Biden apologizes for remarks about Black community

Presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden is trying to clean up remarks made to a group of Black and Hispanic journalists that implied that the Black community lacked diversity.

#Biden #CNN #News


    1. Slush Clerk – If Joe Biden has the capacity for leadership & achievement, why hasn’t he shown it during 50 years of taxpayer-funded political office?

    2. @DK x Mace If you have not made any mistake in your life, Bravoo. he is going to CORRECT ALL MISTAKES made with one vote because he is going to be IN CONTROL of all votes.UNCLE VP JOE BIDEN is going to be the NEXT PRESIDENT Nov. 2nd 2020.

    3. olive20 ugochukwu It’s no mistake. You sympathize with a racist. It happens too often to be a mistake.

    4. @dnice and trump said he could shoot someone in the middle of the street and still not lose voters. he treats them like objects, and u say biden’s bad

    1. Matt S – So, that’d be the site I’ve never gone to and an article I’ve never read? Ok, got it.

    2. @Matt S haha you leftists always trying to justify your racism while claiming everyone else are the racists

  1. *_”If you don’t know the difference between an elephant and a lion then you ain’t black”_* — Joe Biden

  2. I need a Biden translator! Any Biden translators?!

    “The way China will respond is when we gather the rest of the world that in fact [unintelligible] in in fr- in in in in open trade and making sure that we’re in a position that the world uh that that we deal with WHO the right way that in fact that’s when things begin to change.”

    Anyone? 😎

    1. @WackyChan don’t listen to the media. Trump had achieved the lowest African American unemployment in history. He also passed the 1st step act and 2nd chance act that reversed Joe Biden’s crime bill that incarcerated mass amounts of African Americans.

    2. Biden says I don’t want my kids growing up in a racial jungle!

      Then pushes for blacks to ride their own bus to school!

  3. Everytime he’s on tv there’s a ‘gaff’. Imagine if he’s actually given time to speak freely

    1. Biden didn’t gaff, tried to clarify what you misunderstood him for but on the other hand Trump is always gaffing every least second for the past 3 and half years he talks. Bidens sincerity and truthfulness and ability to clarify or take back what he said in apology is why people love him than Trump.

    2. Josh K. A “gaff” is a one time mistake
      Given that creepy joe has said several racist remarks over decades shows a clear pattern of racist tendencies

    3. @Josh K. truthfulness? He put his crack head son on the board of most corrupt oil firm in Ukraine. You know the one where his boss was embezzling billions and became a fugitive. Biden Didn’t want to get in trouble so he bribed the government to fire his sons Prosecutor!

      And then his coworker says he raped her. Hen we see about 100 different clips of him in appropriately touching kids. It was so bad A US senator declined to let him have a word with his daughter alone…

      You guys are out of your minds!

    4. @Joe Schofield   you are just as stupid as Trump wants you to be and it’s laughable with those falsehoods without proof. You are out of your mind. Do you know who the crack heads are? The crackheads and stupid corrupt is Trump and family. The tree is rotten and the law is catching up with him. If you think Joe Biden did what you talking of catch him up with the law and proof, not conspiracy formulated stupid stories told you by corrupt Trump.

    1. Did anyone say that? No. It’s the fact that he could put an advertisement in a newspaper to hang 5 black children and still not be worse than the president

    1. Bharat Bardia u right he said “if you have trouble deciding whether to vote for me or Donald trump, then you ain’t black”

  4. “In the course of my life, I have often had to eat my words, and I must confess that I have always found it a wholesome diet.”
    ― Winston Spencer-Churchill

  5. “ You can’t go into a 7-eleven or a Dunkin Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent.. I’m not joking” – Joe Biden

    1. ftobie84 yeah please show me a time where trump said anything bad about black people. If he truly hates black, why under him black has the lowest unemployment in history. Why are democrats control city so piss poor. I’m a register democrat that is voting for trump. The amount of hypocrisy is stunning. I try and try to keep justifying the democrats party.
      I assume you will join me when you realize how crazy the party has become. The delusion of the democrats are insane.

    2. My favorite Biden flub is “I can’t wait to have my cognitive abilities compared to….to….to….that guy I’m running against”…

    3. Steve Smith
      Don’t forget-
      “Barack Obama is the fist mainstream African American candidate that is articulate, bright, and clean”. Oh and let’s not overlook his anti-busing policies and his ties to segregationists and white supremacists in the 70’s. But whatever, it’s just Old Uncle Bad-Touch Joe.

  6. It’s ok JOE the white protester womens who are protecting the black people forgive you.😅

  7. CNN didn’t show the whole interview when Biden was asked taking a cognitive test and then ask the black reporter did he have to take a drug test before working.

    1. he said come on man! that is stupid question, its like saying did you have to do a drugs test before coming here, am i a junkie. do cocaine. (that is paraphrasing but much closer then asking the reporter if he took a drug test because Hannity reported it wrong yesterday )

  8. Democrats came to the extreme of hiring💰 “psychologist” to talk about Joe’s “good mental health” on YouTube.👎😆😆😆😆🤣🤣🤣

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