1. Its texas and they support the electric chair he will go 2 court and in a sweeping fashion he will get the chair

    2. @dan soloinfinito  Umm…Texas is a lethal injection state, friend.  Now, here in Texas – if you kill somebody, we WILL kill ya back! We just do it way too “humanely”, in my opinion. I say bring back PUBLIC executions in most sure-fire-guilty cases. It’s way too “clinical” these days and it has lost the deterrent effect. Barbaric? Maybe countering barbarism with some good ol’ Medieval punitive barbarism will get people to think about their actions.

    1. I actually have to agree with Brandon. It’s the media who push fake stories and are causing all of the racial tension that we’re experiencing.

    2. @Brandon H also deep state operatives orchestrated these events bcz they know declassification is coming and they are desperate!!!!

    1. @Big John hail white dodo bird
      do you wish to enter the dodo bird preservation center in switzerland or norway in the forest area away from civilization

      the whites in those countries agrees to prepare you with diapers & milk bottles once they receive funding from the US & other west euro countries

    2. So what is Trump doing about these issues that are effecting the white community? in less than 24 hours 2 white men killed dozens of innocent people. The one in El Paso, was contributed to hate and bigtory. The guy had white supremacist views and most likely belongs to a part of Trumps base. Trump should be addressing the issues of gun control and making it harder for young white men who are mentally ill to get guns and not denying it. America not looking so great under Trump.

  1. Folks want talk about our country being divided by racism religion and hatred. But guess what that starts with you. You want the change, be friends with your neighbor. stop hating your neighbor, stop hating the person who cut you off in traffic, stop hating your boss. And start saying hello, how are you today. The only people that can stop this hatred and the divide is us, we the people. No politician can fix that.

  2. Too often, local law enforcement is thoroughly infiltrated by the same elements committing these crimes.

    1. The president described Mr Cummings’ majority-black district in Baltimore as a “rodent-infested mess”.

      Dehuminizing humans equating them to rats. Language that: —
      give the green light to, give the thumbs up to,
      give the means to,
      give the resources to, equip,
      capacitate, — killing of dehuminized people like rats.

  3. Gee, why didn’t he call him a TERRORIST and condemn him the way he attacks minority congresswomen?

    1. @bill jones Sure but it’s not that party anymore. The Catholic Church organised/inspired several invasions of the middle-east 1000 ish years ago but I don’t hold that against present day Catholics.

    2. The president described Mr Cummings’ majority-black district in Baltimore as a “rodent-infested mess”.

      Dehuminizing humans equating them to rats. Language that: —
      give the green light to, give the thumbs up to,
      give the means to,
      give the resources to, equip,
      capacitate, — killing of dehuminized people like rats.

    1. Don Anderson. I agree. It’s a scripted response.
      A, Our thoughts and prayers are with the families.
      B, I want to thank our brave men of law enforcement.
      C, We have to have a conversation about how to end this.
      D, Blame Donald Trump.
      Watch the press conference with the mayor of Ohio. I like her. No BS of bringing politics into the press conference.
      Watch Beto and his phony act yesterday when he gave his press conference from Las Vegas. Fake tears, all BS, Dupers Delight. Anything to get elected.

    2. Face it. We have to politicize it. Nothing else works. Okay, where’s the next one going to be at?
      Who cares about North Korea, Iran, Illegal immigrants (cartels) or even ISIS. We can do all that terrorist stuff to ourselves. We don’t need them to interfere. Americans are killing Americans.

    1. Lim keesiang innocent? Muslims aren’t innocent, fucking pedophile worshipping shitstains to humanity.

  4. Fox news disabled all comments on this story. I guess they didn’t want too many comments reported for hate speech.

    1. Of course, what else to expect? Two mass shooting in less than 24 hours, they don’t want to upset the NRA and the gun industry.

    2. @Tavernum so if he mowed them down with a 4×4 would you be screaming for outlawing 4x4s? How stupid are you? Even Bernie knows it is not about the weapon, it’s about mental health. If the 100 million plus conservative gun owners were as crazy and dangerous as you lying liberals claim, then all of you liberals would be dead already. Please live in reality. Trying to outlaw guns because a few kill with them is like outlawing BANKS because a few of us rob them… Not everyone is a bank robber and not everyone is a killer. But, if you want to save 1.5 million lives a year ya might wanna forget about the guns and go after the…wait for it… FORCEPS.

    1. @Jose Carranza the Mexican are usually out raping white girls and running over police. The Mexicans that squat in California are the biggest criminals in the state. Same as Texas. And they cant carry guns legally. Look it up.

    2. @Heiko Damme  You do realize that criminals don’t obey laws, don’t you? You think making gun laws more restrictive will stop murderers? THEY DON’T OBEY THE LAW!   THINK!

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