweight to the serious stuff. And reminding us all to laugh. There’s too little of that at present and it’s vital to a balanced life.

  2. A guy told a story here on YouTube about destroying a beaver dam. He had taken it down twice, trying to get to beavers to move away. The third time he walked down the path to the creek, the beavers had built a dam across the path.

    1. Not only did I learn that beavers have webbed feet today, but I also learned that they are incredibly based.

  3. Although absolutely adorable and heartwarming to us, it’s also very sad to hear she becomes more excited when she hears rain or a faucet. Hoping she can be released back into her natural habitat when ready! <3

    1. I’m just going to call you Debby. I needed this cuteness and you can’t take it from me…I’m kidding, yes and no.

    2. Beavers naturally and instinctually dislike the sound of running water and feel the need to stop it, so there’s nothing sad about it, that’s perfectly normal beaver behavior.

    1. That’s the way the Lord God designed beavers. His creation is beautiful and majestic. All of his creatures are astounding.

    2. I’m even more amazed of the super complex webs spiders make without ever watching a tutorial on youtube!

  4. The reason why sounds of rain or running faucets causes Nibby to go into dam-building mode is because that’s the biological ‘trigger’, if you will. The sound alone of running water drives beavers to construct dams. Even if it’s an electronic speaker just playing the sound of running water, beavers will cover it with sticks and mud until the sound is suppressed enough.

  5. More stories like this one please! Nibby was like, “BYE, B****!” We’ve all been there, girl. Do what you need to do.

  6. Aww! this story really created light humour. I loved your use of Pun throughout the video. BTW, the beaver sounded like a little baby throwing a tantrum.

  7. Thank you for the story! We all need more happy news these days. That hop darn near broke me, it was so adorable! Cuteness overload.

  8. Once, as a teenager I was snorkeling in a river near home and a small beaver swam right up to my face mask and seemed quite curious about my intrusion. It startled me at first, but was clearly not a threat like a protective momma might have been.

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