A joke by Chinese stand-up comedian Li Haoshi, known by his stage name House, that loosely referenced a slogan used to describe the country’s military has cost an entertainment firm more than $2 million after it was slapped with enormous fines by authorities. CNN’s Kristie Lu Stout reports. #CNN #News
China issues $2 million dollar fine for joke about army

minus 1,000,000 social points
The Law is ridiculous.
The law is Chinese..
Ain’t freedom grand.
It’s their law so mind your own business
@VerveTech what a petty government.
In China, there are laws that suit the local population. If you don’t like them, then don’t go to China. В Китае существуют законы, которые устраивают местное население. Если они вам не нравятся, тогда не ездите в Китай.
The sensitivity of the CCP is simultaneously hilarious and telling.
Well It has a soft skin, like a Baby Pooh
This is literally the next step in GOP’s current trajectory.
作风优良,能打胜仗. China’s arrest of a comedian for a harmless joke is a stark reminder of the country’s limited freedom of speech and growing authoritarianism. The incident should make the West think twice about its relationships with China
Next stop… ban a video game for a photo of winnie the pooh in the code.
Did you say ‘growing’?. I believe it’s already filled the room. 0:02
In china one joke can literally be gallows humor. Now think about who has access tic tok data? Not a funny thought.
Wow, who do they think they are? Florida Republicans???
Nahh the democrats.
In china one joke can literally be gallows humor. Now think about who has access to tic tok data. Not a funny thought.
That’s one petty government
So your army is full of female cannons and even pilots who are pregnant? Oh, that’s also true. After all, you have two moms, right?
Donald Trump and Republican reps must be green with envy.
Naw. We see this behavior all the time from the wokies.
@Blake The great one, you’re so deeply confused.
Fine style of work, capable of winning battles against comedians and Winnie the Pooh. Wow China, so strong.
In china one joke can literally be gallows humor. Now think about who has access tic tok data? Not a funny thought.
Tigger approves
If Trump had this power he would do exactly the same thing. He’s tried to cancel comedians before. That’s the thing with autocrats, they have *very* thin skins.
Things that didn’t happen for 1000. Did the comedian hold a severed head of xi?
In china one joke can literally be gallows humor. Now think about who has access tic tok data? Not a funny thought.
@Blake The great onethe only thing that stopped trump from arresting his critics is the first amendment. of all the things we know about trump, do you seriously believe he wouldn’t try if he could?
@George Lenny I highly doubt he would. He can actually take a joke. There is a difference between a joke and a threat though. Holding a severed head of your political opponent is not a joke. Saying that he looks like a carrot with dog fur for hair is.
@Blake The great one The sharpie monster tried to ban Jimmy Kimmel. What did he do?
If your army can’t survive criticism, how do you expect them to survive battle?
There is difference between criticism and insult. Name one country that considers its army as feral dog.
@kk Hehehe, If you can’t handle an “insult”, then how strong are you really?
It just shows how small and child like the leadership is.
Over sensitivity to any form of criticism is a sign of weakness.
Some male leaders are small in the trousers.. They have to compensate.
that is the whole point of having power in your hand , power don’t come for free or easy growth from tree , you fight and pay heavy price to gain power over anyone else . what is the point chasing power if that power doesn’t give you any kind of benefit ?
You can make a comparison to the radical leftist BRANDON regime
China just exudes so much confidence
That level of confidence over here is only seen in trump, ask a question get called a nasty person.
I didn’t realize Chinese soldiers were such delicate flowers.
“sticks and stones may break my bones, but only words against my government will hurt me.” – average chinese solider
My experience with soldiers is that they are more than willing to laugh at themselves. It’s a completely different profession with skin that thin.
Yep – that’s a sign of a healthy society.
Nothing screams confidence and superiority like prosecuting people for laughing at you.
Also it wasn’t even personal insult, because it doesn’t laugh at anyone, but an institution. And the joke was pretty tame
that is the whole point of having power in your hand , power don’t come for free and easy growth from tree , you fight and pay heavy price to gain power over anyone else . what is the point chasing power if that power doesn’t give you any kind of benefit ?
@F2PpoorLoserJealousTear IsTheBestEntertainment there isn’t. Chose love.
The United States might be having problems but I’m glad I live in the U.S.
Now that’s real cancel culture
Thank you for keeping stories like this in the news! 👏
In America, you can say a harsh joke about Biden to his face and he’d laugh it off and go back to eating his ice cream.
In Florida, if you told a joke about the police, Ronda would send a swat team to your house.
Yep – that’s a sign of a healthy society. ❤ GOD Bless Everyone