Hear Tapper’s question for politicians who won’t condemn Kanye West’s Hitler remarks

CNN's Jake Tapper calls out politicians who aren't strongly condemning antisemitism amid Kanye West's, who now goes by Ye, ongoing attacks against the Jewish community. #CNN #News


  1. One of the sacred affirmations of a US President, sworn upon a holy book, is to uphold the Constitution …. not to put it in a dumpster if it doesn’t work for him.

    1. Agreed, GamesCasino. We should never forget the antisemitism fostered by the democrat party. https://youtu.be/SR3jyhIK_kE

      This is especially true during the democrat party sponsored terror riots during summer 2020 which targeted Jewish owned businesses as well as Asian owned businesses. Page right out of the Brown Shirt Nazi ideology.

    2. @Paul Joe Biden doesn’t need to cover his skin with a cheap Chinese orange mascara or a cheap Chinese golden wig.

  2. “Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man’s character, give him power,”
    I salute you Rep. Adam Kinzinger. A man of character and integrity. 🙏🏼🙌🏼🗽🇺🇸🦅

    1. @michael Ro so first you denied the color of my skin then claim I am Russian and live under a bridge and now you want me to expose myself to you, what’s going on Mike? Much confusion here

    2. @Green Bay Andrew I have already told you that all of you Russian trolls trying to destroy America will be fished out when the time comes.

    1. Though people like Kanye West show no remorse at it and turn into a political argument. With the coward covering his face that shows his true image.

    2. @Pam Jones Why are u so hurt !!! The holocaust was rammed down my throat in history class . What about my black ancestors holocaust right here in America? To hell with you am tired of the holocaust!!! Talk about black ppl in America holocaust that happened here in this America by your ppl

  3. If I was in the secret service and Trump called for the termination of the constitution I would just walk out and say fine. You can defend yourself. I swore to protect the constitution.

    1. @E Z Breeze it’s the 21st century. The constitution can and is altered from time to time. Where do you think amendments come from?

  4. She’s a liar she knows exactly who he is because she turned around and was at one of him his meeting so she knows exactly who he is and she spoke out the same way she can’t lie about herself

    1. You can’t prove the Holocaust was real. That’s a deterrent from the truth allied forces jumped all over Germany..let’s not talk about that. Right. America is trash dehumanizing and praising a religion.

    2. “White supremacy” conference? So an “America First” Trump rally is a white supremacists conference? CNN is not even trying to be fair or have any type of integrity as journalists when you just label the opposite side white supremacists because they have a different political platform and there are squad members in the actual democratic party in Congress who are publicly antisemites like Elon Omar, Rashida Talib, AOC etc. but nobody blames Biden or any other Democrat for that matter for their ideas or mistakes, personal responsibility means that you own your own mistakes and actions and words but the idea that Trump who literally comes into contact with hundreds of people each day from Secret Service to supporters to haters to journalist and business people and so on is somehow responsible for the actions and every word ever spoken from anyone he comes across is absolutely fucking ridiculous and the fact that this is the best you have on him to make it a three week long story after seven years of investigations and raids and wiretapping and spying is really embarrassing 🤡

  5. What the heck has happened to America!!!? Seriously what the heck is going on!? Its not just sick but truly scary and evil.

    1. The scum was not put down during the Obama years and now look what is happening and not just in the US. We have Bannon to thank for fascism taking hold in Italy again. We have to speak out and shut them down.

  6. It amazes me that people like West and Fuentes and others who have obvious personality and mental health issues can gain such airtime exposure and influencer status

    1. @TOMAS J OCONNEL Are you at least introspective enough to realize all of your argumentative strategy revolves around as hominems, misrepresentations, and wanton dismissal? Last question.

    2. @Belly Dancer Em
      Well, I watched the whole interview and I didn’t hear him say anything about him hating all Jews.

  7. I am german, born in 1961 and I find it absolutly disgusting to hear those comments about Hitler beeing a good man or that there was no Holocaust . As a girl we went on a school trip to the concentration camp Dachau. What I have seen there and formost felt there has never left me. To watch american politians associate with people like this and their colleaques not condemming them, scares me but more so it disgusts me.

    1. @Alex Kane you are able to admit what hate isn’t. If you go back you’ll see op expressed nothing to imply hate, so what is implied is projection on your part. Disgust, sadness, and disappointment should not be demonized emotions since they teach us what happiness is and protect us from similar future situations. “Letting go” is often used to mean forgetting about something or trivializing someone’s take on an event. There is nothing trivial about the events of WWII, and forgetting risks repeat behavior.

    2. @Alex Kane May God bless you Alex! Looks like you’re getting beat up just as much as me, hahaha! Keep up the good fight brother.

    3. Oh the god botherers are out in full force. Grow up, there are no gods. Your religion chains you to bigotry and stunted growth

  8. That’s exactly why denying the holocaust is prohibited in Germany and you face jail time for up to 5 years. Same goes for several other european countries.

    1. @Alex Kane his bank didn’t freeze his account, it was the IRS, because he didn’t pay his taxes and Adidas didn’t steal anything from him, they dropped him because he is an antisemitic idiot.

    2. @Uros Sinigoj, MD Jesus said love everyone and judgment is God’s alone. Of course any mass murderer will suffer the eternal hellfire, it’s not our duty to carry the hate in our hearts. Judgment is God’s alone.

    3. @Mr Pepe laughable remark from a russian/chinese online shill, both countries with Orwellian opression methods…lamo

    4. Repent and believe in Jesus. John 3:16 KJV – For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
      Luke 13:3 KJV – I tell you nay: but except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish.
      John 3:3 KJV – “Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.”

    5. @Maria R The two parties seem to have very different goals…Democrats tend to want “all boats to rise”, whereas the Republicans will use your body as a flotation device before you’re even finished with it.

      Not sure how trying to game the numbers through underreporting or telling people to drink bleach is “fully on it”, but whatever.

  9. The pictures Jake showed at the end of this video is why we should fight and fight hard against the rise of neo fascism. We owe it to our grandfathers and for some of you great grandfathers. Who put their lives on the line and many of them gave their lives to stop fascism. They fought and died so all of us could live free.

    1. I guess these deniers would claim the photos of gas chambers full of contorted bodies, the living skeletons behind barbwire, and the massive smokestacks of the Nazi crematoriums that burned night and day, are all fake. There are photos of Dr Mengele’s human experiment victims, mostly mutilated children. Once the experiments were over these babies were exterminated like researchers here exterminate lab rats when they’re done with them. We have the Nazis research papers and archives of Nazi research photos as evidence if anyone doubts the extent or reality of it. Time for the deniers to open their eyes and stop living in an alternate imaginary reality.

    2. All heroes deserve the greatest honour…..including 27 million Russians who gave up their lives along with allied forces to fight Hitler.

  10. I’m proud of you for showing photos of the atrocities that Hitler put Jewish people, disabled people, Gypsy people and countless Europeans through! It’s important to show the documental photos and films of went on because of Hitler and his regime.

    1. “White supremacy” conference? So an “America First” Trump rally is a white supremacists conference? CNN is not even trying to be fair or have any type of integrity as journalists when you just label the opposite side white supremacists because they have a different political platform and there are squad members in the actual democratic party in Congress who are publicly antisemites like Elon Omar, Rashida Talib, AOC etc. but nobody blames Biden or any other Democrat for that matter for their ideas or mistakes, personal responsibility means that you own your own mistakes and actions and words but the idea that Trump who literally comes into contact with hundreds of people each day from Secret Service to supporters to haters to journalist and business people and so on is somehow responsible for the actions and every word ever spoken from anyone he comes across is absolutely fucking ridiculous and the fact that this is the best you have on him to make it a three week long story after seven years of investigations and raids and wiretapping and spying is really embarrassing 🤡

    2. Hitler is the poster boy for atheistic communism , always remember the dangers of denying God and Christians.

    1. Just so you know. Nazism is a form of Aryanism, which targeted Jews as members of a supposedly inferior RACE; as supposed members of a non-human species. Part of Holocaust Revisionism is to pretend that it was a religious persecution. It wasn’t. Part-Jewish people (those who were raised as Christians but simply had a Jewish grandparent) and secular non-religious Jews were also targeted. Jews in Germany were secular and non-religious and well assimilated into German society.

      Maybe the Holocaust had some elements of religious persecution, but I’ve noticed the myth being promoted that it supposedly wasn’t about GENOCIDE AND WIPING OUT AN ETHINIC GROUP, on racial grounds. Yes, Jews aren’t a race but that didn’t stop Nazi Ideology from designating Jews as a race. Serbs and Gypsies aren’t races either but the same thing happened to them during the Holocaust. Serbs and Gypsies are ethnic groups that tend to be white.

      Nazism is a form of Aryanism which divides ethnic groups into supposed races. However, Nazism does not define race by skin color. Hence, Jews in Italy looked very similar to non-Jews in Italy, but when Nazi Germany conquered and controlled parts of Italy, it was only the Jews and part-Jewish people who were persecuted and murdered (despite looking very similar to their non-Jewish counterparts).

      This is why Jewish organizations have always tried to stress that part-Jewish people were also targeted.

    2. @MollysMeow I dont care who they were . It’s still heartbreaking. And disgusting to mistreat any of Gods children. Plain and simple…..

    3. “White supremacy” conference? So an “America First” Trump rally is a white supremacists conference? CNN is not even trying to be fair or have any type of integrity as journalists when you just label the opposite side white supremacists because they have a different political platform and there are squad members in the actual democratic party in Congress who are publicly antisemites like Elon Omar, Rashida Talib, AOC etc. but nobody blames Biden or any other Democrat for that matter for their ideas or mistakes, personal responsibility means that you own your own mistakes and actions and words but the idea that Trump who literally comes into contact with hundreds of people each day from Secret Service to supporters to haters to journalist and business people and so on is somehow responsible for the actions and every word ever spoken from anyone he comes across is absolutely fucking ridiculous and the fact that this is the best you have on him to make it a three week long story after seven years of investigations and raids and wiretapping and spying is really embarrassing 🤡

    4. @Anne Storment Jews killed Christ and don’t believe in him so tell me again how exactly are they God’s children?

  11. Filth is the operative word Jake. It’s absolute madness. My father was 19, patrolling the Swiss Alps to keep Germany out. He fell 600 feet from the side of a mountain climb and spent 2 years in the hospital recovering from that fall where 6 others died. So traumatized by finding people frozen to death trying to flee the Nazis [among many other failings in Europe], he came to North America immediately after WW2. Every European who joined our family at the dinner table over my years of growing up had stories of mothers throwing their babies off trains into farmers fields to save their children from the death camps. Or the SS raiding their homes to take sympathizers away, or working with the underground to help people escape. These people have no idea the horrors of WW2 Europe at the hands of Nazi Germany. It’s disgusting and dishonours the memory of every man who fought for the freedoms we enjoy today.

    1. You are absolutely correct, Heidi – we are witnessing the mainstreaming of utter filth (fascist/nazi sentiment) within the Republican faction of the United States. It is depressing, distressing, and disgusting.

    2. Thank you for your story. In my family, a great uncle lost his wife and four children, who were buried alive, by the Nazis. These young haters and deniers, are getting attention, which is what they crave. Haters are really people who hate themselves, they just turn it outward and blame it on others.

  12. If this story isn’t covered on Fox News my family has no idea this is happening. That in a nutshell is the biggest problem we have in the United States. We all know about Hunter Biden‘s laptop, though they think we don’t, and they want to conflate that with what’s happening right now with Kanye and Trump etc. The GOP is a stain on American history. And Marjorie Taylor Greene and Kevin McCarthy are leading the way right behind the big orange jackass.

  13. As a Dutch resident near the Netherlands American Cemetery in Margraten I adopted the grave a young American soldier who lost his life during WW2. I am shocked to hear about this recent Nazi propaganda upsurge in American society and politics. If only these more than 8,000 people who’s grave I pay respect to when visiting this cemetery would know know about how their homeland threatens to slide downhill… They would be ashamed of it. They made the ultimate sacrifice to liberate the world from evil and now evil seems to rise within their own country and threatens to smudge the soldier’s legacy.

    1. ​@Andy Abuteo Yes, also Russian soldiers died during WW2. But this CNN video addresses the uprising antisemitism in US polirics. So don’t you think your remark is a bit inappropriate? Especially considering the evil actions of Russia today…

    2. @Marci Martin Thanks for your reply. All the graves of the Netherlands American Cemetery at Margraten are adopted by local citizens of the region. It’s an honour to be able to continue to pay our respects to the fallen on this sacred American Soil.

  14. My Dad, who passed away some time ago, immediately volunteered for the Army Air Corp following the attack on Pearl Harbor. He served in France in WWII, often subject to Nazi bullets flying past him while perched on a telephone pole stringing wire for communications by his unit. They were tasked with removing bridges to trap or impede German movements. He was always a hero to me for who he was and how he lived his life. Thank God he doesn’t have to witness the current acceptance and even embrace of Nazism and fascism from some pretend Americans today.

  15. Jake.. as a Canadian I thank your uncle and your family for their sacrifice. Your uncle would be proud of you as well.

  16. Thank you for this. My Canadian uncle died at 23 also. He was in the Canadian Air Force and was shot down over France. He too worked as a gunner fighting for all of humans. I proudly honor him and thankfully have copies of the letters he sent to his family whilst fighting that terrible war. They are heartbreaking accounts of what he experienced and filled with deep sadness.

    1. Fellow canadian here we all owe your uncle and the thousands of Canadians who pay the ultimate price for me before I was born a debt I can never repay it makes me sick to hear the hate and the so-called leaders who have to be told to condemn something everyone should do

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