1. No one can afford to see a doctor for testing, let alone to get hospitalized. People will try to self-treat, coughing and wheezing in CVS

    1. *Bad Word* going to the doctor insured could easily cost upwards of $1,000 one man had to pay $3,000 for in according to business insider and many people like those in low income areas cant drop $3,000 for what could turn out to be a mild case of the flu

    1. @DUMBMERICA WAS NEVER GREAT!! damn it’s too bad I cant: have water in my house, heating, electricity, a car, a phone, most clothes, a computer, an education, food, etc because unfortunately all of those things support large corporations. Oh well I guess I’ll see what kills me first…

      Seriously, I’m not even american but your argument is the most braindead thing I’ve had to read today. Maybe wait until you’ve graduated nursery school before trying to change the world.

    2. @Sam Thompson But seriously,
      The point is, 90% of what Americans manufacturer, nobody fucking needs. They just want it. Because it keeps them fat in their convenience. And it keeps the hustlers hustling out plastic crap and garbage nobody needs.

      The fellow makes a fine point. People in America are wonton and greedy and lazy. They are easily led into a convenient slavery with the Billionaire’s. That’s why they have all these manufacturers. To keep the simple, who are easily lead stuck in factories with their head down; keeping them dependent on every penny that trickles down; making all this garbage. Keeping them from having a free or independent thought for themselves for their entire lives.

      It would be nice to see them at least attempt to free themselves; turn their attention to renewable, Earth friendly solar and wind power systems and things that are at least carbon neutral to manufacturer. Hell it would be nice if they used renewable energy in any of their fucking factories.

      There’s only one reason this glut of garbage continues, is because the oil industry is profiting off of all this plastic crap. Profiting off all the gasoline and fuels sold. The technology for Earth friendly power and Manufacturing has been available for 50 years. The oil companies are fighting to kill us, to save themselves. We Know Better than to use these products, but right now it seems so convenient. When the answers to change this; plug the mines for coal, and plug the oil wells; are right in front of everyone’s nose.

      But the oil producers have sent out their minion of lobbyists with pockets full of bribes; preventing the politicians from taking the proper steps. So greedy are they, in their bribe-taking, they’d choke their own grandchildren to death, to get just one more dollar.

    1. Omg it’s had 4 months to spread. you really think it’s not everywhere?
      It quite possibly has peaked already.

    2. @MckeenRed Light I live in Everett. In essence, I agree with you. I do think it’s a new virus for us but it’s not something to panic about. Besides, why don’t people realize *it’s already had 4 months to spread* . I think it’s already peaked.

  2. The risk is “low”. I call bs. What’s the risk this spreads across the US? That’s not low. I’d say the chance of it spreading everywhere is high. Sure I won’t get coronavirus today but in 6 months we’ll all have been exposed.

    1. @Idontwear Makeup247 Oh because it would make sense for China to destroy their own economy and kill and quarantine their own citizens.

    2. undertow Look how far this Virus has spread since December? It is world Wide now, this is not just the Flu, this is Deadly, they don’t have a Vaccine for this yet.👎🏼

  3. He started by saying the death toll was 105!! Scared the hell out of me until I heard him correct it to 6.

    1. Brother Mutant73 prepare yourself for a total collapse, they are downplaying this and letting it spread.

    2. @Dyvor Records I’m not worried about them down-playing it; I’m reasonably healthy. It’s everyone else I am worried about…the immunocompromised (sick, elderly, young, people on immunosuppressants) are gonna take a HEAVY hit once it spreads to the whole U.S. The problem I also see is how many people WON’T go out to vote in primaries/the actual election for fear of getting the illness.

  4. “Avoid large events or assemblies” while theres like 4-12 thousand kids in elementary, middle, and high schools yet schools are not shut down

    1. Brandon Bodwell you do realize that is like nothing right ? 48 out of how many millions of schools in the US ?

  5. The amount of people who contracted the disease but won’t go to a hospital because they can’t afford the bill…

    1. good point….”MIGHT” kill a neighbor with a disease or “WILL” pay $700+ in medical bills for a check up- That is the question. yup – go with might.

    2. David Lafleche you Sir are clueless. You need to educate yourself on the European governments that have a socially oriented democracy or even social kingdoms.
      Eg Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finnland, Holland and Greenland and Iceland.

      It is most annoying that some Americans are so uneducated ir naturally stupid and do not get it: your enemy is not Social reform but Russia

    3. Yeah I just got back from China and I have some cough and slight fever , but if I were to isolate myself for two weeks , I wouldn’t be able to afford rent and would be homeless. Sorry apologies in advance for people I come into contact at work. Good luck and best wishes.

    1. TheBethyb00p / Really, nobody is an expert on the coronavirus. Misinformation and communication with China is making the situation worse and more confusing. We already know they’ve lied multiple times about the disease so it’s almost impossible to have anyone actually know what they’re talking about.

    2. *Bad Word* there are plenty of scientists with expertise. It’s a new virus so a lot is still unknown but there are plenty with more expertise than Pence. I’m not claiming to be an expert but what is it that you want to know?

    1. I wonder why they choose to start 28 days later with full frontal from a young dude,like they will do that to you in a hospital,and society can collapse while you sleep it off fully naked,so weird,maybe i am the weird one paying to much attention to that,but for me has no explanation

  6. CNN: and now a message from our sponsors the insurance industry, Medicare for all is a bad idea……..

  7. This is not a flu. Not even the same family as influenza. This virus is in the same family as SARS and MERS. Do your research people.

    1. @Scurra But see, no one has to listen to your bullshit. All they have to do is Google, Coronavirus, Ebola, HIV, all three together. All this guy’s doing is sharing part of information that is correct, then sharing his knucklehead opinion of his misinterpretation of the information. Go Google it yourself. Don’t listen to me. But certainly don’t listen to this dumbass.

    2. The coronavirus is an RNA virus that causes a variety of diseases. It exacerbates existing conditions and the last step of the virus is pneumonia. Bacteria on other organs snowball until the immune system is overwhelmed.
      People already ill, smokers, HIV patients, diabetes and other illness are the high risk persons. If your healthy you may get this but it will likely be like any other flu. Just my opinion but vitamin c and d and regular exercise builds immunity.
      Good hygiene, a good diet and some home alone time might be a good approach for now. I think over time we will all be exposed. Mind your health and activity with large groups and good luck.

  8. They’re taking this way to lightly There are way too many people congested in one area in New York. Watch the effects there. Catastrophic

    1. @PhantomPS Isnt it a 2 week incubation period? Even if 1 person in NYC is infected how many will they come in contact with? How many of those people within 2 weeks?

    2. @김태형 ya don’t panic and do not be a fucking dickhead like you,
      Covit-19 not airborne if you are in outdoor but it was different in close space,
      Just see what happen when US citizen get evacuated in japan with the same airplane with the infected people? You should see that, if that wasn’t airborne??

    3. @Adrian Ruiz one person was in an Asian Hospital and got 9 other people sick. Within the snap of a finger You do the math.

    4. @LogicalPhantom  the information are not even true, even if that only fraction of the real people getting flu, many people having the flu never go to hospital, you cannot compare flu death rate to Covit-19
      Because they estimate over 250 million people getting the flu each year

    1. @John Chaser at first I felt sorry for everyone overreacting but now it’s just hilarious 😂

  9. Every one: freaking out
    Doctors: doing they’re best
    Me, a Plague. Inc player: Virus is highly infectious, very lethal and brutal, yeah virus will kill all hosts before its gone, or just moved to Greenland, put the sick in prison and wash ur hands compulsively

  10. “It’s going to disappear. One day it’s like a miracle, it will disappear,” Stable Genius at work

  11. All people: Coronavirus isn’t too dangerous if you stay healthy


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