1. bad management always shows itself in the end ~ how many times has trump been bankrupt ???

    1. Bad management is telling alright. That must be why the virus killed tens of thousands of people in New York and Michigan, and why it’s only a flu bug in Florida and Texas.

    2. And exactly what does that have to do with rising corona cases as a result of mass protest?

  2. We had the Greatest Generation and now we have the Pathetic Generation who can’t even wear a mask and stay at home. A nation of crybabies.

    1. Masks are a feel good measure. To think otherwise is pure stupidity. When you read actual time tested ppe studies only specific PPE protects against particular diseases. Whatever helps you get your micro off

    2. Right let’s go out riot burn down democratic ran cities it’s fun they let us do it will show Trump that many of those cities are going to become republican awesome

  3. When hospitals have to establish triage protocols, that is something that usually only happens in military hospitals during a war. Who gets to live and who must die.

    1. Theo Lamp Not sure most people understand the actual meaning of triage. It’ll be a harsh truth for some at the hospital.

    2. As of 7/3, here in Arizona, our hospital’s had to implement their crisis care plans to decide who gets treated and who doesn’t. 91% of our ICU beds and 85% of reg beds are already occupied.

    1. “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”

    2. @Linda K #FakeNews #KungFlu #WuhanChinaVirus #AllLivesMatter #FreeHongKong 中国强盗 #Trump2020

    3. @THE ANGRY QUAD #FakeNews #KungFlu #WuhanChinaVirus #AllLivesMatter #FreeHongKong 中国强盗 #Trump2020

  4. For the crazy people that called Cuomo a “dictator”, now facts and consequences show him as the leader that he is.

    1. Yes, as he lead those elderly people to their deaths along with alot of others! Sorta like “HITLER” huh!

    2. Please don’t say that again my mom was in one of those nursing homes that cuomo was sending positive patients to please vote him out he’s an idiot

  5. I would think that Republican leaders would like wearing masks, the mask hides their lying mouths.

    1. @Tom Holy you’re wrong, democrats made it a political issue to get Trump out of office. Its going to backfire and get him reelected.

    1. Which one? I’m in Jersey and just got home with broken hand and there were 4 people there??????????

    2. @THE ANGRY QUAD In Texas they’re having some trouble. I expect Arizona, California, and Florida to be the next places we hear about with not enough room in the hospitals.
      Also, breaking your have doesn’t usually get you admitted into the hospital, just the ER. This is about hospital patients, not ER patients.

    3. I live in the Rio Grande Valley TX and our hospitals are full. Two patients were flown to Dallas and San Antonio. Their hospitals are almost full and there is a lack of medical personnel.

    4. Sorry but it’s just another hoax just like the impeachment hoax Russian conclusion hoax Ukraine hoax

  6. Why am I surrounded by ppl in America who dont know how to just stay home to protect our kids

    1. @THE ANGRY QUAD When their parent dies a child is affected forever, not in a good way.

    2. @Nicole Brown #FakeNews #KungFlu #WuhanChinaVirus #AllLivesMatter #FreeHongKong 中国强盗 #Trump2020

    3. @Patrick Bullard #FakeNews #KungFlu #WuhanChinaVirus #AllLivesMatter #FreeHongKong 中国强盗 #Trump2020

    4. Why do you listen to fake news you still think the world is going to end in ten years and if so why are so many people having kids isn’t that wrong

  7. The Republican Governors that denied the facts and science in relation to the spread of Covid 19 are responsible for this National disaster.

  8. It is selfish and nearsighted to follow the “we are free, so nobody tells us what to do” deal.

  9. We are all Americans first, regardless of part affiliation. Wearing a mask is of a less sacrifice than getting ill or living with knowing you infected someone.

    1. We are all Americans first, deadly viruses don’t stop and ask who is your party, what color are you and who did you vote for

  10. “Self-control” and look at who Americans put in the White House, a guy who pantomimed disability at a rally.

  11. Americans are unique in that they have politicized a disease. I’m not sure this helps anybody except politicians.

  12. Experts: “It is crucial that people socially distance”
    Americans: “Okay, but like only for a month, after that I need to get out and travel again”
    Italians: “… are you serious?”

    1. @untseac US 300 deaths per million, Canada 230.

      A lot of countries rates are high because they got hammered early. Those numbers are going down consistently.

    2. untseac lying is a Republican issue. Dems are too embarrassed at having to tell their Mothers they lied.

    3. @bill gates That’s a lot of hashtags for someone who can’t even stand behind their own name-_-.
      RT News – is fake, Wuhan was the origin (not the virus), perhaps from an NIH labs – which we (the US) partake in, ALM is a super-set of BLM.. if you actually felt so, BLM would come easy to you, Free Hong Kong – elect someone who might care, Trump.. not him.
      Goodnight nameless one, I hope you find your identity again – come to fight for your country as an individual, who could carry their parents name.
      I wish you well –
      I have no doubt Pres Trump thinks he is a Lion… people need to understand the difference, between a Leo Rising, and a Leo Sun or Moon. I fear Donald is lost in his own reflection. Grace and regality does exist.. I’d ask you to look for it – first inside you, as we all must.
      If we fail our people, as Putin is failing the world – were we to fall to one party or discourage open debate/ attack those with names until only a few exist.. all of our voices could be silenced, as we are seeing in Russia today.. and spreading.
      Make the world you want to see.
      I don’t see many answers from you.. how about encouraging masks/ distance.. or massive funding of the CDC.. public trust in our institutions or leading minds… increased upper level education, including the Sciences.. you know.. what smart nations would do. This is the new world, we need to stack up; do what you can<3.
      Happy 4th

    4. 70 or 80 kids get shot every weekend in democrat cities like Chicago ,Baltimore or Detroit but people still vote for them…. jus sayin’

  13. trump would describe this phase of the pandemic as ” the greatest, most beautiful, magical moments ” for our country

    1. For him it probably does feel that way because the dirty tactics democrats are using are not working.

    2. And the riots had nothing to do with the latest surge it was the reopening and the people wearing masks and social distancing please don’t vote in November

  14. If this madness keeps up, Mexico may finally pay for a border wall just to keep us out. 🙃🙃🙃

    1. @Gregory Peterman that’s why the Republikkklans Russian president needs to get this virus behind him, it’s time to move on to talking about Caravans and brown people.

  15. “You also have the right to protect your parents”

    That a responsibility, not a right. Look the word up in the dictionary America.

    1. 7 months 0 pregnant mom covid deaths worldwide
      7 months 0 Australian Aboriginal covid deaths
      0 virus

    2. I guess when the govt fails in its responsilities to implement measures to protect its citizens during this pandemic,, then ultimately it becomes the people’s right and choice to protect their families. My two cents worth. ✌🏻

    3. It’s a right first.
      It’s a responsibility when you decide which side you take.
      You have the right ‘not’ to take care of your parents if they mistreated you. That would be a responsibilty towards your betterment.
      Your responsibility is to yourself first.
      Morally or personally…it’s your right to choose.
      In my opinion.

    4. Yet thousands and thousands of marxists are still in the streets not social distancing and not practicing good hygiene. Guess they hate their parents. Oh right right the virus passes by virtue signaling and kneeling 🙄

  16. America’s solution to covid is simple: do what countries with a successful covid strategy have done. And dump Trump.
    His total lack of leadership in this pandemic has proven to be lethal. Wake up Americans. Your “leader” is not interested in saving you or your lives. He is a selfish narcissist with zero empathy. You are paying the price for this now.

    1. So it’s trumps fault that people are going outside to protest and as a result, corona cases are going through the roof? Correct me if I’m wrong but I never heard him tell everyone to mass gather outside in the hundreds of thousands.

    2. @Anthony Dedvukaj #FakeNews #KungFlu #WuhanChinaVirus #AllLivesMatter #FreeHongKong 中国强盗 #Trump2020

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