Elizabeth Warren shares story of proposing to her husband

2020 Democratic presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren and her husband Bruce Mann share the story of how they met with CNN's MJ Lee.

#CNN #News


    1. @Fred A Unfortunately, a lot of them are. Bernie supporters have become increasingly toxic, whining, and slanderous this election cycle when it comes to Warren. You should see how they act over at TYT and the Majority Report. It’s disgusting

    2. K S You were the wineries when Trump was elected
      and you’re going to whine again when you nominate a neoliberal and let Trump get elected again

    3. K S And your type has demonstrated your complete lack of education you are neoliberals and a neoliberal will never win that looks just like Donald Trump and Ronald Reagan we’re not going to stand for it you can have four more years of Trump and the education that comes with it suffer I’m going to enjoy watching you suffer when you don’t pick Bernie Sanders as a nominee

    4. @Kevin Tewey Yes, everyone who doesn’t support your lord and saviour Bernie is a neoliberal. Thanks for proving my point about how nasty, deluded and insulting Bernie Bros are this cycle. How’s third place treating ya? I’m sure people in the Bernie cult find your behaviour charming, the rest of us see how unhinged you lot are. It’s sinking your candidate.

    5. @K S Meh no it just seems like you’re pushing the ‘Bernie Bros’ narrative in order to advance your agenda. I’m subscribed to both TYT and Majority Report and your description of the comments is pretty inaccurate. Sanders obviously has strong support in both of those spaces, but actual ‘Bernie Bros’ are rare. Granted the TYT comment section has more than it’s fair share of trolls, but I think most of them are pretty obvious at this point.

    1. Hey utha, I’m just happy to see Pocahontas is happy married. Erase the hate from your heart my friend, life’s too short.

    2. @Jamtommy1 There’s no hate there, just disapointment that people refer to her as Pocahontas. Not only is it disrespectful to her, but it is also disrespectful to the Indigenous Americans and in particular the Powhatan tribal nation, from where Pocahontas is from.

    3. @Utha Well glad you can see it’s not hate, just light hearted humor in calling a slimy politician out who faked Native American ancestry to further her career. Does her nickname really offend the Powhatan tribal nation or does it really offend you?

    4. @Jamtommy1 It doesn’t matter if I am offended or not, but the racial slur that you use isn’t funny. I don’t know what race you are, but will assume white (as me), so if someone called you, or more importantly, your spouse or child a similar name that was derogatory, would you be upset, or would the name upset them? To them, it’s light-hearted humor, yet it hurts your child. This, in turn, makes you angry.

      This is empathy, the ability to understand and share the feelings of another. Something that you seem to be missing, along with Trump.

      Now, Warren may deserve some criticism for her native claims, but this should never be at the expense of others. It’s not very imaginative and nor is it original.

      And yes, Native American’s are offended too, see links below.


    5. @Utha
      Well Pocahontas is certainly not a racial slur, no matter how much you wish it to be. Reminds me of Cuomo invoking the same claim after he was called Fredo.
      Virtue signal received tho loud and clear. Slow clap.

    1. Simi822 and will help lots of people with her bold plans. In the end its the only thing that matters. Pocahontas is just a distraction for Trumpsters to keep voting against their own interests.

    2. @F Jansen beside Yang and Tulsi the rest of the Dem candidates are utter Garbage…Thanks to the ongoing lunacy Trump will win even in places like Minnesota

    3. @Simi822 You can add those too as well, although Tulsi seems a somewhat sincere decent person with a misplaced ideology.
      Other than that it’s just a pandering Festivus give-a-way of free stuff (paid for by others).

    1. Fred A no you are the one that’s going to be complaining when we let Donald Trump win again because you nominated a Neo liberal like Clinton again

    1. @silveraire So a “wacko” beat the crap out of the “best candidate ever” to run for President? That must BURN, does it not?

    2. @Imran Patel nope did not BURN at all, for me. Never liked the “best candidate ever”. LOL! But, honestly, yeah it burns! Not because Clinton lost, but because Trump won. And since then, we’ve never seen America this divided. People lost basic civility, like its the norm. Burns so much like hot curry.

    1. GiarkReleos You are a neoliberal and your stupidity is killing people I’m not going to vote for Elizabeth Warren you need another for your education from Donald Trump on anarchy that’s your business

    2. Fred A She is a neoliberal that makes her do you like Donald Trump you can lose another election if that’s how you choose the people like Bernie Sanders why don’t you find out the truth …. we’re not going to vote for Warren …..No matter what happens to Donald Trump

    3. She was a corporate lawyer who defended private healthcare and became a Harvard law professor. Don’t believe the latest origin story.

    1. Hey, dummy, this is just a clip. In America, you can watch the entire newscast. You don’t have to click on videos you don’t like. No one is forcing your….oh, wait… maybe you don’t get to choose. Sucks to be Russian.

  1. What a sweet couple. I appreciate seeing love endure through time, both during the good and bad events we all face. I think she gets what America needs, but to me, the jury is still out. I’ll wait, listen and watch the political processes for a challenging, bullying election. Then, I’ll vote when it’s time.

    1. I love how he so clearly admires her and supports her in her racist climb to the top.
      warren took a slot away from a minority with a lie,and you liberal marxist are ok with that.
      that is selective racism and the marxist jim crow democrats have been doing that for years.

  2. Please, for the cameras. Share more about your hyperthyroidism and your fake Native American heritage.

  3. Few of my own questions for Warren:
    1. Did you pay CNN more than usual for this promotion?
    2. What tribe is your husband from?
    3. If from a different tribe, did the chiefs of both tribes approve this wedding?

  4. Democrats going to make me choose between Elizabeth Warren and Donald Trump ?
    they’re going to get what they got last time
    Must love Donald Trump

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