1. So, during Women’s History Month, we celebrate and we honor the women who made history throughout history, who saw what could be unburdened by what had been,” Harris said.

  2. 😡 *This reminds me of when I got caught shoplifting. My grandparents were so angry. I literally got fully strip searched in the kitchen as soon as we got home. Def learned my lesson.*

  3. Well, you like it or not but the leaks scenario is a well done fake product. Nothing embarrassing. Not sure ruzzia will swallow the hook 😅

  4. You show a video of a Mig 23 Flogger, I’m not sure if Russia is still using these in the war, possible I guess. Pretty old warplane.👍

  5. Putin & Trump are into it together , just watch Fox news Tucker Carson interview with Trump yesterday .

    1. Probably why the host is rudely interrupting him. He needs to respect men who’ve earned their keep on these subjects.

  6. What’s important is that not only did the gvt get caught lying about the war, the media actually ratting out a source and demanded he be silenced, only goes to prove they were complicit with the lying.

  7. I think what it teaches the Russians is simple – they can trim their own Intel budgets because the US Intel community can’t protect it’s own information.

  8. ♥ As noted, a good analysis of open source data is as good as (if not better) than the leaked info. ♥♥♥

  9. “If you protect everything- you really are protecting nothing.” This sounds like a saying from Mike Brady to the Brady Bunch kids.

  10. Which ever Contrarian General comes closest to the best guess on the Ukraine war gets to claim that their crystal ball is the best. As that goofiness goes, this is pretty low hanging fruit.

  11. Without ammunition it’s over for Ukraine no matter their fierce will. Gorilla resistance would probably rise of course but on a grand scale as a nation they’d have to concede the new occupied territories. Putin was probably counting on this in the beginning.

  12. A lot of stuff reported in the documents, I have already read on CNN’s daily live updates on the Ukraine conflict. Maybe too many things are deemed as classified …

  13. Everybody spies on everybody they can, but if you let it slip out, you can’t pretend you don’t. Nobody fully trusts what is said publicly; there is too much at stake.

  14. I like this journalist (Zakaria). I don’t watch CNN very often (or Fox News either), however Zakaria seems to do a good, fair job.

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