1. @Cute Little Suzie Liberalism is a mental illness! Democrat’s lies are losing the messaging war on impeachment…
      President Trump 2020, (((AGAIN!)))

  1. So you’re saying congress is not doing their jobs?
    Let me find my ‘shocked face’ mask. I know it’s around here somewhere.

    1. @Dave Waldon Please study your government’s demographics.
      The 116th United States Congress is composed of *both* the Senate and the House of Representatives.
      The Senate has 53 Republicans, 45 Democrats, and 2 Independents. The House of Representatives has 239 Democrats and 200 Republicans.

    1. Cernovich helped dershowitz smear the victims, trump raped 7 kids 3 of them boys, that’s why you cant see his taxes, and why dems dont want them

    1. Lol, CNN corporate shills would literally prefer siding with conservatives and alt-righters over even _slightly_ left-leaning progressives *any* day if it means they can keep their precious capitalist hierarchy running completely unchecked till the day it “magically” devolves into full-on fascism. Oh wait, that’s happening right now, isn’t it?

    2. I think they’re just so desperate that they’re even willing to go to extremes. Like purposely lying to mislead and supporting socialism .
      The country is doing well so im not really sure why dems are acting so crazy.

    3. They wouldnt have invented the russiagate fabrication and indoctrinated millions of idiots for two years if they didnt want to win.

  2. 🧐 -Susan Glasser, Alexandra Rojas, Dahlia Lithwick ma’am, thank you.
    You’re all factual. πŸ‘

    1. @cool beans ah yes corporate feudalism is working so well, thanks for the straw man btw, I shall put it with the others

    2. I’m sorry for you…..must be confusing times to be a Democrat right now… with al these corruption an ultra left wing socialists

  3. Hahaha you brought on a hack from Tyturds? JDs are FJs. (Fkin jokes) Alexandria is smart but she is one of the Losers.

    1. Yes, don’t you just love paranoid llying conspiration theories mixed with hatred towards democrats for just telling the truth?

    2. CITRUS KNIGHT : Will he be pausing the video and discussing Stelter’s, β€œbody language,” like the impotent little Mean Girl he is? Didn’t even know he was still a thing 🀣

    1. In 1914 Stalin, Hit13r, Trotsky, Lenin, Franz Ferdinand, and Sigmund Freud all lived in Vienna Austria (((bavaria))) where hit13r handed out bolshevik material in 1917. Also where ((( boris johnsons ))) young turk grandad sent herr barron Don Von ((( drumph ))) to the US from in 1922. Netenyahus mentor founded the KGB in poland. His name was zeve jabotinsky, he was born sept 11 1902. Chab4d is a KGB front. 1984=1948
      “The messiah will deliver my people from Europe to P4lestine by 1948”
      Rabbi Crool in 1812.
      “Christian’s shall have no part of the world order” Sanhedrin 90a

    1. Wake up demorcrats the house speaker is not being a coward she is protecting this administration. She knows the 20/20 election process will be suspended when the polls show a demorcratic victory. this president will never step down the house speaker is apart of it all.thats why she refuse to push and impeachment inquiry.

    2. @tom brad what are you smoking. I’m pretty sure it’s the democrats who haven’t accepted the election results. And dont start projecting I’m not conservative!

    1. Come on Brian grow up and talk about issue that is affecting the people of America. Talk about economics, foreign policies,foreign business deals. Same old story will not benefit the American people

    2. @Same 84:11-12 Not for US. We appreciate the update on impeachment and look forward to reminding Paul Manafort along with MICHAEL’S Cohen and Flynn they are not alone.

    1. That INCLUDES CNN, FOX, etc….damn faked medias like this guy…….keep you on STUPID topics.
      And it WORKS!!!

    2. Iambic Pentameter : So, why are you doing it, Trump Tramp? πŸ€” No one EVER took you seriously? You just realised that? 🀣

    3. CNN is beyond fake news. It’s toilet water and clowns like this Humpty Dumpty Stelter gimp are driving CNN into the sewer.

    4. elizabeth tudor : Yet, YOU LIVE ON THIS CHANNEL, PROVING YOURSELF WRONG! 🀣 πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜† πŸ˜‚ 🀣 You just HAVE TO Jump The Shark, don’t you? 🀣 πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜† πŸ˜‚ 🀣

  4. Brian, journalist uncover absolutely nothing, but corruption by the Obama administration is exposed daily by the right Americans. Thank God for this.

    1. @JoeyJoJoJr0 just because you want to believe Trump is a good guy don’t make it true it’s your opinion. But it’s a fact he a horrible person got a lot of proof of that.

  5. Extremely biased CNN commentator gets 3 people who have openly said they hate Presidet Trump to give their views on President Trump …. this must be true then πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ

    1. D B you know just how hard it I is to find someone who doesn’t hate him! That isn’t wanting to blow that creep? If most people in America hate him it’s because he’s a monster who has ruined a hundred years of global collaboration and hes a sex addict who loves child abuse. 😬 no one wants to associate with that nor should they.

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