The office of Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg accused House Republicans of launching an “an unprecedent(ed) inquiry into a pending local prosecution,” while defending the investigation into former President Donald Trump’s alleged hush money payments to an adult film actress during the 2016 campaign. CNN’s Kara Scannell reports. #CNN #News
DA’s office slams GOP’s inquiry into Trump probe

Strange the way the G0P are so profoundly disturbed by a criminal being investigated and charged.
Perhaps NYCDA Alvin Bragg might seek Congressman Jim Jordan as a “person of interest” in a criminal indictment for obstruction of justice for congresses oversight committee.
@William La Centra Bragg says no
The GOP are acting like trump is guilty
@Cliff D who is he begging.. be specific sweetie😉
@Georgie Anyone and Everyone sweetie!👄
The only one making this political is Donald himself. He’s too weak and embarrassingly guilty.
@Russ White 😂😂😂
House GOP: How dare you arrest Trump!
NY: We have not arrested Trump yet.
House GOP: Oh. Well…how dare you investigate Trump!
Said no one ever
@Jim Jones Wrong!
Hey Huang
Jim Jordan and Kevin McCarthy deserve no respect and no response to any of their calls and letters. Let them reap what they’ve sowed.
Gym Jordan and his committee should be investigated for obstruction of justice
I wouldn’t worry about inquiries from this house. Every time they try to “investigate” something it shows the opposite of what they were trying to prove.
Lmao, so true!
@Paulo Aka WTF LMAO
@Paulo Aka Opps big time!!!! I miss read your comment!
Naw , very troubling bcse it didn’t happen w last DA
That’s not an “unprecedented” inquiry; it’s an unconstitutional one. America would like to conduct an inquiry into why Jim Jordan, Andy Biggs and Scott Perry defied and are in contempt as we speak of a congressional subpoena regarding their activities before, during and ater the attack on the US Capitol on J6. Was it because of their participation in the Willard Hotel Cabal meeting during which they planned and executed the 1/6 insurrection and attepted coup?
@Kat Gold Wait until Trump goes on trial.
lol 😂😂😂
You have never read the constitution
🤣 An unarmed “coup”. Too funny.
Those morons and oxymorons pretending to run the house think they are nickle-slick with their investigating! They’d better be careful because they’re all involved and they just might expose themselves!
I don’t think you know what oxymoron means loll
@Horrifying Apocalypse – Tell you what Malice-In-Wonderland – next time, I’ll notify you when any of this becomes your business – how’s that?
They’re “investigating” because they’re trying to get ahead of the law and keep themselves out of prison.
Well since we’re investigating the investigators now, I’m sure the GOP has no problem with the Hillary Clinton investigators being scrutinized and examined more closely, right? 🤔
apparently today is not the day to ask all the conservatives in my family how that “lock her up” thing is going
@Belly Dancer Em
As long as Gym Jordan and other traitors continue to dodge subpoenas, All House subpoenas should be ignored.
@M Hall idiotz…..
@Kat Gold 👈 FJB your demented hero.
@Eduardo Navarro Pay more attention to the important matters.
It’s a national embarassment that the republican congress would even think of interfering in a local investigation.
😆 you lost again Trump 2024.
@Dash for Cash Yes you nailed it 😂🤣!!! Trump has lost 2024.
@Cliff D The same reason Ted Kennedy had done?
It’s not just that, it’s illegal to interfere in an ongoing criminal investigation.
@Twisted Shenanigans Try and keep up Jethro.
Why is Congress attempting to manipulate a local legal proceeding? Congress needs to stay out of legal proceedings and let the legal process take place.
It’s called OBSTRUCTION!!!!
@tim steele You might roll that way, but Justice is different. Trump will have days in court to defend himself, as will all his fellow traitors.
@Russ White Joe and Hunter will get their day as well.
They’ve all got dirt on each other. Therefore, they all stick up for each others grifts or risk being exposed.
Make Accountability Great Again 🎉
Love it! Spread the word everywhere.
@Shadow The predictable deflection.
“I am not as old as I am then FLY”.. Joey Biden on 60 minutes😉
I agree inditement for the DA ?
The only reason they are trying so hard, is because the corruption will lead to them!
DA’s office didn’t “slam” anyone. They merely stated the law, and stated the limitations of congressional inquiry. They also left open to the committees to ask questions that the DA is required to answer. So far, they have not.
And since this is not a federal case, congress has no jurisdiction. 🤷♀️
To bad for Mr soros
I know! CNN is silly with their click bait titles. They need to stop that and be a more mature as a media organization.
Imagine the grand jury needing more time after all these years. Everybody knows this is just a witchhunt.