China’s military launches air and sea exercises near Taiwan amid Pelosi’s visit

US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi became the highest-ranking American official to visit Taiwan in 25 years.
Pelosi traveled to the island in the face of warnings from both the Biden administration and China, which reacted strongly after the House speaker’s congressional delegation touched down in Taipei.
China’s Foreign Ministry charged that Pelosi’s visit “has a severe impact on the political foundation of China-US relations, and seriously infringes upon China’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.”
Pelosi said in a statement that her visit to Taiwan “honors America’s unwavering commitment to supporting Taiwan’s vibrant democracy.” #CNN #News


  1. This was pretty much expected. Both nations making power moves. Hopefully this dont escalate anything further tho.

  2. Wow, didn’t a certain country also do “military excerises” before launching an attack against their neighbors. This seems awfully similar.

    1. if Ukraine can attack Donbass separatist, and defend sovereignty from Russian invader.
      then China can attack Taiwan separatist, and defend ONE CHINA POLICY from USA invader.
      EU should send weapons to China, USA should sanction herself.
      everyone should use same standard to every country.

    1. @DrANZAC Spartan And still the production and market of semiconductors of Taiwan is the biggest in the world.

    2. @RuLeZ1988 And still Taiwan is a Province of China under UN laws. Taiwan and China have a great trading relationship, so the question remains … WHY IS USA DETERMINED TO PUT ITS HANDS ON TAIWAN. USA is trying so hard to make Taiwan independent. What would happen if China tried to make the USA State of Hawaii Independent? Of USA’s Territory of Puerto Rico Independent (especially when they’re near the coastline of Mainland USA’s Florida?
      USA need to fix up their Civilian issues first. Because USA is a Corporatist Country where 1% of their population own 90% of the country’s wealth, TENS OF MILLIONS of USA Citizens are be under serviced. IN FACT, USA Citizens are the most UNDER SERVICED Civilians by their Government in the Developed World. Corporate USA need to fix that first before trying to get their hands on Taiwan.

    3. @RuLeZ1988 Not true. China is UNITING Citizens of the World with their BRI Trade initiatives. A very futuristic movement that has seen economic and living standard growth in scores of Countries around the World. USA are hell bent on DIVIDING Citizens of the World to create conflict and Wars because a small percentage of people in Military Corporations make TRILLiONS of dollars of profit every year.
      As for Taiwan being advance. Of course they are. They are NOT a country like Ukraine, they are a Province of China, functioning as a Republic … like Australia is a Commonwealth of Britain (according to UN laws) but functions as a Republic. Both Taiwanese and Aussie couldn’t give a toss about these issues. We just want to live a peaceful life. The problem with Taiwan is that USA want to get their hands on Taiwan and is causing unnecessary conflict.

  3. Brilliant analysis of the different things to watch for on the different time frames. Good to see everyone feels the same way when they lose money, everyone thinks they could do this or that with that money which is as good as gone, instead people refuse to seek help from professionals, Edward Joseph James set to be different and unique, I made about $470k already from his day tradng, all i did was to copy his daily signals, am done having heart breaks betting and trading myself lol.

    1. I’m sorry to report everyone that James’ family have just released the sad news that he died from a heart attack from all the stress … RIP.

  4. China’s air traffic authority has sent a notice to airlines operating in Asia, informing them of upcoming military exercises around Taiwan. They have been advised to stay out of six zones around the island, which have been earmarked for live-fire training.

    The locations for the exercises, which will take place from Thursday to Sunday, were published by Chinese media. Some appeared to include the 12 nautical mile zone around the island that is usually considered Taiwanese territorial waters.

    China considers the island to be an integral part of its own territory. Although Taiwan’s military claimed Beijing’s move violated “UN rules” and amounted to a blockade.

    Hmmm…. yesterday many anti-China posters laughed at “non Chinese action” against Pelosi ‘s plane. Now I want to see what American action will & can be undertaken against China’s blockade?

  5. Sometimes, you wonder why Politicians behave in a certain way. The United States does not have official relations with Taiwan. Yes, it is true that Taiwan’s position is unfortunate and delicate but it is a diplomatic insult to China for an American official to visit Taiwan. Except if my knowledge of International Diplomacy and Relations is wrong. This visit (by Nancy Pelosi) was unnecessary.
    Today, Russia another military power is attacking and decimating a smaller, less powerful neighbour – Ukraine in a war that has claimed countless innocent lives. Must the same happen in the Taiwan Straits? Why can’t politicians worldwide behave like adults and not little kids that have to be supervised? The world deserves better.

    1. Yes… why does China have to point a gun towards the taiwanese people, while US officials are visiting this country and having a conversation? Isn’t the one who points the gun at someone the real threat, while the other is only talking?

    2. Why don’t you hold china and Russia accountable. They need to act like responsible countries and not invade their neighbors over irrelevant issues.

  6. 0:24 The positioning of the PLA’s “military exercises” looks like a build-up for an air-sea amphibious invasion.

    1. ​@Jonatan D Cool, then why not U.S. gov claimed Taiwan is a country offically?

  7. Joe Biden, “If visiting Taiwan turns out to be a bad idea then we’ll just change the definition of visit.”

  8. When “being tough on China” becomes a goal by itself and people struggle to make ends meet, you know the end is not far

  9. An efficient use of energy & certainly man’s determination to alleviate climate change. Money well spent on a “shake hands” visit.

  10. It’s amazing how some comments chalk up the tensions to “ITS A COVER UP FOR NANCY’S HUSBAND’s DUI”.

    No. China is definitely poking around. We have too.. sure. But I think in this boat.. if both dems and reps agree this is a serious issue… maybe it’s a serious issue n not some dui charge.

  11. Good move Nancy, that will draw attention away from the inflation and gas prices hitting us back here.

  12. Some comments are sooo wrong! Haven’t you learnt history? Don’t you know that Taiwan is part of China way back in history? Why won’t you admit Nancy Polesi is not just any ordinary visitor, she is an important political figure and represents US political stance on Taiwan question. Saying this is a trivial visit and China is overreacting is lying to yourself. You know it’s not. If US really guards the sovereignty of other coutries (as it claims when egging on Ukrain to fight Russia), why is it encouraging the seperation of Twaiwan now? So double-standard?
    The woman went to Twaiwan despite the warnings. So she is the one who started all this. Why some blame China for this?

  13. This was pretty much expected. Both nations making power moves. Hopefully this dont escalate anything further tho.

  14. The first country to ever attack Taiwan with warship was the US in 1867. and the country that supported japan invading Taiwan during the mudan incident , was the US in 1874. the country that sold weapons to japan during the first Sino- Japanese war, 1894 1895 leading to china’s defeat , forcing china to cede Taiwan to japan, was the US from 1894 to 1895. the country that actively pushes for Japanese containment of china, in Taiwanese containment of mainland china is the US from the 19th century until today . So can we really say that the US is our friend ? i mean we are being used to serve US imperialist interests . these recent events show us that so-called Taiwan separatism is not true independence , but it further embroils Taiwan into serving US imperialist interests . True independence means independence from this sort of hegemonic , unequal relationship where you don’t even have dignity as a human being and where each one are equal citizens with equal rights and have to our voices heard as equal citizens and not subjects of the western empire..,

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