1. Cap the amount the government will guarantee for student loans, so there is no more blank check backstop for higher education institutions to just jacking up administrative fees and tuitions for college education.

    1. @Gunner6000WarZ that would work, and of course trade school could be included, they could choose. I personally think we could just skip the classes they don’t need for their degree, that would cut out at least two years, then the last two years of high school they either pick college or trade school, if it’s something that requires more education that would be paid for with taxes too, but we could graduate a lot of students out of high school with a college or trade school degree, if they’re smart enough let them graduate with both. My oldest tested out of the math course they were requiring him to take, he wasn’t going to need them, so he tested out of them.

    2. @Gunner6000WarZ
      You had failed to mention your position on helping the rich financially.
      I showed you how much revenue we lost because of their financial help.
      That was just one single example of the tax cuts the rich received.
      Nothing from Republicans other than give them more-
      You obviously do not agree with helping financially struggling people paying for college.
      This is how I came up with ” not caring”.
      You are correct- I do not know you- Thank goodness.
      You and I would not get along very well- that is for sure.

    3. If these students can’t get a job with the education they paid for, then they need to get a REFUND from the COLLEGE, NOT US TAXPAYERS !!!!

  2. This is exactly why people that attend higher education need to realize how outrageous many schools and should look at their costs that will eventually arrive. Liberal Arts degrees that cost $100k PLUS should realize their paycheck to come

    1. @Drazenka Svedruzic That isn’t the same. Connections are made in art school that set up artists for success. One cannot become successful in a bubble. YouTube is a great tool for getting started. Why are you against artist accessing education?

    2. @Drazenka Svedruzic So according to you artist deserve a sub par education and need to rely on social media to be successful? We are meant to just mysteriously connect to gallery owners, museums, curators and fellow artists from a small town in bfe because we cannot afford to move to a major city due to cost of living restraints? We are supposed to work full time low wage jobs to sustain ourselves until we are “discovered”? Give me a break.

    3. @Sierra Nyokka Actually artists have it much easier. You don’t need a degree to ba an artist.

    4. @Drazenka Svedruzic Good lord you are abhorrent. Artists are allowed to be educated without having to justify themselves to you or anyone else.

    5. @Drazenka Svedruzic Additionally, I see you enjoy a lot of music. Do you know what John Legends major was in college?

  3. “If we forgive student loan debt, what next? We forgive medical debt? We outlaw punitive interest rates? We reorganize our economy around the needs of the many rather than the interests of the few? Is that what you want? A society where human life has value?” ~ Tim (@bufgedrome)

  4. As someone who paid off their debt entirely…I am NOT mad at this!! People are complaining about Biden Administration helping out the Ukraine…but when he’s helping us Americans canceling $10-20k the entire world goes nuts?! Wow!! Just shows that people will NEVER be pleased no matter what you do! Thank you for helping those struggling families out there cancel their student loans. It is NOT perfect but there are people out there really struggling and we should be better than this!

    1. @ron g who is paying for it, no one ! It’s basically saying $10,000 of your loan is gone that’s it, quit making it harder than it has to be!

    2. So, to “help a struggling family” that cannot afford to pay their own loans, I am forced to have to make MY OWN family struggle to help someone else not struggle. How is that right ?

    3. @Ruedi Ruempel it’s NOT free stuff. The tax payers will foot the bill with a multitude of tax increases

    4. The $10,000 will be paid to families earning up to $250,000 a year! Most are graduate lawyers, etc. Yeah, they are struggling at a different level. My guess is that politicians wanted that level raised so their families and donors will benefit.

  5. Glad the host brought up the bandaid point. Its true. Though this is a good thing in the short term, it wont mean anything if the system is allowed to continue on. People who paid off their loan within the past decade should maybe get something back in the form of a tax credit/break/exemption for honoring their debts and paying them off before uncle sam did.

    1. @Ryan Agbayani 2M new arrivals worked and paid for their benefits here …rriigghhtt? Recent college graduates who have yet to pay fedreral income taxes paid into system also…rriigghhtt? Dont get confused…government aid is a good thing for people who really need it. I have no issue with it…yet the above I mention is happening this very day and left wingers still voting left? Mind boggling if you ask me. Its like the section 8 folks who can do better but wont becuase their rents 80% paid. Trust me on that one. I know what I am talkign about.

    1. @Qu Bing Jian Shen Odd that you used “other nations” as an excuse. The public schools in this country don’t compare to the other top countries that care about education. “Eyeroll.”

    2. So ya wanna just say bye-bye to capitalism? …let me guess you’re just one of those pick-n-choose kind’sa people?!

  6. What’s unfair is we have bailed out so many institutions without a second thought.

    1. Or how we hand over billions of dollars per year to countries like Israel, who have things like universal healthcare. Would be great if we could adjust our federal budget to use that money domestically instead of handing it to countries that don’t need it.

    2. bailouts happened in financial crisis and when covid hit. We printed a lot more than the total student debt which is crazy

  7. I’d love to see where they got the information for their claim of $16,000 being the cost for a 4 year tuition in 2021.

    1. My university was 12k per year for in state tuition. I did my first two year at a community college. In total I owe 17k cause I got a few pell grants

  8. I sleep: 10k in student loan debt
    I awake: 20k if you got pell grants

    ngl this is gonna help my broke as so much xD

    The reason why tuition is so high because everyone in the USA is expecting to get some form of tertiary education, and we don’t have enough institutions competing to provide good services.

    The easiest near term solution I see is to encourage people to try out community college first, and then transfer credit to a university/college if they wish to continue (I regret not knowing this path, because I would have saved a large sum of money by doing this instead). I see tons of people going to Uni even though they would much rather just join the work force. (What’s mainly stopping them is that jobs offered with a GED or H.S. education will generally struggle to outpace inflation). But frankly speaking you have a wide selection with just a community college degree anyway. Unless if you are really set on a certain carrier path, community colleges is an amazing choice (which are being under utilized, because of the stigma that comes with it)

    Specialized vocational schools and community colleges should take a greater roll in providing people with the general level of compentency necessary to gain a higher tier work environment. Universities and colleges play too large of a roll, and it needs to be drawn back.

  9. Can we consider putting a cap on the interests of student loans from today forward, as one simple but extremely helpful change to make? Wait! Did I hear her say no interest on some future student loans? Or maybe not…Not for me, I’m asking for a friend…😜. Actually many, MANY friends…and their friends, too!! Also for our future offspring, as well…???

    1. The new repayment plan requires people to make payments at 5% of their discretionary income. If those payments are made timely the interest will not accrue (even if your payment amount is zero).

    2. If these students can’t get a job with the education they paid for, then they need to get a REFUND from the COLLEGE, NOT US TAXPAYERS !!!!

  10. Sometimes you have to make a cut and start a new thing. That is the step in the right direction. It will pay off.

    1. @Marie Lucas Thats just because you cannot look any further, or even imagine, what it means. Your just poor.

    1. True, but there is a right side and a wrong side. College students would have been upset, but it was their decision to go to college and take out a loan. Nobody forced him to make that decision and taxpayers should not have to foot the bill for it. If I want to buy a house and take out a mortgage, should your tax dollars be responsible for paying my mortgage?

  11. I’ve spent some time in Nova Scotia and Victoria, BC Canada. Every Canadian that I know who have degrees only paid around 12k for a Bachelor’s degree. You can’t even get an Associates Degree for that in the US!

    1. Our tuition costs sky rocketed when the government told the colleges that all loans will be guarantees by the government (US tax payers).$4k a year went to $12k a year real quick.

  12. When did a Pell Grant become a loan when I was in college back in the middle of ,2009- 2019 a Pell Grant was free money for school and not required to be paid back.

    1. If these students can’t get a job with the education they paid for, then they need to get a REFUND from the COLLEGE, NOT US TAXPAYERS !!!!

    2. its not a loan. the new law would help people who are so poor they need pell grants. so, they get 20K forgiven, which is what it SHOULD be. if you are too poor to even pay for city college tuition, why would you not be allowed to benefit even more? the pell grant status is criteria. that’s all.

    3. They used pell grant recipients as an indicator that the student is from a low-income household as they are the only ones that really qualify for pell grants. So anyone that has received a pell grant will have 20k off any student debts they have acquired through federal loans.

  13. I had $31k in student loans when COVID started, got tired of waiting for the government to make a decision to pay it off or not and paid off my loans in November 2021. I’m now saving for a down payment on a house. Am I bummed about them forgiving $10k? Sure. But I’m really happy that so many others are getting relief! I have friends who for them, this completely wiped out their debt and i couldn’t be happier! It’s not about me, it’s about us as a nation and wishing the best for one another. Anyone who is complaining about having already paid theirs off I’m willing to bet would have quickly signed on if it was presented to them. I’ll never understand why some people just want others to suffer so much just because they had to. Here’s hoping this is a first step in more forgiveness as well as reform so that people don’t have to go into debt just to get an education.

    1. @Arron Smith also, I can’t stand Trump, so I am not sure who you think you are insulting because it’s not me lol before you start with the poverty stuff. I’ll have you know that I am an immigrant from Mexico who’s family came here with absolutely nothing and we worked our way to a better life with no loan forgiveness. It is absolutely possible to have a great life without drowning in debt but if you choose to do so, don’t call others selfish for not wanting to pay for your decisions with tax money.

    2. @Sunny I missed the part where I insulted or implied anything about you, other than my education failed to meet your expectations.
      Also, congratulations on your successes in life, I had none of your hardships and am struggling to pay bills because of medical issues.
      I’m thankful for my VA benefits, without access to government healthcare I would be homeless.

      Also, I don’t think I called you selfish? Just asked for you to explain inflation, and the answer you gave me ignored the crushing debt the US has been in for decades… but yeah, inflation. I don’t know, I may be foolish, but I see having an educated population as something that serves the greater good… and a portion of our taxes going to people you may not feel deserve it is totally not a good a reason to withhold access to higher education for individuals who aren’t able to afford it on their own.

    3. @Sunny I agree with you on all of that, save for the part where we continue to do nothing because offering help to those who need it always seems to be put off until tomorrow.

      Now here’s something that I genuinely know is going to trigger you, and that’s 100% not my goal… I simply feel the need to state that money is fake.. it’s made up, it only has value because we collectively agree there is value to it. We can and should use this to help people be able to achieve a standard of living that doesn’t inflict constant and crushing suffering on them. Health care, Education, Food, and Housing are absolutely should be seen to for all Americans.

      If you think this is wishful thinking, tell me why the military provides this for it’s members.. not to mention their family members as well. The answer is because it’s in their best interest to have a work force that is not struggling to survive. Imagine if everyone had this level of support and stability in their lives? Money is fake, and we can and should do what ever we want with it. Even if that means the world has to wait a little longer before it sees it’s first trillionaire.

  14. I came from a very poor family and worked so hard over my early work years (when I was lower income) to pay off the 30k in federal student loans I accumulated. …The missed long investment opportunities, the arguments with my spouse about paying this debt off early, so on and so forth. I can only express my frustration in silence.

    1. Yes, well said. Someone like you today will have less hardship, thanks to Biden, and that’s great news.

  15. Thank you for you work, Mrs. Warren. Not just for all the good you do, but also to be a light of hope… Thank you 🙂 <3

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