Mayor to Brazil President Jair Bolsonaro: ‘Please shut up and stay home’

In an interview with CNN's Nick Paton Walsh, Arthur Virgilio Neto, mayor of the virus-stricken Brazilian city of Manaus, fired back at President Jair Bolsonaro after footage emerged of Bolsonaro insulting the mayor.

#CNN #News


    1. @Uncle Ed So America says. The Spanish Flu came from Spain, so America sayd. Iraq has WMD’s, so America sayd. Cuba is on a terror watch list, because America sayd. Do you see a pattern here?

    2. Bolsonaro want old, sick and weak to die off so he doesn’t have to pay for retirement and healthcare. ……does that remind you of anybody else?

    3. All lies, nothin but a soap opera to keep the masses blinded from truth. Everyone, please stop watchin Tell a vision programming.

    1. You know nothing about Brazil.
      Come to live here, be robbed in all possible ways and then you tell me if you like!
      You watch those motherf***** laying about our president, criticizing his government, but none of you came herr to help us or even reported a thing about Brazil being looted all these years!
      Now that we finally had the chance to elect a honest lider who has changed Brazil for better, you try to put him down?!!
      Go to live in Venezuela our Cuba to see how good it is! Nicolas Maduro and Raul Castro are the portrait of democracy according to left wingers.

    2. @Robert Clawson You’re either deaf or just dumb. Trump said he doesnt take responsibility and he’s the president.

    3. Taty Ani My dear Bolsonaro is the same as Chavez, Maduro, Castro, Trump etc Authoritarianism is the new populism, communism etc

    4. cj p : The virus is fake. The democrats couldn’t impeach Trump on lies, and what we have now is DESPERATE DEMOCRATS. Mysteriously a virus shows up, I wonder how much money George soro’s, Obama, Clinton’s, Democrats, and Deep State paid China to create the biggest hoax in History. Don’t think the democrats won’t destroy the economy and people’s lives, because they are hell bent on destroying the Constitution and robbing the taxpayers. The HEROES ACT also includes crap for the democrats slush fund and their special interest groups. Enough wasting money on stimulus bills. Get this country working again and quit changing death certificates! There is NO VIRUS! If there was, death certificates would not need to be changed.
      C: Certificate
      O: Of
      V: Vaccination
      ID: Identification
      19: 19 A.I, ( Artificial Intelligence)
      This is a scam to put tracers on everyone so we can go to digital currency and be tracked everywhere we go.

  1. Isn’t it strange that the countries that are doing bad have also have very bad leadership. Strange..

    1. When you only get your news from this propaganda network things would seem to be that way. Just because CNN doesn’t show it doesn’t mean it’s not happening.

    2. I am Brazilian, Bolsonaro is doing the right thing, people can not stay at home, otherwise they will die, no food no money , (nothing) if everyone not go back to work the economy in Brasil will be dead for good, when a economy stop running in a country like Brasil, the effect of it can kill much more than any virus or more than anything.

    3. @Kiki lulu The future… People will have to find something else then working to live. Robots, sooner then you think will do everything and we will have to evolve too. Robots will drive/clean/bake/entertain/farm/heal/repair/build/ … … Might not be a virus who will do this ‘revolution’ , could be war, famine, climate change, robots. Any of those, its not a Bolsonaro or a Trump who will lead us in the right path.

    1. @Kim Hoffmann Andersenyeah the reality that we are in the End Times and Jesus is about to Rapture the Church. Please believe in Jesus to not be left behind. It will be Hell on earth

    2. @Hyg44 Gu Actually there is a benefit, about $39,000+ per patient diagnosed with said virus. Then again I’m not walking in your shoes.

    3. @Kim Hoffmann Andersen Trolls don’t know too much about reality, they spend their sad lives online trying to trigger people.

    4. @jay adams That’s your reality buddy. I don’t believe any of that at all. I understand there’s an old book written by bronze age people where they made some claims. But I really don’t care about those claims or whatever imaginary god they were trying to portray in it.

      Stay safe Jay.

  2. Trump and Trumps biggest fan leading the pandemic statistics. That pretty much says all that needs to be said.

    1. @Raw Bacon – Hey pig breath – Those aren’t ‘numbers’ dying – they are people!
      What is your acceptable percentage of population loss? (remembering you can be part of that statistic – your president bought you a ticket in his death raffle!)

    2. @Josey Wales – Clint Eastwood fans, what are ya gonna do? – Mr Wales chooses to ignore a ‘president’ that has lied daily for just as long, but for some reason excuses that behaviour it seems.
      Methinks this is just more last ditch provocateur tinkering – ignore Mr Wales from hereon in he just wants to waste your time and energy – best to go help in your community somehow than engage.

    3. I am Brazilian, Bolsonaro is doing the right thing, people can not stay at home, otherwise they will die, no food no money , (nothing) if everyone not go back to work the economy in Brasil will be dead for good, when a economy stop running in a country like Brasil, the effect of it can kill much more than any virus or more than anything.

    1. @JA S No I do believe that, sorry I should have made myself clearer. I mean ridiculous because of how people are acting in the United States.

    2. Much of Brazil right now is as hot and humid as US gets in summertime, so we’ll see if this new virus really lessens during the summer. Sao Paulo is right now filling up their hospitals to capacity.Largest city in the Western hemisphere. We could look there as a warning, but the right wing trolls on here are too busy saying every statistic is “fake news”… and they couldn’t find Brazil on a map anyway. So we’re left with the virus everywhere AND a tanked economy. Maybe voting for the reality TV fake billionaire was a mistake?

    3. JA S : Anderson Cooper, the CIA, CNN, False Flags and Operation …
      Search domain
      Anderson Cooper, the CIA, CNN and Operation Mockingbird. It should really come as no surprise that Anderson Cooper, CNN’s primary anchor, and host of the CNN news show Anderson Cooper 360, has strong connections to the intelligence agency, and most likely still does.

    4. @codent Somehow I don’t think Biden will have a chance, this is his 3rd try after stealing a speech finished him 1st time & now he’s balls deep in Obamagate saying I know nothing about Flynn oh wait I knew 1 thing but that’s it oh wait now he’s named as an unmasker? Then u got hunter/Ukraine/China corruption & Tara reade, oh yeah he’s also being formally investigated in Ukraine over th firing of Shokin and illegal quid quo. Yeah trump doesn’t look so bad now.

    1. Amazing how you betas get all bent out of shape when people want their civil liberties back. You losers just need to move to China already so you can be happy under gov rule.

    2. Trump and Bolsonaro where hanging together and playing golf in Florida – when Trump could have gone in person to vote there – instead he had to use a mail/absentee vote when he got back to Washington – warped priorities…

  3. “He dreams of being a dictator, but he’s too stupid.” ……does that remind you of anybody else?

    1. John Costello : Anderson Cooper, the CIA, CNN, False Flags and Operation …
      Search domain
      Anderson Cooper, the CIA, CNN and Operation Mockingbird. It should really come as no surprise that Anderson Cooper, CNN’s primary anchor, and host of the CNN news show Anderson Cooper 360, has strong connections to the intelligence agency, and most likely still does.

    2. Bolsonaro want old, sick and weak to die off so he doesn’t have to pay for retirement and healthcare. ……does that remind you of anybody else?

    3. He actually was 100% inspired by Trump, he and his dumbass supporters worship Trump. But the difference is Bolsonaro is actually much smarter and evil than Trump (which isn’t saying much). He was a soldier during the Military Regime dictatorship and he idolizes the dictator-presidents of that era about as much as he does Trump. His dream is to return Brazil to a conservative military dictatorship

    1. Yes ‼️Yes ‼️yes 😷 👉his last name begins with a 👉T an ends with 👉P👈 for pathetic😷

    2. Dylan Smith ; Anderson Cooper, the CIA, CNN, False Flags and Operation …
      Search domain
      Anderson Cooper, the CIA, CNN and Operation Mockingbird. It should really come as no surprise that Anderson Cooper, CNN’s primary anchor, and host of the CNN news show Anderson Cooper 360, has strong connections to the intelligence agency, and most likely still does.

    3. DOUGLAS HOTCHKISS : Anderson Cooper, the CIA, CNN, False Flags and Operation …
      Search domain
      Anderson Cooper, the CIA, CNN and Operation Mockingbird. It should really come as no surprise that Anderson Cooper, CNN’s primary anchor, and host of the CNN news show Anderson Cooper 360, has strong connections to the intelligence agency, and most likely still does.

      Search domain
      Report on Your Neighbor (& Let’s Repeat Nazi Germany All Over Again!) [Editor’s Note: Unless you grew up in the 1940s or 50s, you never get to see World War II era films on espionage and intrigue There were a ton of those movies made and they always showed the ordinary German citizen being frightened about saying anything critical about the Nazi government in front of their children or at work …

    1. To the Brazilian President: wear some sort of facial protection for God’s sake, hundreds upon hundreds of people flock you with hugs or they touch your face. I love how Arogyalohani focuses on the reporter’s minor mistake while avoiding the Brazilian Presiden’t *abhorrent and huge mistake*

    2. 9FIVE4 R3CORDS in the case of the president it is not a mistake. Time and time again he has said he doesn’t need to nor want to wear a mask. He’s too stupid and arrogant.

  4. Why is the US waiting till Friday for the ban to be in effect? Brazilians are going to flock to the US until then.

    1. I think right now there is nothing really to do in the USA for the regular traveller. Shops, restaurants, malls, bars, clubs … All closed. Why would anyone fly there unless it is a family matter or a returning resident ?

    2. Also the other way round. There is nothing to do in Brazil. All good is closed be it São Paulo or Rio or Recife. One cannot go to the beach even! In the 3 Southern States it is a bit more relaxed so far but not to the point that it is worth travelling there, unless one lives there. And it is just getting colder anyway …

    3. so true, we should have stopped flights from Brazil MUCH sooner. Nevertheless, Trump will brag about how “early” he was and he’s a genius, and yadda-yadda-yadda.

    4. @codent but your country has the highest death rate in the world, nobody wants to come to your country unless they are on a suicide mission. We lost 98 people in Australia and we are watching you guys in horror

  5. 3-4 weeks ago:
    Bolsonaro calls coronavirus a ‘little flu.’ Inside Brazil’s hospitals, doctors know the horrifying reality

    Brazil’s Jair Bolsonaro says coronavirus crisis is a media trick

    1. @Sherif Elsaman yes, but here in germany we have a lot of politicians that want to open as soon as possible!!
      just the last 2 weeks
      because churces have open we have over 100 new cases in churches
      a restaurant that did a test run to open has now 11 new cases
      germans who crossed the border to work in the netherland got also new cases home 70 today

      you will allways have at last a hand full off politicens who thing withe thier wallet and not thier brain!
      but at last the city i live in have only 13 cases right now :/

    2. @Nite Rocks Know how stupid you look when you just mock someone who just dropped a list of examples and argunents?

    3. @Bob Loblaw hey moron. UK, Ireland, Spain, France, Belgium, Netherlands, Italy, Sweden… AL have higher death rates per capita than the usa.
      You take out new York we could fall below the 40th percentile.

    1. @keith dunleavy So none of the experts have a clue but you know!! Without any knowledge or skill or education you know!!! Thank God no one listens to you. You just keep venting your conspiracies on the net whilst the rest of us work friggin hard to beat this monster that is killing silently throughout the country.

    2. d fobroy Of Course!! And u better not strike match around gaslighting Inc because they’ll be no more u ..

    3. I am Brazilian, Bolsonaro is doing the right thing, people can not stay at home, otherwise they will die, no food no money , (nothing) if everyone not go back to work the economy in Brasil will be dead for good, when a economy stop running in a country like Brasil, the effect of it can kill much more than any virus or more than anything.


    2. Exo : DEMOCRATS CREATED AN APP TO SNITCH ON NEIGHBORS…Report on Your Neighbor (& Let’s Repeat Nazi Germany All …
      Search domain
      Report on Your Neighbor (& Let’s Repeat Nazi Germany All Over Again!) [Editor’s Note: Unless you grew up in the 1940s or 50s, you never get to see World War II era films on espionage and intrigue There were a ton of those movies made and they always showed the ordinary German citizen being frightened about saying anything critical about the Nazi government in front of their children or at work …

    3. John Philips : I am Pedo Joe Biden, and I like when kids jump on my lap, and play with my hairy legs, and I like touching little children. Who the hell talks like that!

    4. Ser Twice the Thrice : How’s are them mask doing against this FAKE VIRUS ? The HEROES ACT also includes crap for the democrats slush fund and their special interest groups. Enough wasting money on stimulus bills. Get this country working again and quit changing death certificates! THERE IS NO VIRUS! if there was, death certificates would not need to be changed!
      C: Certificate
      O: Of
      V: Vaccination
      ID: Identification
      19: 19 A.I. ( Artificial Intelligence)
      This is a scam to put tracers their so we can go to digital currency and be tracked everywhere we go.

    5. Ser Twice the Thrice : I can’t wait until they start that contact tracing, and the tyrants comes knocking on your door and removes your children and family members. Your going to wish you had a gun, but that mask will protect you , maybe you can use that mast to beat up the tyrants when they are dragging you from your home like COMMUNIST CHINA, Don’t let the democrats hear you say that, because you will be called a racist

  6. I thought that was trump’s buddy, and he was “doing a fine job,” according to trump himself.

    1. @Josey Wales yeah, i see it makes everyone go broke and blind. this will get good when the fright goes away and the people regain their sight. i have my popcorn ready and a front row seat. it won’t be long now and cnn is going to try and hide it as long as they can. let the games begin. you were all right about a new normal but which new normal is it going to be? 7 billion po-ed people is going to be a sight to see.

    2. @Lisa Elissa Yeah & he’s great! 1st thing he did was remove all th lgbtxyz & trans nonsense from grade schools & replaced it with a family centred curriculum.

    1. @King of America He pretty much has to.
      Trump has been losing support and will continue to do so.
      And he has no ability to attract new supporters.
      And Dems have the advantage in turnout.

    2. Won’t get reelected? I surely hope so, but there’s no limit for the dumbness of some people, so let’s see. I’m not optimistic.

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