1. Rigged. Look at Bernie’s crowd and look at Biden’s crowd. We live in a rigged state. It’s the Clinton’s meddling. They passed the corruption point of no return years ago and it STILL hasn’t stopped.

    1. @Average Joe If you don’t vote Democrat in November, or don’t vote at all, you’re helping Trump win.
      Thats one area I disagree with Bernie Bros on. You vote to get that orange jackass out of office OR you’re part of the problem.

    2. @Texas-7111 Freedom and Liberty! So you’re not gonna collect social security OR take Medicare when you’re 65? Because if you do you’re pro-socialism fuqturd

    3. @OniKage You are pathetic, if u stood in front of me i would spit in ur face and put my cigarette out on ur forehead

      “You vote to get that orange jackass out of office OR you’re part of the problem”

      YOU are part of the problem snowflake

    4. @Dean Walker Trumptards (who are 20-30% of the country) Think Trump actually cares about them. Thats as stupid as thinking corporate elite care, so yes we’re at least 1/4th to 1/3rd full of retards.

  1. Great work Joe, after running for president three times he may have won his very first first primary state. Bernie 2020

    1. @W. H. *”let’s find out.”*
      Right, thro out baby w/ bath water and hand best economy in 50+yrs to a Socialist who will tax our way to prosperity.. Genius!

    2. @52 80 this economy is terrible. You’re delusional. It was terrible even before your orange blob crashed the stockmarket.

    3. @Grim Reefer
      No one is going to win that Democrat Demolition Derby of horrible ideas. Just like at the County Fair where everyone brings their crummiest vehicles to be smashed up in a spectacle of chaos, the last one standing will emerge broken, smoking and sputtering….. and then….what this that’s entering the arena? A Monster truck with a giant “T” on the hood and the ‘ROAR’ is deafening.

    1. @Don Rutter . Fist you came for the Muslims
      Then you came for the immigrants
      Then you came for the homeless.
      Never again

    2. Russian & Chinese CYBER-HACKING thru unlicensed networks is trying to manipulate ignorant voters by saying if Sanders or Warren win, they wouldn’t be able to take on Trumputin !

  2. Couldn’t wait to declare Joe Biden the winner but could barely stand to call Bernie a front runner after winning the 1st 3 states. Let’s see how they react after super Tuesday.

    1. @Trump’s A FatAss lol did you just figure out how to use the internet a couple years ago? I bet your kids showed you how to use the internet😂😂😂

    2. Like it matters. Trump is going to win anyway. Democrats are done it’s going to be Trump in 2020 🇺🇸🇺🇸🍺🍺🥓🥓(-)(-)

    3. michael pelzek so all you have to say is a correction to typos?

      If you think middle America is going to pay off your student loan you’re dreaming.

      Can’t you support yourself?

    1. @Troy Stocker no it is not ,good for another 50 years , Republicans want that money for the rich .parasite republicans ,

    2. @LUIS VELEZ *”take away Trumps…”*
      If Bernie wins he has to ensure Golden Goose Fed keeps producing for Bank cartel or I see Bernie riding an open top limo in Dealey Plaza.

  3. The sheer enthusiasm from these guys, lol. Good thing to come out of this primary is that all 4 states thus far overwhelmingly support Bernie’s healthcare plan. This is good news.

    1. Bernie tried to steal the wrong party. Biden has always been a Dem. Biden really is the only one with enough experience and support to be impeached trump. No empty promises, just better qualified all the way around. Biden is a good guy, not perfect, but a really good guy who has earned it.

  4. Just keep in mind people: “If you’re paddling upstream in a canoe and the wheel falls off, how many waffles will fit in a dog house? None, because ice cream doesn’t have bones going northwest on a Tuesday night.” – Joe Biden

    1. EMS ……………..   Good grief !  Wolfie actually sounded like a living human being shtupping for Biden .

    2. See you Demo-crats don’t aperitiate Dubya Bush’s vision for America and the World: this is gun owner society – a pick-up truck and gun owner society at home and abroad. If you’re a gun owner, drive a pickup truck, you’re close-minded and feel under aperitiated, you got all the right qualifications. Uncle Sam can work with you and your friends no matter where you are in the world. That’s the difference between Bush and Trump. Trump’s gonna call you s@#$ h,@#$ country, Bush wants to help gun and pick-up truck owners everywhere expand their business operations.

    3. Paul Thomas
      Joe tried to bathe at a baby shower.
      He hides his money in a paper shredder. He called 911 and they put him on hold. Believes Epstein killed himself. Went to restroom and got lost. Put lunar panels on his house.
      Wants to visit…URANUS !

    4. “When the stock market crashed, Franklin Roosevelt got on the television and didn’t just talk about the princes of greed. He said, ‘Look, here’s what happened.’ ” That was 1929. The first television broadcast didn’t happen until 1936. That and FDR wasn’t the president. Hoover was. This has been the story of his career. Besides being a little hands-on, he doesn’t know where he is. What would a presidential silver alert involve? Or would you just wait for a bunch of college girls to complain about some creepy guy smelling their hair?

  5. Bernie: Wins the first 3 states
    MSM: *Doesn’t matter. It isn’t important.*

    Biden: Wins 1 state
    MSM: *OmgOMGomggggoMg. This is SO important!!!!!*

    Me: 🙄🙄🙄

    1. @Cdalex1996 E.
      In normal times your assessment would be right. However today we have entrenched camps whose vote you can’t change. Mr biden was polling below 10% in Cali, maybe this can push him to 12 or even 15%, but expect Bernie’s people to show up massive on Tuesday to blunt what they see as a corporate media and establishment candidate, just as trumps base did for him in 2016 despite media & establishment darlings Cruz, Jeb & Rubio. Right now people want tangibles, not just promises of civility. What is Joe running on by the way?

    2. @GM ZZZ regardless of who wins I will support them. Joe is wanting to rebuild the strength of the middle class which im a part of. He wants to put America back on the world stage. And others. I like Bernie, but I’m a moderate and I fit more in line with Biden.
      Edit: this win from Biden will pretty much also boost his support, and hopefully unite the moderates.
      2nd edit: I do agree that Bernie will have more of his people coming though.

    3. @Cdalex1996 E.
      Problem for Biden is the latino vote. He has practically made no inroads there. Another thing is in places like California 2 million people have already voted, most probably pro -Bernie. So Mr Biden may already have a mountain to climb. And true the battle in the party is moderates vs liberals. Moderates already have healthcare, are the managerial class etc. Sanders supporters don’t have healthcare, are drowning in medical & student debt. Whats scary about this race is that division may be intractable & I don’t know if unity can happen. I sure hope it does. And when biden says he wants to rebuild the middle class, what does he mean exactly? Trump can already claim credit for that.

    4. @GM ZZZ I agree. The DNC should honor who has the most votes. It’ll literally shut people off.
      I think Biden has the chance to rebuild his campaign. He slowly was getting there after Nevada. But now with the disgusting Bloomberg running it could hurt him.
      Bernie might lose support after this though. It’ll show he is not invincible.

  6. I’m disgusted at SC this is why they will never move forward they stuck in the past with their confederate monuments

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