1. No rational person thinks he’s going to win. I’m going to vote for him but he’ll for sure lose.

    2. Debates 2020!!! I cant wait!! It should be lots of fun!! Don’t you agree?

  1. america, nobody understands you. wearing a mask doesn’t limit your freedom. you don’t need a president to show you what is appropriate. this pandemic is no joke.

    1. tn make sure you stay in your mamas basement and keep you mask on……oh and please take the Bill Gates vaccine when it comes outπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    2. Hodge Elmwood of course a lot of people don’t support Trump…….don’t flatter yourself…..your not that smart to see what is really going on.

    3. I wear a mask at all times while in public and to be honest sometimes I find it difficult to breathe, plus I work in a foundry where a tightly sealed respirator is required…when I lay down to sleep it still phantomly feels like I have a mask on…lol

  2. They came up with a name for people like Trump back in the 1800s, it was called “confidence man.”

    A confidence man is a man who persuades people to give him their money or property by the use of persuasive language, or by simply lying to them.

    A confidence man is a swindler who tries to gain the confidence of the victim in order to defraud. A “confidence” man is someone who uses fraudulent methods to swindle people out of money or valuables. As time passed, the name confidence man was shortened to the name we’re all familiar with today, which is “con-man”

    A confidence man is someone who might say things like “I alone can fix it” or “I’m a very stable genius.”

    1. I think you are giving him too much credit. There is a certain amount of psychology used by the con man to lure in a mark. Dodging Donny doesn’t know how to spell the word “psychology”.
      He’s just a scumbag slumlord that rode the coat tails of his father, while also being mentored by another scumbag, Roy Cohn.

  3. everyday again I try to understand howΒ ANYONEΒ could be so delusional, uneducated and just completely stupid to vote for Donald J. Trump. I’m sitting here in Europe and can’t do anything against this threat on the other side of the ocean. But YOU AMERICANS can! Vote him out and unite again! We need the US to protect and fight for freedom in the world


    2. TDS is actually what Trump supporters suffer from. They actually think this narcissistic sociopath and criminal is looking out for their best interests, and is somehow a rational competent leader.

    3. So is this not considered election interference? Lmao half of the comments on CNN’s are from foreigners talking about Trump

    4. @WTF ZIGGY rape, murder, violent crime, robberies are all lower in Europe than the US.
      Infant morality, life expectancy, poverty, homelessness are all higher in the US than they are in Europe.

    1. @Tino facist? The democrats are the fascists. No free speech allowed. Im doing better than ever. Not Trumps fault you’re a loser.

    2. @Corkfish1 Tino realized he doesn’t know what hes talking about and his opinion is invalid therefore he deleted all his comments and went into basement hiding like a typical Biden Dem.

  4. When someone dies from covid19, its not peaceful in their sleep. The are in such severe respiratory distress that they struggle to take a breath, many times they seize like an epilepsy patient. They suffer greatly up till their heart takes its last beat.

  5. Funny how this meeting was in Trump’s office with everyone surrounding him instead of a conference room with everyone facing each other. Looked like a photo opportunity to me.

    1. So now CNN’s viewers criticize whether Trump has a meeting in the oval office or a “conference room” lmao okay

    2. @Kris if his meetings were productive, absolutely not. No plans of action from these meetings, then they are a farce.

    3. I don’t get why there’s even an effort to protect this President. He doesn’t believe in the threat, so why the protection?

    1. WTF ZIGGY so you like having a chronic liar and a grossly incompetent president? The United States has about five percent of the worlds population but we have twenty five percent of the worlds deaths from the virus. So you will vote for an idiot that is literally killing people because he is so incompetent he won’t institute national, quick return testing, national and competent contact tracing and a universal requirement to wear mask. Good for you.

    2. Debates 2020!!! I cant wait!! It should be lots of fun!! Don’t you agree?

  6. “It’s as under control as it can be”
    Meanwhile canada has had less than 20 deaths a day for over a month.

    1. Debates 2020!!! I cant wait!! It should be lots of fun!! Don’t you agree?

  7. I’d love to see him do a legit IQ test. He’s almost special needs in his ignorance. The Dunning-Krueger effect should be renamed after him.

    1. @Cecily Worley I’ve heard plenty of triggered leftists claim he is an adderall addict numerous times.

    2. @WTF ZIGGY Bwahahahaha……
      You cannot be serious? 9 bankruptcies, ran a casino into the ground after inheriting 100’s of millions of dollars.
      Get a clue. He can’t even read. His biggest word is Powerful.
      Get your head out of the sand.

    3. @WTF ZIGGY Trump is a criminal fraudster, when he cant scam you he sicks his dogs on you or tries himself to intimidate you, bullshit till you give up, , if that fails he will sue you. Lie on insurance lie on taxes, get cash from daddy and his charity, voila! a successful business!

    1. @WTF ZIGGY I’m easily entertained with FAUX NEWS when they repeatedly called it a HOAX. I used to watch them all the time…. Not so much now. Disgusting networkπŸ˜’πŸ˜’πŸ˜’

    2. He removed the glasses because of the light reflecting.
      However, the sh*t is real alright. And Trump doesn’t understand it at all.

    3. Debates 2020!!! I cant wait!! It should be lots of fun!! Don’t you agree?

  8. It seems that every day he says something that is totally outlandish. I’m so sick of the bastard and November 3rd can’t come soon enough.

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