Iowa voters experience pragmatic awakening ahead of 2020

CNN's Jeff Zeleny speaks to Iowa voters who are weighing the "electablilty' of the the 2020 Democratic candidates. #CNN #News


    1. @Robert Clawson Trump has not reduced the number of military we have around the world, and he has increased military spending. It is well known that diplomacy is much cheaper than fighting wars, yet he has gutted the State Dept.. Don’t try to claim he is saving the taxpayers with his muddled foreign policy. The problem with Trump is he doesn’t use the military to hold tyrants and genocidal maniacs in line, but to protect his money. Why did he let Erdogan murder our ally, the Kurds? Because he has a hotel in Turkey. He didn’t remove the troops from Syria, just from Kurdish areas to the oil fields. He doesn’t give a damn about peace and democracy, just his money.

    2. @Mighty Mouse How about we pull the teeth of the Cartels causing instability south of our border, and address the addiction problem in one? End the prohibition on drugs, and use the money wasted on drug interdiction and incarceration on addiction treatment.

    3. @ruth depew Actually, a lot more Americans are qualified than you realize. But, many companies would rather hire an H1 than a US programmer, because we cost more. They advertise for a job with impossible qualifications, like 5 years experience in a language that came out 4 years ago, then hire a cheap H1 programmer who produces inferior code. And the American programmers are stuck trying to debug the commentless garbage.

  1. I heard “Sanders” ONE TIME!!!! wtf is going on. Beyond done with MSM and the Bernie blackout. It truly saddens my heart to know the majority of the country is fed this bull. Please watch news from sources that are not backed by the wealthy and elite, who would love a ‘moderate’ that won’t change anything. The ‘electability’ tactic didn’t do so well in 2016, let’s just try it again- right?! Screw moderation.. We need a revolution, a game changer… Why not pick the original progressive? This is our future.. Our kids futures. Put it in the hands of someone who has proven over and over to be honest and open throughout his whole career.. To fight for the marginalized and defenseless.. To fight for us all. Please #sanders2020.

    1. I guess you missed the point of the segment! It was covering the fact that Iowa voters fear alienating people by choosing “revolutionary” progressives that tend to alienate voters. You’ll notice most of them originally supported Bernie/Warren, but are taking a more pragmatic approach that they think will help the democrats win 2020.

  2. “Electability” is what corporate Democrats and the establishment want people to focus on instead of policies. This is why Hillary Clinton lost to a pathological lair and has been TV reality star.
    Feel the Bern 2020!!!

    1. Bern’ll drop dead at any moment. He’s a blubbering stumbling corpse. Bern’s free, bern’ll faceplant. Slam his skull💀off the floor like drunken sot Ruth!

    2. @Justin Norton Excellent points. The Federal Reserve is pumping so much funny money into the economy (backed by nothing), the stock market is a massively inflated bubble ready to burst. The stock market is not an accurate indicator of the health of the US economy. The corporations used Trump’s tax cut to pump more money into the stock market with stock buy-backs instead of using it to improve infrastructure and productivity.

    1. @Mohammed Ismail pretty sure I heard about a purely scientific study that shows that you are a simple, loathsome scumbag. Science fact.

    2. @Terry Tater I never said Trump works for Putin. Trump has always been for sale; that is the essence of being transactional. I do not lie for Trump or anyone else.

    1. @B 81 When we ask Trump supporters what Trump’s accomplishments are, they usually disappear. You keep thinking that if you say it enough times someone will believe it. That game is over.

    2. B 81 yep! Built that wall, made Mexico pay for it. Got rid if Obamacare and replaced it with his “big, beautiful plan”. Korean not testing missiles

    3. @B 81 yeah you’re right think about your cult leader. It really makes no difference to you people, his behavior, is this what you teach your children? Pathetic.

    1. @ruth depew Not being a boomer,. he has a poor grasp on the English language. Homophones confuse him.

    1. @Eric Larsen
      Sanders beats Trump.
      And Sanders has policies that help the American people.

      Biden and Buttiieg are both corporate Democrats.

    2. @Eric Larsen
      Sanders beats Trump:

      SUSA11/20 – 11/21 52 40 Sanders +12

      Emerson11/17 – 11/20 50 49 Sanders +1

      ABC/WP10/27 – 10/30
      55 41 Sanders +14

      FOX News10/27 – 10/30
      49 41 Sanders +8

      IBD/TIPP10/24 – 10/31
      51 44 Sanders +7

      CNN10/17 – 10/20
      52 43 Sanders +9

    1. @Chris L
      More chance of your Obese Trump having a heart attack than Sanders now.

      And Trumps a drain on the Republican ticket 20 senators might decide to impeach and remove him before 2020

    2. @Mike Roberts Not all EU countries have the same medical systems. Most people in the UK were pretty happy with the NHS, before all the Romanians overtaxed the system. That was the main reason they were fooled into voting for Brexit.

    3. @max smart If wealth taxes are so wonderful, why did France, Luxembourg, Sweden, Denmark, Germany, Finland, and Austria get rid of theirs?

    4. @Deborah Freedman

      What do you have against rasing taxes on the wealthiest 180 thousand Americans?

      You really think raising the taxes on someone who earns $32 million a year by $5 thousand a year is so mean?

      France currently has a wealth tax they just replaced the old version of it from with a version that taxes realestate rather than earnings in 2018 to raise more revenue.

      Sweden got rid of its because their neighbors have lower versions of the Wealth tax and they have no borders as part of the EU.

      Some of the others on your list still wealth taxes.

  3. Make no mistake… CNN is only pushing this non sense because they do not want a progressive in the Oval Office.


    1. @Santa Clause any moron who is against the idea of slightly higher taxes but 100% healthcare just because illegals will be getting it for free (which they wont) has clearly never experienced the difficulties of medical bills. Sure I dont know about your life but I feel comfortable telling you just on your comments you’ve been poisoned by the republican scum

    2. Sounds like i finally agree with CNN i dont want a progressive in the oval office eithier… America First, greatest economy, lowest unemployment and no stupid wars best stick with the now proven success Trump 2020

    1. Lowest unemployment in years stock market booming 7 million new jobs.What do the Demicrats offer? Nothing but more taxes and bullshit you moron

  4. “Let’s get moderate on fighting climate change! Yeah!”

    Scientists: We have 12 years…
    Moderates: By 2050!

    Idiots among us.

    1. @Daryl Leckt Right, because people under 18 don’t have minds and opinions. And none of the opinions one has at 17 are kept when that next birthday passes.

    2. @Daryl Leckt BS. A teacher in my county was just let go for pushing anti-trump worksheets on elementary kids. If no one objects the kids have little reason not to believe lies.

    3. @Whole Time Funny that argument doesn’t matter if you have up the 10 commandments. CNN wouldn’t have interviewed her if they didn’t believe she would say what they wanted to hear. How else would we have ever seen it?

  5. lol CNN with their favorite corporate shills, Bernie or bust. These moderates (AKA people that don’t stand for anything other than the current elites maintaining power) won’t ever give the power back to the people.

    1. Be sure you KNOW exactly how Bernie is going to institute to beliefs because we are in the mess we are in now because no one stopped to think about how Trump was going to do anything, not even Trump.

    2. @Wisconsin Farmer I wish that was possible, I can’t believe my own flesh n blood voted for tRump, now he thinks he’s White and That right there is the biggest Problem. Take a good look at his conventions, the brain dead all with 1 thing in common, Clueless n Toothless White Trash. One day we will have more mixed races n the anglo saxons will be a thing of the past. Like the Good Ole Boy “George Wallace” was so against intergretion, President John F Kennedy had too step in, and stop the good ole Georges Foolishness. Before he passed on, I remember he did an interview with one of his best servants, Wallace claimed he wasn’t prejudice just because he had a black man claiming he worked for the prejudice Dolt. It’s comical when a prejudice person is about to meet his maker. I always loved an enjoyed the company of Non Whites. tRump is there last hoorah and the extreme white(Not Right) will have to deal with an America with Diversity.

    3. You’re white…you have the luxury of “Bernie or bust”. I’m Latino and the Trump administration has declared an all-out war against us. Long story short, I’m voting for whichever Democrat wins the primary…even if it’s not Bernie or Warren.

  6. Conveniently forgot to tell these people that the latest polls had Bernie as literally the only candidate that beats Trump, huh? God, CNN is garbage.

    1. @John Keith The last Emerson poll from November 20th showed Bernie beating Trump, Warren tied with him, and Biden and Buttigieg both losing. Though granted, I see now that another poll has been released with all of them doing better.

      Regardless, the point is that the corporate media’s whole argument that ‘Even if you are a progressive you should vote for a bog-standard centrist if you want to beat Trump’ is idiotic and disingenuous and they know it.

      Notice how I addressed you argument without an ad hominem, by the way. They don’t help your case.

    2. @Brian Bianco Easy–he’s got three of the most popular surrogates in the country who can keep it going for him in Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Rashida, Tlaib, and Ilhan Omar.

      Besides, whether it’s warranted or not, the impeachment inquiry’s going to hurt Biden, too, with his name being at the very centre of it.

    3. @John Keith Vegas Odds have virtually no one beating Trump, it only has Biden within 12 points of Trump. Please don’t rely on Polls the Vegas odds was the only one that got it right in all the elections since Clinton when it first started.

    1. Chris L everyone’s taxes will go up. I’m fine with paying more taxes if that means my healthcare or college is taken care of

      You’re foolish if you don’t see the benefit

    2. PowdaToastFace Killah You want free college? Then join the fucking military. That’s how I did it and thousands of others do it as well.

    3. @PowdaToastFace Killah If you’re intelligent enough, you can get a scholarship. Or go to work for UPS, they pay the full tab for their employees. Or like Chirs L said, use the GI bill.

  7. CNN somehow was able to find a “Democratic Socialist” voter who is in a “moderate mood.”

    It’s odd that a voter claiming to be a Democratic Socialist would not mention the only Democratic Socialist in the race.

    Nice try CNN, this one smells a little fake.

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