1. @Steve Ostrowski Please don’t imply that all Democrats agree with ignorance. Being articulate is actually a good thing.

    2. He probably has a 6th grade education…no, just wiki’d him and he went to night school, but that’s all it said (if you believe Wikip.) he might have dropped out of it after 3 days, who knows. Thats all the effort I’m putting into this.

    3. Jacob, he did not finish high School. He’s has a GED. BUT, Joe Biden is a REPARATIONS denier!!!! And Bernie Sanders is toooo!!! It is important that we stay focused on reparations for American descendents of slavery (#ADOS), because it is our only answer to the 400 years of African American enslavement and oppression in the United States. I am convinced that in this and every election season, our demand of every candidate must continue to be for a specific African Americans agenda. The primary focus of that agenda must center on complete Reparations for American descendants of slavery, now. 
       Without a specific African American agenda, they will not get our vote. We will be at the polls but No Reparations NOW, NO VOTE!!

    4. He knows the right word you dumbasses. And hes the one on tv. Charlegmane is living his truth. He’s not being a manipulated or a monolith. At least not the same way.

    1. imagine saying having public enemy, one the most blatant anti-establishment vulgar hip-hop groups, is pandering in a campaign that wants to disrupt the establishment.

  1. “The evils of capitalism are as real as the evils of militarism and evils of racism. MLK 1967

    “[W]e are saying that something is wrong … with capitalism…. There must be better distribution of wealth and maybe America must move toward a democratic socialism MLK 1966

    Sanders 2020

    1. @Dr Jan Itor
      No one believes Sanders is Russians puppet its the weakeat smear going.

      When the NYTs asked what wveidence there is for the claim the FBI says they cant release any and it has to do with some poaitive stories on RT and some tweets.

      Its a pure trash story.

  2. why do we care what charlamagne thinks about politics? Are we going to ask Bernie about rap albums on Shade 45?……No.

  3. Joe Biden I’m sorry for the mass incarceration act bill of 1994 or 98 I wrote
    Michael Bloomberg I’m sorry for my stop and frisk policy
    They are just pandering

    1. @NPC Non Binary Demigender Pansexual Two Spirit
      Garbage the majority of gay people are not rich entitled celebrities and they vote for Sanders over Wall Street Pete and Mr Burns Bloomberg and Crime Bill Biden.

    2. exactly what a sell out, charl im dissapointed bernie been fighting for us for decades…….bloomberg however……

    3. @NPC Non Binary Demigender Pansexual Two Spirit
      Yes Trump was a Hollywood star and Friends with Jeffrey Epstien and Winestien Biden and Bloomberg too.

      Sanders wasn’t.

  4. When you have to say “I am not one of those black people bloomberg paid off by the way” there may be a problem there.

    1. yeah, I wasn’t thinking that. I just thought he was dumb. However, when he said that it was clear he was not only dumb but also a sellout.

  5. Bloomberg signed a nice check for Charlamagne… That’s all this is. I hope losing all credibility was worth whatever his price was.

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