Crispin Gregoire and Threats Against Thomson Fontaine

Dear All:
Ambassador Crispin Gregoire has spoken. He is not an ambassador of shame but one of honor. He is to be saluted. We are working with all government people, Labour Party people, opposition and all Dominicans to continue building a better country. We do not seek to destroy Dominica or its reputation. Rather, we seek to rescue our national pride, and dignity from the shame attendant to being represented by ambassadors of shame and those of ill repute. It is a shame that our government fails to grasp the danger of the wholesale vending of our birthright. We must stop the odious practice. All honest Dominicans must raise their voices and demand the comprehensive abolition of the program and a full accounting as to where the monies went.  We should further engage constitutional review as to those who gained citizenship under that program and what rights they should have. Are we destroyers of the state when we seek to protect our sacred birthright? That charge is ludicrous.
For those who threaten Thomson and others with attack, law suit or other intimidatory means, it will not work. Such conduct will only serve to create further animosity and division, where all Thomson has sought to do is end the shameful practice of sale of our national identity. Let us focus on ending the odious practice which Ambassador Gregoire spoke to, before it is too late and our people become suspect wherever and whenever we travel.  Our land must never provide refuge to those who seek to cover their tracks or elude criminal prosecution. We ask all civil servants and law enforcement to stand by lawful conduct and in defense of the national interests at all times.
To those unafraid to speak out in defense of the homeland, we give thanks this Sunday morning after Thanksgiving.

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