Russian President Vladimir Putin has invited his international “best friend”, China’s leader Xi Jinping, to Moscow for a three-day state visit beginning March 20. There’s sure to be plenty of glad-handing, champagne toasts, a major press conference and – behind closed doors – serious discussion. CNN's Selina Wang reports. #SelinaWang #CNN #News
How Chinese citizens are reacting to Xi’s visiting Putin

Russia’s ecconmy is ranked 11th ffs.
China would be better off signing a pizza and ice cream trade deal with Italy.
Russian economy is 6th in terms of Purschasing power. Not to mention almost 100% self suficient. Which has 10x more value.
I thought Russia was a military superpower. What happened? LOL!
@Dolo thedon they only have natos tools
If nato stepped in for real .. boyyyyy lmaooooo “if they die they die”
@republicalol they would of just been bomb fodder too.
@天月🌚That’s not what you was saying they were able to capture and control Afghanistan and back out of it eventually bro you’re in here on copium mode you’re not getting paid by Russia for spreading misinformation how about you go to Russia and help them fight this war cause you’re sure as hell in here fighting hard in the comments for them?
I do wish these videos were more about what the title says they’re about. The part containing the subject of the title of this video was all of 2 seconds.
What do you expect? Lol
2 seconds of relevant information and 5 minutes of duck face.
It’s classic click bait. It worked on you and works on almost everybody.
you’re asking a lot of cnn
I imagine they are reacting the way they were told!😮
Yes. The two men are wearing Western-style suits.
“life comes at you swiftly”
I was thinking there comments would be negative, then I would say you were behind….Soon all this type of media will loose viewers as the fact is reaching out to everyone…
Let’s not talk about “condemnation” and other impotent gestures. Let’s have all western weapons and ammo lined up for delivery to Ukraine, a real response for a change.
Please, after “China’s Wolf Warrior diplomacy” and threatening all it neighbors including North Korean you not one to lecture us.
That wasn’t how Chinese people react that’s how Chinese social media bots react
Chinese citizens do not enjoy the freedom of having their own reactions, they react however they are allowed to… its hilarious to hear about the “People’s Liberation Army” liberation from who???
From NATO and us
Liberated from 100 years of humiliation at the hands of the Western Anglos, look it up.
If you play the entirety of the segment, it sounds a lot different 😂😂😂
A dog, when severely injured, it licks his…noble parts, that’s because pain and pleasure areas are shared into the brain, one’s excitation overcomes the effect of the other, so what I see here are 2 wounded dogs having made the progress of offering mutual pleasure, to ease each other’s pain. That’s a proof of evolution, climbing one step further for the dog specie.
Sick fantasies, man.
@alex silent It is not a fantasy, it is a keen observation after watching what dogs having severe paw injuries do, they try to lick the hurting paw then somehow change the…objective and shifting…they discover a more pleasurable, responsive anatomy zone that, knowing the pain and pleasure share the same brain area, may be easily explained actually even for a russian, if I failed it is not my fault, believe me, do something you may please the most.
@danut ilasciuc interesting, but are you sure…they could be distracting themselves over the pain with the pleasure….in humans you can do this by yelling and swearing…nothing to do with the pleasure centers 😉
So not calling your observation into question, but the reasoning might be faulty. Do you have any actual studies on it? Link one?
Guys, it’s a metaphor.
What can they say? They either have no idea what reality is, or they’ll end up in jail. What they don’t know is they’re making enemies with all the richest countries.
Hope Ukraine wins from NZ
@Amanda Hsu GOOD LUCK. Amanda Hsu. So you know we were not defeated. And to put it out there N.Z . STANDS FOR NEW ZEALAND..
The last thing said at 5;25 is a conflict of interest. YouTube in particular has an investment into China, and China is making corporate way too much money for YouTube to be held accountable. YouTube’s policies are not governed by an autocracy so China can democratically outnumber corporate. This also gives more credence to what Jake is saying regarding how China is responsible for allowing disinformation to propagate.
Actions speak a X1000 louder than words.
Just curious how many people you interviewed out of 1.3 billion to get this insight in regard to their reaction? Like a legit question about poll percentage….
They’re so cute together.
In hell
Many of us have watched with horror the West’s dependence on Russia and China for many years. Now Russia is largely disconnected but we have not even seen the beginning of what is to come. This time we might learn, don’t do business with dictatorships.
Good relationships🙏🏻🇲🇽🇷🇺🇨🇳
“So you’re going to help us?” -Putin “Okay, love you, byeeeeeeeee.” -Xi
It’s like a mother-in-law negotiating peace between her son and his wife.