Hog farmer: I never imagined having to do this

A Minnesota hog farm is gearing up for a traumatizing experience amid the closing of American pork plants during the coronavirus pandemic. CNN's Gary Tuchman reports. #CNN #News


  1. That should be an eye opener on how much food goes to waste instead of using to feeding the less fortunate

  2. That’s STUPID, why not sell DIRECTLY to the consumers. Offer the pigs cleaned and butchered, mail directly to consumers homes. That’s what Perdue is doing. I purchased from them and it was better than shopping at the store. .

  3. To kill them is a sin. Pigs are some of the most intelligent animals out there. Smarter than dogs. Those that raise them already know this.

    1. @Beatsboxdre Beats Right that’s why all the highest educated states are blue, and also the source of all tech innovations. The intellectual and cultural centers of red states are the town Walmart. LOL

    2. @Beatsboxdre Beats ….You’re brainwashed. Both parties are corrupt. Your problem is that you are a tribalist. You view politics as football teams. When will you wake up?

    1. Ya know if we didn’t eat them 90% of them would never be born and the other 10% would be hunted down as they are a pest in the wild as well as being dangerous.

  4. 1. Those pigs are crammed together in a manor that is imoral, 2. This is a waist of food with all the people starving right now.

  5. Why not give them away instead of killing them .makes no sense. I’ll would take a few. What a waste.

  6. No one ever imagined having a president more dangerous to the United States has Donald Trump.

    1. @Ricky Fontaine Biden can barely show up to the dinner table and hold a conversation, he is going senile

  7. The government gives billions to bail out banks, but let entrepreneurs go out of business. And this is the country that preaches picking yourself up from your bootstraps and being self made🤦🏻‍♂️

    1. the banks and private bankers are the cancer of the world. We need as human beings to destroy the banking system wich the evil in our existence

  8. Why not self butcher or sell to small mom and pop butcher shops? I’d be willing to cut the middle man out and go straight to the farm for meat.

  9. Blame trump who acted too slowly to a REAL pandemic
    which was NOT a hoax by the Democrats like the idiot first said !

  10. So you cry when you have to kill them when you can’t make a profit, and you’re fine to kill them when you make money?

    1. Feeding and raising is separated from the executioner part. These farmers are not executioners.

  11. *the trumptard regime has FAILED America, it’s incompetence is on full display for the world to see*

  12. They are sent to death anyway, why is he crying? It’s time the needless slaughter ends. Go plant based already!

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