1. Let’s see if this is a Biden ad.

    Edit: Yeah it’s a Biden ad.

    God MSNBC is trash. They really made a video about data, starting it off with basically ‘well we don’t have any data buuuuut…..’

    1. Sonymnms 52 Lol when poll was going to help Todd was so happy and when it was for Bernie he was so quiet

    2. Let’s check if Bernie’s short-bussers are still pushing their trumpist conspiracy theories. Here’s a theory for you: How many Bernie votes are coming from trump supporters pushing a weak candidate?

    3. So Sonymnms, then what this guy is saying is wrong? So if biden ends up with more delegates today, somehow somebody cheated or lied?

  2. This is just weird…

    Didn’t any of the exit polls deliver something more significant?


  3. I love watching these guys sooo excited to see if their years long propaganda effort pays off! Hows the brainwashing coming along!

    1. Are you sure you aren’t the brainwashed one? Be careful that you aren’t a part of a political cult.

    2. Its the Crossover voting. Thats why the Republicans dont have the balls to have a real republican primary. They dont want democrats do what they do all the time, skew elections.

  4. Why does everyone want to continue to feed all wealth to the top? The US health system is awful and exclusionary.

    1. @darknite 123222 No one gives anything. Everyone pays into the system and takes when its needed. This is not rocket science, every other first world nation, without exception, has this system because it works and works for more efficiently than the private sector

    2. Medicare needs to be fixed. Both my parents are on it and paid a total of $10,000 out of pocket last year. One of them had to go on Medicaid for around the clock help. They lost everything, life savings house a car. It’s really not a good system in its current state.

    3. Ummmm I worked four jobs to put myself through college and graduate school and I’m a therapist who works for a small mental health practice and I can’t afford health insurance because it’s as much as I pay for rent every month. Who said I didn’t work for anything?!

  5. Why did he only address the return to Obama policy section of the pie…hmmm I wonder.

    1. Yes! This means more 65k “hot dog” and “pizza” parties in the WH! Hopefully we will have more Operations like Fast & Furious! What a great movie franchise – amirite?

    2. African American voters collectively are ANTISEMITES preferring senile alte NOEYF WHITE BIDEN to a JEW who was down with them throughout the CIVIL rights movement era….ungrateful shvarze yikhes fon kadokhes mitn seykhl lodged deep within their tokhes krepatzn bupkes….


  6. Chuck Todd what a slimy creep! Paid for by super pac “Corporations again the middle class”!

  7. Isn’t this the same media outlet that predicted Trump didn’t have a chance at becoming president!? Go Bernie!

    1. @Alexander Supertramp I did. I voted Biden. Instead of whining about him down here in the comments.

  8. My prediction is ,Bernieeee will get screwed again, and again and again by big money. Instead of Big Tuesday we should call this a Big Joke.

    1. Even the DNC is smart enough to see the path Bernie is taking is dangerous. they’ll assassinate him before letting him win the white house.

    2. Dangerous? The policies he’s advocating for are actively working in most industrialized countries on earth. I’ve lived in countries with universal healthcare and free college and was asked so many times why Americans don’t get that it’s not communism. You are so brainwashed

    3. He’s getting screwed because establishment democrats and the media are endorsing Biden and a lot of voters are morons who vote for whoever is being shoved down their throats and whoever they use scary terms like ‘communist’ against to terrify idiots who don’t know any better. None of sanders policies are ‘radical’ except the Americans stuck in the 1950s McCarthy era. I’ve lived and traveled all over the world, you only see this communist fear mongering over health care in this country. Lol

  9. Chuck is a hackie sac with a hack on his back. He has lost all his credibility if he ever had any.

  10. After the way the left wing media and DNC has treated Sanders again during this election just to get another Wall Street puppet of their choice in office, this is the last election I will ever be voting in. I’m going Bernie or bust for my last vote ever. Trump can have it if Sanders isn’t nominated, I can’t support corruption to stop corruption.

    1. This is the last President of USA.2016🇺🇸🇵🇷2025
      Go and VOTE
      I’m taking My day off to make sure I vote 100% against anything that smells democrats

    2. @HaztaLaVista BaBy No thanks, I was voting for Bernie to drain ‘The Swamp’ i’m not gonna support another Swamp creature that helped create The Swamp buying politicians before he got into office, he is just as bad as the rest of them

  11. All these numbers are massively screwed, because retired people all vote during the day.
    Bernie overwhelmingly has the “young” vote
    DUH …….

  12. Whenever I see comments on videos like this it makes me question: who is dumber… republicans or “progressive” democrats? Both are likely to believe conspiracy theories and see things that aren’t there. And both are less likely to care about how factual the information that they’re spewing is.

    1. It’s not a conspiracy theory that big corporations are in the establishments pocket. It’s common sense.

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