1. He’s gonna have to put something in the Southwest in play to do it because if he’s the nominee Mich. and Ohio, are going to Trump (and quite possibly Penn and Florida, too). It also increases the odds of losing the house and giving Trump an unfettered second term. Bernie is a very risky bet.

  1. I am canadian and we have everything this man talks about. I hope you americans will make a right decision to choose him as your future president, you will only gain from it

  2. Voting for Bernie always vote for whoever the media is against and Bernie has been consistent on human rights and coming up with social programs to help the people.

  3. I like Bernie because at every stop, every debate, every rally along the campaign trail, he never fails to mention the FACT that Trump is a pathological liar, which can’t be overstated enough. Bernie matched the energy of the American public back in 2016: upset and anti-establishment. Then the Democratic Party nominated a woman who has come to represent (fair or not) the establishment for most Americans and they went around saying America is already great. It was very tone deaf. The rumble around the nation is still the same four years later, and Bernie fits nicely.

    He is the only one that sounds like a presidential candidate. Sanders has developed a bold, consistent, and supportable platform that voters can champion. The moderate “I’m not Bernie. I’m not Trump.” platform isn’t presidential.

  4. Finally he is going more in depth and giving numbers. This is what is needed for the critical ones and skeptics. Good job Bernie from a Warren supporter.

  5. CNN is likely helping to pave the way for Hillary who undoubtedly will jump in and be given or steal the democratic nomination.

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