Chris Cuomo responds to Trump’s handling of family diagnosis

CNN's Chris Cuomo reacts to President Donald Trump's handling of the coronavirus pandemic and response to his family being diagnosed with Covid-19.
#CNN #News


  1. He’s gotta have that applause, the complete cult-like admiration of the crowd. No more, no less. He knows he isn’t reaching _anyone_ _else_ .

    1. I Was Voting for Biden But This Changed My Mind to Trump

      It’s time to wake up

      I Love America Too Much to Stay Silent

      The historic truth of the democrat and republican parties:

      Black Lives Matter Is a Marxist Movement

      Democratic Plantation


      Vote TRUMP 2020

    2. @Ventus Clarion Do you boomers have anything… **anything** to say other than “Russian bot!”?

      For all the talk of Drumpf supporters being mindless repositories for MAGA talking points, you people are the most broken records when it comes to responding yo people that disagree with you. If they’re not a Russian troll, they’re a racist, and if they’re not a racist, then they’re a sexist.

      Get some new material, preferably something that wasn’t spoon-fed to you by an alphabet soup news network or a vapid celebrity.

    3. @Larry Schroeder Wow! Two Harris staffers are Covid? That’s a BIGLEY number of people. You sure can count Mr. Schroeder.

    4. @Nadine Black “Over 24,000 People Die everyday due to starvation. I see no Global Pandemic to stop starvation.?
      +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Which vaccine does one use for starvation? Does social distancing and wearing a mask cure starvation? You, Nadine Black, would be great on a debate team.

  2. Ticks me off seeing him and his ” crowd” laughing about covid and having a good time while they act like the virus is gone. What a slap in the face to every American. Barron and Melania live in Maryland with her parents. They don’t even live together.

    1. @Caravan Darkness “You mean Where’s my teeth again? Or is it nap time yet?”
      Joe Biden to Trump, “Your brain is in the jar next to jar with my teeth. Now take your meds and put your clothes on.”

    2. @GMac some of us vote Trump because my own party turned there backs on me twice… In 2016 and 2020…. Literally if the Democratic party would have backed Bernie in 2016…. Trump is never president…. And in 2020 they force fed and endorsed the absolute worse canidates they could have…. Tulsi or even Bernie again.

    3. @ninja turtle I would have thought you endorsed Trump for fighting back against the left’s decade long destruction of America’s middle class but ok.

  3. He doesn’t care and neither does his followers, they’re dense as hell until someone they love is taken way from them because of the virus. Then just maybe the guilt will set in because of their behavior and their poor judgement and like the president their non-action. Trump getting the virus shows he is not as smart as he and his followers believe him to be!

  4. It’s not really deadly for kids but ITS NOT about kids getting it, it’s more so about kids spreading it!!!! We ALL need to work tog to kill the virus

  5. His successes supersedes his family. It’s sad and tells you everything you need to know about him. He only cares about HIMSELF. Incredible.

  6. Well, people who go to his rallys really are being exposed repeatedly to this virus. Many are on the front lines or bunched together in buildings for work. They don’t have jobs working from home. Their kids are being sent to school because mom and pop are at work. So yes, they are being exposed constantly. These people are not in your income bracket, Chris. If they want to earn a paycheck they have to be willing to be exposed. Masks only protect some, but definitely wear one.

  7. For the curious mind, check this out: there is a book called “The Last President” by Ingersoll Lockwood. It was written in 1896, 124 years ago. It is eerily predictive of what is happening today. He talks about how the Populist President won, but the Socialists, Anarchists, and Separatists (exact words) form mobs and violently protest the results, storming their way to the Fifth Avenue Hotel in New York, the exact location where Trump Tower sits today. And one of his Cabinet members is named Pence. How spooky is that? Now , this will really bake your noodle. He wrote another book around the same time called “Travels and Adventures of Little Barron Trump”. You can check this yourself. The books are still available for sell.

  8. “If they would rather die,” said Scrooge, “they had better do it, and decrease the surplus population.”
    (1843) by Charles Dickens

    1. ​@Ruth Cavanagh Me? I’m not the one filling the hearts of certain Americans hearts with fear and hatred by using old school political terrorism. Telling people to hate and fear their fellow countrymen is terrorism, suggesting that his supporters wander the streets armed to the teeth and gather to “watch” his opponents’ supporters vote is both actual and stochastic terrorism.
      [ ter-uh-riz-uhm ]
      The use of violence and threats to intimidate or coerce, especially for political purposes.
      The state of fear and submission produced by telling people to be afraid is terrorism or terrorization.
      A terroristic method of governing or of resisting a government.

      Stochastic terrorism
      [stuh-kas-tik ter-uh-riz-uh m]
      The public demonization of a person or group resulting in the incitement of a violent act, which is statistically probable but whose specifics cannot be predicted: The lone-wolf attack was apparently influenced by the rhetoric of stochastic terrorism.

      And with all this he is persuading his followers to gather in large crowds during a global pandemic when the infection and death numbers are spiking. He has no interest in the health of his followers and just like Ebenezer Scrooge, the people are all expendable as long as he gets what he wants, he doesn’t care if they live or die, if he did care he would have told them the truth at the end of January when he was told just how serious Covid 19 was, everybody would have followed guidelines and we would not have lost so many of the people that we have lost, or those who are yet to die… But he keeps on lying to you.

      So why do you ask what is wrong with me?
      Look in a mirror.

      Be safe and well.

    2. @Ruth Cavanagh Me? I’m not the one filling the hearts of certain Americans hearts with fear and hatred by using old school political terrorism. Telling people to hate and fear their fellow countrymen is terrorism, suggesting that his supporters wander the streets armed to the teeth and gather to “watch” his opponents’ supporters vote is both actual and stochastic terrorism.
      [ ter-uh-riz-uhm ]
      The use of violence and threats to intimidate or coerce, especially for political purposes.
      The state of fear and submission produced by telling people to be afraid is terrorism or terrorization.
      A terroristic method of governing or of resisting a government.

      Stochastic terrorism
      [stuh-kas-tik ter-uh-riz-uh m]
      The public demonization of a person or group resulting in the incitement of a violent act, which is statistically probable but whose specifics cannot be predicted: The lone-wolf attack was apparently influenced by the rhetoric of stochastic terrorism.

      And with all this he is persuading his followers to gather in large crowds during a global pandemic when the infection and death numbers are spiking. He has no interest in the health of his followers and just like Ebenezer Scrooge, they are all expendable as long as he gets what he wants, he doesn’t care if they live or die, if he did care he would have told them the truth at the end of January when he was told just how serious Covid 19 was, everybody would have followed guidelines and we would not have lost so many people of the people that we have lost, or those who are yet to die… But he keeps on lying to you.

      So why do you ask what is wrong with me?
      Look in a mirror.

      Be safe and well.

  9. The people’s who are saying they are not afraid, they are the peoples who 🏃 run to the store to get all the paper toilet!!!! In March when the virus started

  10. Mr. Cuomo is missing the point, I believe. He is a caring, empathetic person and Trump is not. An example is to hold a dog turd up to the light. It doesn’t matter which way you look at it, it’s still a turd. No amount of thought or comprehensive study will change that fact. There lies a turd. Ready for the dumpster.

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