Larry Kudlow: The economy is going north, not south

CNN's Jake Tapper presses White House economic adviser Larry Kudlow on the state of the economy and asks if the country reopened too quickly.


    1. If we don’t take this pandemic under control but for the sake of rebuild the economy, people go back to work,shopping, dinning means more interaction in public .it may bring the risk of spreading the virus in the community.

    2. @Robert Clawson Business is not booming and cokehead Kudlow was also proclaiming in 2007 that there would be no coming recession.

  1. If Kudlow claims everything is alright why is so many people gonna get evicted and getting food bank assistance?

    1. What else with Trump as President. He’s put us at number two right behind his mentor Putin.

  2. So, this is the main liar that is helping keep Trump so deluded about the economy (and virus).

    1. Kudlow’s wife, an “artist,” applied for and promptly received big bucks in the Payroll relief stimulus.
      They’re worth millions.

    2. Your President does so get a grip on your oo o!! Breaking News: If State or City Governments mandate masks be worn then such entities shall provide certified C-19 masks, at least 4 per day, supply cleaning facilities and disposable facilities. Such spent certified masks must be labelled Hazardous Bio waste therefore illegal to dispose of masks in the streets or household garbage. Contact your Mayor’s or Governor’s offices for more details.

    3. How would you know what Kudlow thinks? What a bunch of crap. I call BS. You have pillow talk with Kudlow or ever speak to him?

    4. The dude just said the Bureau of Labor Statistics statistics were unreliable………..The federal institution for collecting labor statistics is unreliable……..yyyyyyyup

    1. Beautiful Soul yeah and cases don’t matter anymore mortality rate does and it is going down, when kids go back to school they are more likely to die from the flu than covid

    2. sparky sparky whatever!! Him and his cronies sounds like they don’t give a damn about the Americans! I’ve never lived though a pandemic, have you? It seems to me they need to get off their lazy asses pass a bill that’s gonna help people instead of acting like people are not in trouble out here

    3. @James Ludwig you will see sir. Just like Trump told you this virus was a hoax. He then opened the States. Now were at 140.000 and counting of people who died from the hoax. Now look at Florida and Texas?? So now he say he want the schools open. Go ahead open the schools see what will happen.

    4. @Mack Brown and I think you need to give people a break. Look at the world around you. Look at other media sites. Any country not suffering? What about the really poor countries?

    5. @James Ludwig Lies are not “good news”, this is the same guy who was telling everybody in 2007 that there would be no recession now suddenly these swamp creatures like cokehead Kudlow are the good guys giving you the truth…smh.

    1. We actually have it contained, now we are getting rid of it pronto. Start with this Rooster please post this info on Facebook and Twitter to help go viral. Breaking News: If State or City Governments mandate masks be worn then such entities shall provide certified C-19 masks, at least 4 per day, supply cleaning facilities and disposable facilities. Such spent certified masks must be labelled Hazardous Bio waste therefore illegal to dispose of masks in the streets or household garbage. Contact your Mayor’s or Governor’s offices for more details.

  3. This is what it looks like when a rich person in their ivory tower trys to convince the general masses to ignore health and safety threats and go back to work so the rich person can make money off of them…

  4. this guy does he really believe what he is saying , people died because you open the beaches , and everything else. so what is he looking at.

    1. companies are complaining that they are offering slave wages and people dont want to die for them!

    2. Breaking News: If State or City Governments mandate masks be worn then such entities shall provide certified C-19 masks, at least 4 per day, supply cleaning facilities and disposable facilities. Such spent certified masks must be labelled Hazardous Bio waste therefore illegal to dispose of masks in the streets or household garbage. Contact your Mayor’s or Governor’s offices for more details.

    3. @The Lobos — Donny: — You people don’t understand, that we are trying to keep the promise, and “Make America Great Again” , by following a great and PROVEN by others, road to prosperity!!
      Let me explain our great plan to dumbos like you: —
      Every one can see, and talks about, HOW China, from a backward country just a few decades ago, become so prosperous and the second biggest economy in the word!
      In other words, it is obvious, that we have to follow the same way, back to prosperity! There is NOT any other way to achieve it!! So we decided, and we are trying to follow the same road. We have no other choice anyway!
      And HOW China has so astonishingly quickly, became such a prosperous economic superpower? Simple! Just as you have said yourself: – “offering slave wages”!!
      What you, “The Lobos” and all others need to do, is just to adjust a little by trimming your expectations and try to fit into the new reality….. (Hahahaha…Just joking……I hope so….).

    4. The virus will take three to four years to get under control so he is correct we need to start slowly going back to work and getting on with our lives. How do I know that? Because over 100 countries have figured that out already and that is exactly what they are doing. Do you want us to be the only people that do something different?

    1. We won’t have a country if the left wins. The left is leading us towards lawlessness and communism. I have never voted in my life. I am voting Trump this go around. I used to live in a communist country, and what the left is doing right now is straight out of the communists’ handbook.

    2. One more month of the rioting that we have been getting, and this disease will spread so rapidly that it will take another four years to get it under control. How many other countries are seeing this level of rioting and protest in the midst of a pandemic? Get these people back inside the house and the coronavirus will begin to get under control. We don’t give one group privileged status when the rest of us cannot meet in large groups to do anything.

    3. @Xhopp3r you are a troll 👈👈👈 go back to whatever country you come from. Voting for Trump will lead you back into what you said you’re against.

    1. Simon Ford I am completely 100% agree with u. These people only cares about their corporate friends, and big business that gives them donations for campaign. Its enormous ridiculous that how much they only cares about their friends then unemployed workers that are struggling to pay their rental on 1st August. This is how much Republicans does care about the people rather then poor people . Vote them out all in November 2020.

    2. @J I have a serious question for you….. do you really believe all media except fox is laid?

    1. Or he could have a medical condition such as multiple sclerosis which makes it appear that he is drunk. Or he could be on medication and it would look like that as well. This could just be slurred speaking on his part. So many choices. Why does everyone assume the worst?

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