Exclusive: Lula on coronavirus, Bolsonaro, and running again

Former Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva talks about why US President Joe Biden must gather the G20 to face the coronavirus crisis. #CNN #News


    1. @Stephen Jackson We can notice.

      The translation depicts Lula as a more arrogant person than his original speech. Also, he is much more eloquent than the translator. I don’t think it’s intentional, it must be really hard to translate interviews on time.

      But the thing is that we can suppose that some of Lula’s expressions weren’t translated properly. For instance, Lula probably said that Bolsonaro called the virus a “little flu” (i.e., a less dangerous flu). But the translator only mentioned that Bolsonaro called the virus a “flu”.

  1. Neighter covid nor climate change are national questions: they are global problems and to handle them demands global problemsolving, with connection to and in cooperation with local grassrooth movements all over the world.

    1. Yes,that’s why we need Bolsonaro out,he doesn’t like negotiating with anyone who isn’t on his ideology boat.
      Idk if this made international news but once he received a letter from Biden saying he should take care of the forest or there would be economic consequences he replied: “If he doesn’t want to talk then there will be gunpowder.”
      As if we could take a war against the US lol.
      His 30% would die for him,but the other 70% can see through his bullshit.

    1. We all trembles, Brazil is going to be just like Venezuela if he came back. Lula was in jail, he bougth his freedom and cleaned his criminal record. In Brazil you can buy anything.

    2. @Carlos Eduardo Deoti sorry to tell you, buddy, but Brazil is currently worse than Venezuela under the corrupt idiot wannabe dictator Bolsonaro.

  2. Love to Brazil 🇧🇷 from Canada 🇨🇦 may peace and prosperity come again and may the Amazon rainforest grow.

    1. @London I am not even a Joe Biden fan, but you can stop it right there.

      Trump is the one who has refused to release his tax statements to the American people for years. Trump is the one who threatened to shut down the Muller investigation if they dared to look into and investigate his tax statements.

      Trump is the one with a secret Chinese Bank account.

      Trump is the one who is accused of using his casinos to do money laundering for the Russian mob.

      The Biden family didn’t even have enough money to pay for their dead son’s medical bills. They nearly had to sell their house in Delaware to do so.

      Come back again when Trump has finally released his tax statements to the American people like nearly every president in America for the last 80 years or so. Then maybe, maybe I will listen to your Hunter Biden groundless accusations.

    2. Tdan Kendros It doesn’t matter Trump is not the president! Biden is the corrupt president and don’t let me start on his list.

      With regret I say this but Joe Biden will be gone soon before his term ends. Kamala will become president. I think it’s only right to thank Biden for his great achievements since Jan.

      – US Mexican Border a catastrophe and Children held in detention camps, more than Trump era. 10 million illegals not given the amnesty which was promised by Biden Kamala.

      – More racial crimes during this Administration. But no BLM fighting for the cases of Asian lives who are being targeted. Remarkably no protests and rioting, obviously if people don’t get paid they won’t riot. We already knew BLM was politically created for election purposes and will re-emerge in 4 years.

      – Biden can’t even talk to Putin, doesn’t get a foot into speaking to Kim Jung-un. But wants to be cosy with China, old business habits never die remembering Hunter Biden.

      – Biden Takes credit for the vaccines which he apparently developed within a month of becoming president.

      – Doesn’t like press briefings and does not like hard questioning like the Trump administration received.

      – Americans are going to receive the highest tax increase in three decades. They actually deserve this.

      – Passed a USD 1.9 Trillion relief Bill but only a fraction of it will go for Covid relief. Majority of it will go for Abortions and Gender topics. More socialism to be taught in schools.

      – War mongering and soldiers being sent back to the middle east. Americans in Iraq under threat again. Escalating tensions. Iran to be given billions of USD again to stop developing nuclear weapons.

      – Gender neutrality and socialism is on the top of the presidential agenda. Perversity has become the mainstream ideology as seen with Cardi B. performance. I would advise Cardi B. lyrics and visuals to be shown in Kinder Gardens.

      – New York’s Mayor Cuomo is hailed an hero as he is allowed to stay in office after molesting dozens of women. The new standard in America, but it depends if one is a Republican or Democrat. The prodigal Hunter Biden is given a pass for all his crimes.

      – The Capitol is the most fortified building in the world, more then any security protecting Afghanistan. Who are they trying to keep safe ?

      – Biden and Father Kevin O‘Brian seem to have the kind of special interests with the young ladies. The sniffing of young kids is what Biden is notorious for.

      – Hunter Biden and his sex tapes with young Chinese women and sniffing cokes is something that liberals love.

      What a tremendous achievement for a 80 year old.

  3. you tube has removed access to the last remaining way to sort for news
    with its trending page change. You guys should be complaining with us.

    1. antes de começar uma entrevista dessas, eles perguntam como devem se tratar, ne! kkkk

    2. O melhor presidente que o Brasil já teve, Lula. E esse que está em Brasília agora o pior. Matando o povo e ainda faz piada. Depois reclama que o povo o chama de genocida.

    3. @Douglas M eh que virou bonito dizer ah eu sou de direita eu sou liberal, mas mtos que hj falam mal de esquerda, ganharam grande parte de suas forturnas no governo Lula

    4. @Diego Silva de Souza na época do Lula a elite estava ganhando dinheiro, o pobre começou a sair da pobreza, estava comprando, consumindo, viajando etc e o Brasil estava muito bem visto internacionalmente com muitos estrangeiros até vindo para o Brasil trabalhar por causa das oportunidades que foram criadas. Mas brasileiro estava se achando demais e por cegueira derrubaram o partido que realmente fez pelo país. Agora estão aí com as consequências e ainda vivendo de mentiras. E o pior de tudo é muito brasileiro que se acha elite e ajuda esse governo Bolsonaro a se auto destruir.

    5. @Douglas M concordo plenamente – acho assim – se tem evidencia de corrupcao e com o devido julgamento eh provado ele deve ser condenado e responder pelos crimes, mas o fato de reconhecer as realizacoes da epoca, nao significa concordar com a corrupcao e nem por isso tbm achar q esse governo desastrado estah fazendo algo e tambem temos que reconhecer q a Dilma depois de 2013 tambem foi um desastre

  4. The USA needs to find out the Brazilian politics have way better plot twists than the House of Cards. Stay tuned

    1. The USA establishment is involved in every move on this brazilian board, and that the Lava Jato did not do an act before asking permission or advise from the Americans. The judge traveled every six months to give an account of what he had done in the Lula’s case, some says to The Pentagon. In did, things are much more complicated than “The House of Cards”…

    1. Lula criminal, corrupt, devastated the public institutions that promoted the biggest CORRUPTION the world ever seen, being considered a leader at all?
      Lula is a thief and should be in jail!

    2. @Sandra Albuquerque Fact is Lula is a thief and should be in jail! It’s not about family or friends, LULA himself is a criminal!
      Bolsonaro has no corruption in 2 years and the public companies are going great thank you.

    3. @Sandra Albuquerque Fact is Lula is a thief and should be in jail! It’s not about family or friends, LULA himself is a criminal!
      Bolsonaro has no corruption in 2 years and the public companies are going great thank you.

  5. Pay atention of what is going on in Brazil! Unfortunatly the governament as Lula said has choose to avoid all responsability to care the people, in all the way you can imagine. Telling you as a citizen living day by day throught all these dificulties. We claim for help. A nation that kills more than 2000 people a day without feeling compassion nor sadness can be cursed as we can see.

    1. What the hell are you saying? The virus kills people and if keep this dumb politics leaded by the states and cities as decided by the supreme court , not just the virus but also the hunger will kill. Lula is a criminal.
      Bolsonaro is the best president Brazil ever had!

  6. Lula organized the steal-workers strikes of 1979-81 that marked the beginning of a series of civil rights movements that would end the decades long brutal military dictatorship of 1964-1985. Lula founded the Workers Party in 1980 and quickly gained support from Brazil’s most brilliant minds such as Paulo Freire and Florestan Fernandes.

    After a series of terrible right-wing governments marked by high inflation and social inequities, Lula is elected in 2002 against all odds and contrary to the liberal media’s plans for Brazil. During those 8 years (+ 4 under Dilma) the Workers Party lifted millions of people out of sub-saharan levels of poverty, invested in public education (more than doubled the amount of Public Universities) and public health (look into Brazil’s vaccination and free medicine programs) in a way that wasn’t even thought possible.

    But the elites loved Lula too. Brazil surpassed the UK to became the world’s 6th economy. Banks profited like in no other government, Brazils construction industry became the 2nd largest in the world, agrobusiness the largest, and Brazil’s Petroleum company discovered massive amounts of oil deposits after Shell backed down from the research. Lula and the Worker’s Party is responsible for the development of MERCOSUL and the creation of BRICS so that all of Latin America could better compete in the world market. Brazil’s stock market grew 1200% during Lula’s 8 years of presidency. That’s the number, X12. Lula left the presidency with a historic 87% approval rating.

    The down-fall of Lula is intertwined with the fall of Brazilian democracy. Ongoing investigations are dismantling a notorious coup d’état, that involved Brazil’s financial system looking to privatize Petrobras, education, health, etc., a corrupt Judicial system, a decade long resentment by a reactionary portion of the military, and the US’s involvement through the DoJ and the FBI. Since Dilma was deposed and Lula arrested, both under false charges, Brazil has been in shambles.

    Personally, I would love meet Lula one day to thank him for his service to my country amidst the world’s most illiterate, imoral and hateful economic elite.

    Luíz Inácio Lula da Silva is the very definition of Democracy in Latin America. He is considered by many political scientists as the most important world leader of our time.

    Lula Government:

    Law-fare, compliance industry, and espionage:

    1. Lula criminal, corrupt, devastated the public institutions, the one that promoted the biggest CORRUPTION the world ever seen, billions of dollars had been returned;
      If he in almost 2 decades had improved the poverty in the country, there should be no reason for the billions reais Bolsonaro approved as Social money transfer to people so they may relief;
      Dispite that the inovation and changes happened no matter what;
      Lula devastated the quality of education in Brazil, the results are available no need to trust me.
      He is lazy, arrogant and think he is the best.
      Lula is a thief and should be in jail!
      Instagram @teacherAdrian Bulhoes

  7. If you don’t understand, the policy in Brazil is “get going, keep working and living a normal life because is all an common flu”. The president literally attacked masks saying that it robs people’s freedom, he is a enthusiast of hydroxychloroquine and other medications of disproven efficacy, he keeps insinuating that we can have a coup d’état at any given moment and constantly attack the governor of ALL states because they imposed some social distance policy to help the health system that is collapsing on public and private level.
    Mandetta is from a party of opposition to Worker’s Party and the left (when the times were only political divergence), but the two oppose Bolsonaro (that emerged from the extreme right attacking minorities on tv shows and was a kind of creature of irrelevance on congress) and his homicidal policy that led to genocide of indigenous population and killed many more people indirectly through inaction.
    Our other institutions, the congress and the supreme court doesn’t intervene on something that they can, on the basis of the constitution, and should.
    Let people know! Brazil is suffering a genocide of the native people and homicide of many others, especially poor people and people of color based in the false rhetoric and active promotion of anti science creed of our president.

  8. Excelent interview!!! Lula, without a mandate has done more to relief the COVID disaster we are going through in a just week than our formal genocidal president has ever done.

    1. @Sandra Albuquerque eu também sou português, Sandra!! Criado por uma avó portuguesa, maravilhosa! E amo e admiro sua terrinha! A Gabriela Prioli é incrível!!!! Ela e muitos outros estão acima do Lula, nas minhas prioridades. Rs. =)

    2. Hahaha is anyone paying you for saying that? I mean how a criminal, corrupt, devastated the public institutions that promoted the biggest CORRUPTION the world ever seen, being considered a leader at all?
      Lula is a thief and should be in jail!

    3. @TeacherAdrian Bulhoes thank you for your thoughtful repply… now, in my view, that’s a matter of how you weight the facts: i consider Bolsonaro and his family way more corrupt, less competent, Jair can’t keep his word, how Jair salutes the American Flag or Bolton (a civilian at the time) disgusts me, the denial of vaccines, the ever-changing courses of action, Bolsonaro’s love for dictatorship, how the most powerful man in Brazil says his hands are tied to do what he can etc given all that i much preffer Lula. (Oh! And dont bring up the economy… bankers and the financial sector won’t ever be as happy as they were during Lula years)

    4. @Gabriel Duarte I don’t know where you are living in, but seriously you comment doesn’t match the facts!
      First , let’s no mix the president with the acts of his family members, who wants to be charged for what others do?
      Regarding the vaccines, of course the mainstream media won’t admit the proper evaluation by the government; buy something that doesn’t exist, not yet approved by the responsible agency, contract with absurd clauses, that would be a chance for the dirty left to have base for impeachment, all approved vaccines had been negotiated, therefore Brazil is the fifth among the several countries;
      Dictatorship? are you talking about STF? Most powerful man in the country? Are you suggesting that Bolsonaro should break the supreme court decisions? Because till now he is respecting!
      5,8% of the brazilian population has been contaminated, against 9,1% of the American population;
      forth, 0,14% of the population in Brazil has sadly died with the virus, against 0,17% in The USA; fifth, the example always given GERMANY, with all restrictions has letality of 2,7% while in Brazil is 2,4%;
      Based on facts and not on fakes being spread about Brazil;
      Should we assume Biden is a negligent president that had killed over half million Americans so far??
      supreme court decision which assigned the states and cities to be the ones responsible for the acts against covid-19, remaining under the federal government provide resources; well that was well done, over R$420 billions sent to the states (notice that do cases of corruptions were reported , even with drop of governor like in Rio and secretary of health in jail like in Amazonas), moving forward , R$294 billions in urgent social cash transference to the most needed people, including suspension of the debts owed by the states; plus responsible vaccine contracts and transparent negotiations, what we don’t see in São Paulo for example.
      TAKE CARE.

    1. Lula criminal, corrupt, devastated the public institutions, the one that promoted the biggest CORRUPTION the world ever seen, billions of dollars had been returned;
      If he in almost 2 decades had improved the poverty in the country, there should be no reason for the billions reais Bolsonaro approved as Social money transfer to people so they may relief;
      Dispite that the inovation and changes happened no matter what;
      Lula devastated the quality of education in Brazil, the results are available no need to trust me.
      He is lazy, arrogant and think he is the best.
      Lula is a thief and should be in jail!
      Instagram @teacherAdrian Bulhoes

  9. Corrupt he may be, the Amazon was finally in a state of recovery under his tenure. And that’s the most important thing right now. A healthy environment means healthier people, it means less new diseases, etc.
    Vote him in again, and make sure the forest, and the people of Brazil along with it, have a future, for the sake of the whole planet!

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