Did SCOTUS justices mislead on Roe v. Wade stances? CNN legal analysts weigh in

Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) says several Supreme Court justices “mislead the Senate” during their confirmation hearings with the intention to overturn Roe v. Wade. CNN legal analysts Jennifer Rogers and Jeffrey Toobin weigh in on the claim.
#CNN #News


    1. @The PAPERSLAYER it’s not a fact just because you say it is. Name one Republican policy that benefits the majority of Americans?

    2. @Patriotic Dissent you’re correct, it’s not a fact just because I say it is. It’s a fact, because it is 😁

      Name one Republican policy that benefits all Americans you ask. That’s simple. How about President Trumps Remain in Mexico policy. That policy greatly benefited the entire U.S.. Now compare that to President Biden’s Open Border policy and well… clearly it’s bad for the entire U.S.

      Aaand… that’s a fact 👍

    3. That’s exactly what happened here. Conservatives were shouting from the rooftops that their judged hated Roe v Wade and intended to overturn it. They simply said that they knew that it was established case law. They never said they liked it, or didn’t intend to change it.

  1. GOP: We hate activist judges! Unless it’s our judges that support our causes of course.

    1. @The PAPERSLAYER She ruled FOR 2 cases by republican types.
      She has MUCH more legal experience than Amy Covid Rabbit.

    2. @Rebel Son I agree, the 3 justices are not activists, they are political hacks. That should include Thomas also.

    3. @Barbara Ann , Clarence Thomas is the best court justice we have. Party politics never influence his decisions, because he bases everything on Constitutional law and not ideology. The only reason he seems partisan to you is because the leftist judges rarely rule by Constitutional law, but by personal feelings, emotions, and party ideology/current narrative.
      Take the leftist Jackson for instance, if just 2 years ago you were to have asked her to define woman, she would have answered immediately that an adult biological female is a woman. But since the current leftist narrative is that men who put on make-up and nails, pretty panties and bras are women, Jackson’s hands were tied and she couldn’t answer. She couldn’t truthfully answer that a woman is an adult biological female, nor could she give the leftist narrative of men playing dress up are women. If she answered the former her party would disown her and if she answered the latter she would have been found to be unsuitable by Congress. Through all of this Constitutional law never changes so conservative justices are more consistent. However since the radical left is constantly in flux and constantly trying to redefine everything to create confusion and added ambiguity, the only consistency they exhibit runs exactly parallel with whatever the lefts latest radical opinion happens to be. THAT is the textbook definition of what an “activist judge” IS.

  2. Best job in the world is high political office: you can lie (under oath and over it), cheat (you can ignore rules), steal (classified documents to feather your Mar-a-Lago nest) and sack the nation’s Capitol without ever being held accountable.

  3. I own bars and restaurants, if I hired a manager that lied about something to get the job, they would be fired immediately.

    1. @Henry McCoy
      I’m sorry, but your money is not
      your PERSONAL money, it belongs
      to EVERYBODY, and I’m coming
      over to get our money….👈😁

    2. @Henry McCoy
      I like 4 whole fried chickens, and
      a “coca cola”…..👈😁…

      😁👉 Do you like PERSONAL responsibility ???????????????????…..

    3. @Henry McCoy
      I like the current crop of
      NFL ROOKIE embryos, set to
      be drafted around 2042 👈😁 There just
      might be another TOM BRADY in there…

      😁👉 Do you like cute baby sonograms ?

  4. If the average American alluded to cases in court this way they would be held accountable for those statements.

    1. They only said they knew it was case law. They never said they didn’t hate it and didn’t intend to overturn it.

  5. So when someone gets on live television, says one thing, and then promptly does the exact opposite, we have to spend gallons of ink and countless hours of airtime debating whether they “lied.” Like we’re all stupid children, who at some point forgot what the word “lie” meant.

    God help us.

    1. They never lied. They only said that they acknowledged that it was case law. They never said they hated it and intended to overturn it, that this is why they’re there.

    2. Did the media even investigate or find out anything?!?
      The SCOTUS draft opinion addresses the question of who should legislate on abortion and who should decide disputed cases.
      It is about the distinction between the legislative and the judiciary.

    3. @John Frazer This is what precedent means to the courts. Yes they lied, at least if you have any standards whatsoever. Omission of intention and belief when asked is a lie.

      Precedent refers to a court decision that is considered as authority for deciding subsequent cases involving identical or similar facts, or similar legal issues. Precedent is incorporated into the doctrine of stare decisis and requires courts to apply the law in the same manner to cases with the same facts. Some judges have stated that precedent ensures that individuals in similar situations are treated alike instead of based on a particular judge’s personal views.

    4. @Barbara Ann The lamb is an established troll (a diligently RW troll, from what I’ve seen).

  6. So if I lie in a civil case I will be charged for perjury, yet it’s completely fine for multiple judges to lie under oath while interviewing for a position on the highest court in the land?
    We truly have a noble and great country. 🤣🤡

    1. Except they didn’t lie. They only ever said that they knew it was case law. They never said they liked it or intended to keep it.

    2. Did they tell the lie that Ketanji told (under oath) about not knowing what a woman is? I must be missing something (including your moral outrage about the flat-out obvious lie that Ketanji told).

    3. @Kitty Day you little kids shouldn’t be on social media sticking your noses in adult conversations. Whatever you are yacking about, I don’t think anyone is trying to take away your ‘muppet’ whatever that is.

  7. When you are asked to raise your right hand and asked to tell the truth and nothing but the truth, everyone should respond that they will be as truthful as US Supreme Court justices.

  8. Yes they absolutely did. And every single one of them fall under disciplinary act of being impeached and barred

  9. Maybe individuals can lie under oath to attain the power a Supreme Court Justice over our lives in order to preserve their own impunity and corruption.

  10. So basically, they are saying the justices are off the hook and we are going to have to live with this terrible monstrosity of a court we have now.

    1. Like 1 judge who can’t define what a woman is, punishes people who defend themselves, and let’s child predators off with a slap on the wrist. Those are the ones we should NOT have in the courts. Btw, where was she when the documents were leaked?

  11. Those justices basically sat their knowing full well what they would do if they had a majority on the bench.

  12. They did one or the other. They either lied at their confirmation hearings or they have lied at writing whatever tripe they are writing in this supposed hearing.

  13. Sen. Collins has to be the most gullible member of congress. It was she who said that Trump had “learned his lesson”, after which we had the coup attempt.

    1. She’s an excellent actress, easily worthy of an Emmy for feigning such a strong sense of “betrayal” after the leak — yet despite all the supposed moral outrage she presents to the public, she still plans to vote against the proposed abortion rights bill. 🤨

  14. I find it odd that if anyone one lies in a job interview, it is one issue that you can be fired for….but when it comes to a judge, it’s not lying, it’s ‘misleading’, and their job is secure “til death do us part”….even while they take away human rights.

    1. @Geoffrey K Didn’t they swear, under oath, to tell “the Truth, the _whole_ truth, and nothing but the truth.”

      If we got caught in that kind of prevarication in court, the judge would find us guilty of perjury and contempt of court.

    2. @SRM NZ You’re both wrong — and it doesn’t matter anyways.
      The pertinent question isn’t at what point does a fertilized ova become _alive_ ; the question is when does it become a ‘person’.

      And those are quite different things, with quite different implications.

  15. “The best lack all conviction, while the worst are full of passionate intensity.” — William Butler Yeats (1865-1939)

  16. THEY LIED. They had reasonable expectations that the answers they gave would be relied upon that they would uphold Roe v. Wade. They gave material misrepresentations leading Senators to believe they would uphold Roe. That constitutes a lie.

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