1. Vote them OUT and once they are out SHAME them and their family… There has to be a price for sell outs🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

    1. @Ry ROme also if you actually read my comment, it said CNN right fucking there, Im a “LiBtArD” and you cant even read a comment, says a lot about you

    2. @Hexstan sarcasm does not come thru these texts to well . My point is they should both be taken off the ballet and replaced with better qualified individuals.

    3. @Ry ROme then why the need to hide the evidence and pertinent witnesses? Let it all come out , both Biden and Trump. Let we the people decide the truth in November. To hide the truth while crying about Biden seems a bit disingenuous to me.

  2. Let’s be honest, witnesses and documents would have fallen on deaf Republicon ears.
    Get out in November and VOTE!

    1. Yes, my 27 year old son says “I need to register to Vote, and Vote against Republicans, across the board.” I haven’t voted in years but I agree with my son. We google “how to vote in 2020 Election in Oklahoma” We found our link: http://www.ok.gov then once there, we used the search box and type in “Vote Registration.” I have downloaded and printed our Voter Registration forms, just need to fill out and mail. Supposed to get Voter’s card in 30 days.

    2. Gary Parsons Lets be clear, shall we? Trump was not impeached for ASKING FOR AN INVESTIGATION…he was impeached for LEVERAGING that request with military assistance. You guys always want to minimize this by saying he only wanted an investigation into corruption. If that’s so, he went about it the wrong way. He should have had our JUSTICE DEPARTMENT make the request. He didn’t, because if he was sincerely concerned about it, why hasn’t the justice department launched an investigation into this alleged corruption? Coz he didn’t WANT an investigation, only the ANNOUNCEMENT of an investigation.

    3. Lyn R I guess you guys are a Socialists? DemoRats want open boarders, drugs, full late term and live birth abortion, the destruction of the 2nd Amendment, Offshoring of American Jobs, A global tax (Green New Deal), Seizure of private property and the destruction of religious liberty.

    4. @I.vi. Its Whatvr democrats are lazy so the dudes right.. Like I said in previous comments..ya’ll gonna need a miracle to win in 2020.. Unfortunately, you’ve been lied too…democrats are the minority in this country and your surrounded by conservative Trump supporters. Guaranteed Trump land slide in 2020…

  3. Don’t need Bolton to tell me Trumpski, nothing but a criminal. He’s guilty as hell, vote this clown out come November.

    1. John Te It’s going to really be hard to change the mind of millions of people who like to see productivity and someone getting work done. And we like someone calling nepotism into account by the swamp dwellers. I am so happy that for the first time in my adult life we have a non-lawyer for president. We absolutely know he is selfish just like you and I. But being selfish and productive is more forgivable than being selfish and unproductive. To believe that the Democratic leader ship is not selfish would be elevating them to the status of gods.

    2. @Wesley Smith The State Dept had determined that Ukraine’s anti-corruption efforts were effective, and that the aid package should be released. No one involved in ita release could understand why the aid was being witheld. Look it up.

    3. @bit jockey How many contacts existed between Trump’s campaign and Russian assets? Who shared internal polling data w Konstantin Kalimnik (apologies for the misspelling)? C’mon, man…that’s just lazy

    4. @Kai Gibson Hello? Putin’s calling the shots now,. Remember! Trumps 3rd term is on! Nothing can stop it now!

    1. Oh sure, let’s trust him not to cheat in the election again, after giving him a pass 🙄 lol fucking morons

    2. @allaboutNDIRISH the Democrats had the house Wire Tapped (illegally) and still didnt find any evidence so what does that tell you??? What does COMMON SENSE TELL YOU???

  4. Rick Santorum has zero credibility, stop putting him on tv, he’s got a spot reserved under the donnie’s desk.

    1. @James Irving Your numbers include empty seats at airports. Empty seats at airports may be CNN’s target audience, but that doesn’t count as viewers. Overall there’s still more pet chickens and witches than there are *actual* CNN viewers.

    2. LOL… we have one and ONLY one conservative viewpoint on our debates, he is the weakest and dumbest one we could find… and we still have to remove him so our moron liberal base doesnt get upset

    1. That’s compromised not comprised. If you’re gonna make a statement, make it so people can understand what the hell you mean!

    2. Mazot Hortlak thanks for the correction, that was an error. Obviously you understood my point because you just made it.

  5. The party told you to reject all evidence of your eyes and ears. It was there most essential command- George Orwell , 1984

  6. S.E.’s facial expression gave me the sense she was ready to explode 🤯 Rick Santorum is just another republican hack that has followed trump down his snake hole. He is IRRELEVANT.

  7. How the hell did Trump rebuild the Party?? I think he’s McConnell’s puppet if anything McConnell rebuilt the party.

    1. The party formerly known as the GOP, is now the party of “Trump First”, if not “Trump Only”, and it’s a real shame. It’s the party I’ve supported my whole life, until Trump decided to become a republican to run for office, and now they’re no longer recognizable.

    2. @Suzy Q but you like a d believe the democraps? Trump is working for the country the dems are trying to destroy it! Open your eyes!

    3. @Greg Johnson At this point, yes, I choose the Democrats. My eyes are wide open, as I’m sure yours are; we just have different viewpoints. The Democrats aren’t trying to destroy the country any more than the Republicans are, and when we claim such things, we divide our country, making US the ones who are destroying our country. We’re better than that! I respect your opinion, even if I don’t happen to share it, and all I ask is that you show me that same respect. When an American fights another American, our enemies cheer us on, and I refuse to give them the satisfaction.

      Like every other president Trump will leave office one day. We need to be careful not to create permanent rifts amongst ourselves over a temporary president, it’s just not worth it.
      United we stand; divided we fall. If we fall, it’ll be because we pushed ourselves over. Instead, let’s try holding each other up! ✌️💜 🇺🇲
      Take care, Greg, I hope you enjoy the weekend. Do you have a team playing in the Superbowl tomorrow?

    4. @Suzy Q Wrong the Democrats under the sway of socialism has been trying to divde the country by racs, sex, gender ID etc for 50 years. Don’t be niave.

    1. Did you wonder about that when Hillary said “what difference at this point does it matter,” after people died under her watch. Did you wonder what she taught her child.

    2. To keep with impeachment what about Schiff, he has been lying since he came out with his rendition of the July phone call according to the “WHISTLEBLOWER” whom we never heard from. then Trump released the transcripts, Schiff had to backtrack then. He has been lying every since.

  8. Not even a slap on his hands and he’s gonna suddenly act within decent bounds ?
    Santorum is on drugs ?

    1. I am confused… why did trump get impeached?
      Weren’t they trying to get him impeached since his election? 🤨

  9. B R E A K I N G N E W S : Mafia Kingpin being acquitted by Mafia Underbosses. Mafia Soldiers celebrating.

    1. I know it seems bleak but remember in the words of SW:ROS “they win by making you feel alone there are more of us than their is of them”

  10. “Our Founders, when they wrote the Constitution, they suspected that there could be a rogue president. I don’t think they suspected that we could have a rogue president and a rogue leader in the Senate at the same time.”
    – House Speaker Nancy Pelosi

  11. “So that they could keep their jobs, instead of doing their jobs.” Thank you S.E. Cupp, that pretty much sums up this whole situation of the Senate’s lack of integrity on this matter of impeachment.

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