Ex-defense official on new details of UFO encounters soon to public

Following the news that the Pentagon has a task force looking into UFOs, CNN's Michael Smerconish speaks to a former Defense for Intelligence official under the Clinton and Bush administrations about the phenomenons.


  1. THOUGHT EXPERIMENT: Look at everything that Trump has done through the lens of “What IF DJT actually IS a Russian asset, fully compromised and under Putin’s control” EVERYTHING he does, every Dept he abolishes, every action he takes is helpful to Putin’s agenda. OUR DEMOCRACY IS IN DANGER!!!

    1. Only ignorant people are arguing over skin color and insisting the heavily pigmented people are too stupid to help themselves.

    2. @Satanspy You need to see an old episode of the Twilight Zones . A large alien comes to out planet, he shows how powerless our weapons and technology are to his race. He speaks to the world on T.V. and holds a book up. The title: To Serve Man . He asks for volunteers to go to his planet of peace. The people on the ships realize they are now captive in cages. The book To Serve Man is a cookbook. Be careful of strangers bearing gifts ask the native americans.

  2. We are always at the brink of full disclosure. We get better camera on our phones each year but military still working with B/W pixel quality.

    1. Those videos were filmed from 30 miles away going hundreds of miles per per hour. You are a clown

  3. Smerconish: This is new…
    Physicists around the world: May I introduce you to the Fermi Paradox from 1950?

  4. Alien… “take me to your leader”
    Citizen…(takes alien to trump)
    Alien… “are you the leader?”
    Trump… “one second, I’ll go get Putin”

    1. hoss188 i hope when china beats the usa in the war all trump supporters have to be separated away from their families and taxed 50% the cost of the products for everything they buy

    2. @right? – well that’s too bad for you china recently canceled all the aircraft carriers they planned to build 😂😂 looks like they wont be deploying anywhere for atleast 30 years.

  5. “The universe is a pretty big place. It’s bigger than anything anyone has ever dreamed of before. So if it’s just us… seems like an awful waste of space” ( from the movie, ‘Contact’ )

  6. Remember when those guys said they had proof of Bigfoot?
    I’m not holding my breath.
    You say “president trump has classified info on Roswell” huh? Forgive me if I doubt the country’s most prolific liar.

    1. @Bobby Kalifornia about all women being magnetically attracted to him. Im not. So there’s that.

    1. Elmyda 1537 Sure Hopefully after Nov 3 we will have one, in the meantime would you like some snacks, a drink, a magazine perhaps.?

  7. Funny how we only seem to hear about these types of things when the economy is crashing or there’s some other national issue going on

    See also Cold War, Vietnam, et al

    1. @jay adams wait, so is it Jesus flying in those UFOs? I must’ve missed the alien parts of the rapture in the bible.

    2. @Doc it’s in the Bible. Aliens that people see are actually demons and the Bible says there will be a great deception.

    Instead of this slow agonizing drip drop of information.
    Show us the retrieved vehicles.
    Show us the alien technology inside the craft.
    Show us if this was meant for manned or unmanned flight.
    Show us if there was any retrieval of alien life-form alive or dead.

    Show us the technologies that we have gained by reverse engineering their technology and what technology we will able to access in the future.

    Give us the best estimate of their intentions. Is it just sightseeing is it sinister is it benevolent.Are they watching us because we will soon destroy ourselves or be on a trajectory to eventually be able to harm them or other species that they protect.
    Is there more than one alien race watching us.

    1. Slow Mo I just wanna know. Especially for those people back in the early 50s that swore they saw something and were made to look like fools, it isn’t right for the military or government to tell you not to say what you saw and that you are a liar. It would just be nice to know there is other things out there , it would be kinda kool to know that but yes some people would absolutely lose their minds and do who knows what 😆 like…. try to start a war….🤷🏼‍♂️

    2. @Crotch Banister Most humans can’t deal with that kind of revelation. Look at the Friday after Thanksgiving, ppl stomping each other for a 200 TV. Ppl still refuse to wear a mask. Not much on a national scale will change. Maybe on a personal level, testing your religion/faith.

    3. @Crotch Banister Ok. Name 1 thing you would do, knowing the (deceptive)Gov’t found alien craft. I’m not being a jerk, just a curious fella.

  9. UFO the real “illegal aliens”.
    3 things we are looking for this yearare:


  10. “In our obscurity – in all this vastness – there is no hint that help will come from elsewhere to save us from ourselves. It is up to us.” – Carl Sagan

    1. Love Carl Sagan.

      On a more realistic note, Carl Sagan was aware that it is statistically unlikely that we are alone in the universe considering the number of stars and planets.

      IMO aliens came to survey this planet some time ago and saw what we do to our own species and correctly presumed that we would not treat them any better. I don’t blame them. If they were foolish enough to trust us they would be sexually trafficked on the black market by now. Not even kidding. Humans would do that for sure 100%.

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