‘I’m too cool to watch the hearings’: Kinzinger mocks Cotton’s Jan. 6 hearing remarks

Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-IL) discusses fellow GOP Sen. Tom Cotton's remarks on the January 6 hearings, and Democratic groups supporting election deniers in hopes of improving their chances in the upcoming midterm elections. #CNN #News


  1. I would just say this about the Trump supporters who deny the events of Jan 6 , “You can’t have a battle of wits with unarmed people “

    1. @Tobie Lurie
      not one person will try to defend their defenseless proclaims.
      the cult is wearing out,….

    1. If you don’t watch the hearings you can’t have an educated opinion about them.
      Edit; that makes your opinion null and void.

  2. he’s got that right! Both Al Franken & Adan Kinzinger agree on this point, Our Democracy is hanging by a thread and some people in power better step up and recognize

    1. Some people who vote better step up and recognize. Step up and VOTE BLUE! We truly are at the point of Use It Or Lose It!

    2. @Boris Probotkin Because most people in your country (including many of your elected officials) use the words somewhat incorrectly or shall I say, “loosely”.
      Although a “Republic” and a “Democracy” in many ways are very similar and even some ways, identically the same, in fact, Republican form of Government is a derivative of Democracy but in other ways, they differ. One key thing that should be noted as it pertains to the United States is that you are not just a Republic but a “Constitutional Republic”.

      One of the key differences in a Republic vs. a Democracy is that in a Republic, the Representatives make and vote on the laws of the Nation and States within it where as, is in a true Democracy, the people make / vote on the laws. The “Democratic” aspect of your Country is really just that your Representatives are democratically elected to speak on behalf of the people they represent. They still are the law makers regardless and not bound by any regulations to which they must go with desires for whom they represent other than fear for not being reelected in the future or possible revolt.

      That is largely impart why the framers of the United States chose a “Constitutional Republic” but also included a very important part separately as part of but not within the main context of that Constitution and that is the Bill of Rights. Your “Constitution” (as hopefully you know) is a set of rule for which your Government is obligated to adhere to. Many of those who framed your Country were smart enough to include the Bill of Right and more specifically the first and second amendments (in that specific order) in the Bill of Right, more on that in a minute though. They liked the idea of a Democracy as they understood it to exist in ancient Greece but rightfully so, they knew that a Democracy in a significantly large geographical area would be very hard to possibly impossible to maintain and have function properly. At the same time, they had a good understanding of the ancient Roman Republic (which was largely barrowed from the ancient Greek Democracy) along with other civilization to have a Republic over the centuries to which it had many attractive qualities about it but there was an inherent risk for corruption and favoritism like other forms of government despite being rooted in “Democracy” because of the reason I mentioned above about the Representative’s not truly representing those who elected them. Your Constitution as mentioned sets the rules by which your government must abide by. However, this still does not guarantee that your Government will actually abide by it and the framers knew this which brings me back to your Bill of Rights and more specifically, the first and second amendments in that thought out order.

      Your framers were very calculated in their approach to ensuring that the elected officials truly had to fear the people to whom the ultimate power was vested in and thus they separately includes the first amendment and specifically the last clause that reads:
      _”or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”_
      or as you Americans like to call it, “freedom to protest” This was viewed as the citizens first line of defense for a government that was not adhering to the job that they were tasked with upon their election.
      Knowing that petitioning the government would have rather limited power and effectiveness, and should the government (or any foreign Government for that matter) choose to become grotesquely insubordinate to the people or worse, oppressive, they knew that the citizens needed a backup line of defense and that best backup was the citizens banding together and forming armed militia’s to secure their freedoms and liberties.
      This is why it pains many foreigners when we hear of people (especially private citizens) wanting to change or as I’ve often heard, “gut the Constitution” and more specifically, the first and second amendments to your Constitution. Whilst I fully understand why some might want the change since those two freedoms can be used in negative ways or beyond their intent and purpose, those American citizens who want that do not understand that those two tools are for their benefit. The Framers who supported those two amendments were optimistic that the mere fear of the second amendment rights being exercised by the citizens would be enough to result in elected Representatives listening and acting as requested by the citizens when they exercised their first amendment rights.

      In closing, whilst your form of Government is a Republic, Republics are rooted in Democracy so used loosely, one could technically say that you are part of a Democracy but a true Democracy is really a Direct Democracy which the United States is not.

    3. @BCast
      We RESPECT Adam and Liz for getting the truth out about 1/6. Too bad mangas are too dense to absorb hard facts.

  3. “There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that ‘my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.”

    ― Isaac Asimov

  4. That first woman that was interviewed was making things up on the spot once the interviewer said he was actually at the Capitol. “You were there!? Oh, well, I… Knew some guys who were there too… They say I’m right.” Yeah, sure, lady.

    It’s one thing to believe something that’s false. That can be corrected, by just admitting you’re wrong and embracing the truth. But when you have to make up MORE lies yourself to back up the initial one, it’s clear you KNOW you’re wrong but are too stubborn to admit you’ve been conned.

  5. Some people will NEVER publicly admit that they’ve been made a fool of by a con man. The shame would be too much for them.

    1. @Queen T I misunderstood. Make a note of it because this is the first time anyone ever admitted to making a mistake on the internet. It’s historic. I’m just glad I was here to be part of this new era of humility I have helped usher in.

  6. Good for you Adam. Unplug everyone. We’re up against people who aren’t wired right in the first place!

  7. Denial – dont kid yourself. They are in abject, mortal fear of hearing anything that would throw them into a tailspin. They must hang on to this as long as they possibly can. Kinzinger – you are a superb servant of the people. YOU are the cool guy. YOU are the adult in this kindergarten room we now call Congress.

  8. I just wish that the Republicans that AREN’T retiring would say this. Like Liz Cheney. Adam is retiring.

  9. It’s like a jury member who brags about “I’m not even paying attention to the trial and have made up my mind”. See how that doesn’t really work? These people live in the upside down world.

  10. What he said about, in the future no one will admit to supporting Trump, is spot on. I remember being harassed endlessly because I opposed the Iraq war. Try to find anyone nowadays who will say they supported it.

    1. @Basil Marasco And the current VP bailed out rioters so they could riot again. Try having some standards my dude.

    2. @Crispin Fornoff Name the crime? By summer’s end, the Jan 6 committee will announce the complete list.

    1. @Trina Lane Yes, he seems to love our ocuntry. That is the most important issue. I may disagree with him on some social issues.

  11. I consider myself an independent, but it seems like I have to vote Democrat because the majority of Republicans are mentally ill. I find it so frustrating, but I cannot imagine how people like kinsinger, Cheyney, and bowers feel while they do their jobs correctly and watch their party become radicalized anyway. Must be horrible.

    1. @Scahoni Biden is amazing!!! Go Joe Go!!! Thank God for the Bidens!!! USA USA!!!! 🇺🇸 🇺🇸🇺🇸

  12. Kinzinger is a really good person and has been very courageous. He wants to be able to tell the truth and he is a breath of fresh air. He and Liz Cheney have won respect in America and people from many other countries.

    1. You can respect a person and not agree with their policy positions.
      We seem to have forgotten that in our country

  13. Kinzinger’s face and “Oh, boy,” remark when he heard Tom Cotton’s name absolutely made my day!

    1. I may as well been looking in the mirror. Amazement, disappointment, anger, concern, a bit of “OMG Wow” humor, capped off with frustration.

  14. “They are abusing you, they are lying to you, and they are taking your money” Truer words have never been spoken, and it’s a damn shame!!!!

  15. My family does the same thing. Translation: “I’m too embarrassed to admit that I was duped, used and fooled so I will double down on the lies because my ego will not allow me to admit the truth to you.”

    1. PRECISELY! Thank you for the “translation.” It would indeed be funny if it wouldn’t be so serious. I am sorry you have such family members; it must be tough.
      I have friends -Trumpists; some situations are really surreal. They have a tenant who lives in their house and is on the opposite political spectrum. As Adam K. said – oh boy:-(…

    2. I agree this is probably part of the remaining problem. kinzinger’s comments spot on regarding him talking directly to that Republican “base”, that they should be angry like he is. Instead of condemnation you show inclusion by telling these people that you understand, but they should be getting angry about being dumped not pretend it didn’t happen to them. The base isn’t responsible, they are the victims. They need encouragement to make the next step and not feel embarrassed for something that was done to them. We need to hear more of that message from leaders. Hope Kinzinger keeps up what he is doing and saying 👍

  16. Adam Kinzinger makes me proud to be an American. Love ya and Liz Cheney too. I never thought Id be saying that. But I do. Thank you.

  17. Major respect for Kinzinger, the stuff that dude has gone through to stand up for the TRUTH… crazy. Going to be sad when he steps away… we need more of this, not less.

  18. It’s so refreshing to see some HONEST politicians like Kinzinger and Cheney who take their oath of office seriously… this shouldn’t be the case. Can’t we hold those accountable for willful ignorance? They are choosing to not do their job if they don’t listen and obey their oaths they took.

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