Brian Stelter calls out ‘vicious’ cycle of Trump’s anti-media attacks

CNN's Brian Stelter says President Donald Trump's cycle of anti-media attacks present challenges for members of the press.
#CNN #News #isnews #politics #reliablesources #presidentdonaldtrump


    1. @D L Don’t you spot the irony… history shows dictators undermine a free media through slander and conspiracy, allowing for the rewriting of history. First, they need an army of useful idiots to do their bidding….

    2. When a news source reports only one point of view, that is to divide us. I understand that you don’t like Trump and that’s Ok. But it illustrates that what the media is doing has worked on you. There are many politicians to blame right and left.


  1. Why is it when it’s Black people you guys say “The Black Community ‘: when it’s whites you say “of course it’s not all of them “? I’m just wondering 🤔

    1. @Mickey E you just appear to be stupid. Stay out of adult conversations,racism is only a thing because whites made it a thing now go back to your play dough.

    1. How? How is Trump incompetent? Name one thing that Trump should have done /do differently.
      How is Trump a Russian asset? Are you dumb or just joking around ? Haven’t you read the real news over the past 2 weeks? You may want to so you won’t embarrass yourself so much.,
      Too bad that they allow the uninformed make ridiculous comments with zero facts.

  2. “It’s easier to fool people than to convince them that they were fooled.”
    -Mark Twain


    2. @@Obamagate Treason: EVEN IF Obama was guilty of this BS, it’s STILL not Treason. You don’t understand… it’s probably no use expecting you to understand.. You’re part of the 30% of people that will defend Trump no matter
      what he does.

  3. From a European leaving in Europe, it’s striking the times you’re leaving. Undermining, humiliating, bullying journalists has become normal. Hopefully you will get rid of Trump

    1. @Ian Sampson there are people that argue that the earth is flat and energy crystals cure cancer better than medical treatment. I’m just getting the facts the best I can.

    2. @Thomas Gormly I cannot up tick you anymore for some reason I applaud you.The lying American media has some how been listened to all over the world someone is very well organised in indoctrinating the clueless.

    3. From one european to the other , macron and merkel are a lot more humiliating than Trump !

    4. @Bluewren Reilly I have a current events teacher to thank for certain habits. She made us fact check the local newspapers and do a job shadow with some of the journalists. We could see first hand how facts were obtained and to later critique the “spin” on the article. Some of it accidental and some very much intentional for ratings. I was elected to write the school’s opinion piece in one paper and now have a friend who owns a major publication. They must not train kids to double check what they see or proper methods of researching in schools. Given most of what I can see the other side of things but my own bias often prevents me from seeing peoples beliefs as most don’t fact check and I have put on the public’s responsibility instead of the reporter’s. Peace out with many happy and healthy days ahead.

  4. People need to vote him out. This is the most important vote to date. PLEASE register and vote😷

    1. So you say! But then you’re nobody. Anybody voting will vote as they please.
      Your screeching? No interest or relevance to anybody else on🌎.
      ABSOLUTELY NOBODY gives a single 💩 about your blabbering.

    2. We have. We can’t let the anti-American demorats put their brain dead shill biden in the whitehouse. MAGA 2020.

    3. Elizabeth Flowers. Keeping Joe Biden and the democrats out would be enough for me. Trump 2020

    4. @Charles Lewis good luck to you if you think he cares at all about The Regular Guy. The hard-working American LMAO! He just shows that a rich guy can be a racist and a misogynist pig 2. Not to mention not serve his country cuz he had a little bone spur and giving all the big Corporation Farms all the money so the little farmers all they had left to do was commit suicide yep I think he’ll take this country right where it needs to go! Straight to Hell

    1. Same. And that feeling is growing around the whole world.
      It has become a land of dire inequalities and really, really bad food.
      And now with trump, hate has free reins over the country.
      It’s sad.

    2. @Uncle Ed because of protestors were aren’t gonna get tourists anytime soon.
      So don’t expect the open economy to start booming🙄

    3. @Mickey E , you’ve been brainwashed. It’s been years since America was “the best” at anything, if it ever really was.
      On each topic you mentioned, other countries are doing… Let’s say way better, so not to hurt your feelings.
      (I can only infer you skin is as thin as your leader’s).

    1. @Thyalwaysseek Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” And they divided up his clothes by casting lots. Luke 23:34

    2. @James Gambrell Everyone who is arrogant in heart is an abomination to the Lord; be assured, he will not go unpunished. (Proverbs 16:5)

    3. @Thyalwaysseek Let us pray, then, that these fools see the error of their ways and are thus redeemed in the Eyes of our most merciful God through their true Lord and Savior.

  5. The whole world is experiencing a surge in compassion and community spirit during the Covid crisis, while America implodes in hate 🥺

    1. That’s because of the BS games being played on the American people. When in history has an entire nation of healthy people been ‘quarantined’?

  6. Look at those mothers showing their kids how to hate! Someone call Children’s services! Hate filled ignorance and deplorable examples to a civil society!

    1. Hildebeast Clinton does that disqualify him from running the video asks. Well the “locker room talk” sure as Hell didn’t disqualify Trump in you people’s eyes. Personally I’d prefer him not to be the nominee I’d go for someone else but you’ve zero proof he’s pedo, he actually gives a damn about people and has empathy for them something Trump has no ability to have. He needs to learn boundaries and that everyone isn’t comfortable with close contact but that doesn’t mean he attacks children. You have your own child rapist in the WH he’s actually been accused of it, Biden hasn’t.

    2. john smith John I cant take responsibility for every idiot on the internet and neither can you. The amount of R’s who are gun nuts out weigh the amount of D’s so I would think it obvious by saying “we’re” not the ones with the guns is valid. I apologise that you’ve been attacked and insulted in the past for your views, the internet often brings out the worst in people. I’d much rather have a discussion than a slanging match personally but that’s not true of everyone on either side. I hope in future that you won’t think all leftist are as bad as those who have attacked you in the past.

    3. john smith I’m aware of Antifa John, and I disavow them and the things they do, I don’t class them as Democrats, I think they’re terrorists and just as bad as the KKK, I’m sorry you misunderstood me. That wasn’t what I was trying to get across to you, they are violent outsiders to anyone and everyone I know and call friend. They’re just as bad as the people at Charlottesville.

  7. Man…
    If these Tough (braindead) Dudes where around, with their “FEARFUL” Bone Spur Leader during WWII.
    Well. Guess I’d know how to speak German. That’s a Plus, Right 🤔

  8. *Dictator Playbook, rule #1: “Attack the free press because they might reveal what you are actually saying and doing to the People.”*

    1. @Brian Meade I see math and English are not your strong suits. Did you receive a high school diploma?

    2. Brian Meade please define freedom? What does that mean? You do understand that Freedom demands responsibility. Has this resident of the White House behaved responsibly?

    1. gordon mathew you need to watch one WH COVID briefing to realize that Donald J. Trump is a moron. And anyone who still supports him is an idiot. So find some detergent and gargle and swallow.

    2. @gordon mathew The shill is con-artsit Trump. But bullshitters prefer bullshitters to truth. The problem is that bullshitters are so easy to bullshit — what they miss is that Trump DESPISES his supporters, who he views as LOSERS. “I LOVE the uneducated!” — Trump — becuase they are so easy to DUPE.

  9. It was so bad when a reporter ask him a question he chewed her out it’s sad how he treat women

    1. @LM Parker Absolute Rubbish he is simply saying it is not worth shutting down America because it is no worse than the flu as a killer.So who is it wanted to shut down America and who sees a benefit in it there is the real question better find out quick or you are stuck with a second pandemic deliberately released.MAYBE?

    2. @gordon mathew – oh you silver tongued charmer,
      who could resist your glib platitudes?
      I do hope your stetson isn’t too tight
      and you can still run your seed drill

      Thanks for the random praise though
      it made me think – amazing huh?
      – I suspect urine could be used short term
      as a substitute Cerebrospinal fluid as it is sterile
      and contains many of the same elements.

      If it works I’ll name it after you…
      *The Gordon Mathew Pisshead Effect*
      Immortality beckons…

  10. it’s hard for me to wrap my head around the fact that i am the same species as these people. they’re animals

  11. It’s funny how he hates the media but loves the attention. He only hates the fact that the media calls him out on his bs and lies

    1. @Jack Boot- I was thinking the same thing when he tried to roast that reporter last week just before he threw his teddy bear in the corner and stomped off. If the press just stood up and said – Feck you Trump – and all walked out and refused to return. But he’d be left with Fox News and he’d have a free run without anyone to keep him in check. NO. The press are playing him. Poking him for a response because they know that he bites and falls apart. He’s actually funnier than any Alec Baldwin sketch. Let him entertain us for his last 6 months. We know his MO. Just critique his stupidity and enjoy it.

    2. @THE ANGRY QUAD – Nooooooo. I’ve watched everything i possibly can on Netflix. The Trumpet Show in the Rose Garden is my only vice at the moment. Don’t take that away from me.

    3. The hypocrisy is definitely on both sides for sure. The media if you remember they are supposed to ask questions that inform the public, not constantly targeting Trumps many flaws.

    4. The media is biased and lying all the time the wonder to me is why he even gives them air time but I suspect that is American’s for you.Being President is not all it is cracked up to b.So wait until you have what the commie Dem’s have in store for you.

  12. I’m glad that there are more people who swats away trumps comments than those who actually believe them. Delusional trumpers are out there, that’s a fact, but they are not the majority of Americans.

    1. Anyone who doesn’t recognize the relentless media lies against Trump, is truly a freakin’ moron.

    2. @gordon mathew A;; the media does is show Trump on video telling his lies. Showing those FACTS is the OPPOSITE of lying, moron. Those who PREFER to be lied to — Trump dupes — are enemies of THEMSELVES.

    1. @Bluewren Reilly even on Gilligan’s island they listened to the professor not the MILLIONAIRE lol

    2. @Bob Smith I doubt you are a veteran. This guy sent armed protestors to State Capitols. When last did that happen.

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