1. Mitch knows they will try an ban abortion.He is mad that Graham let the cat out the bag.Remember when they said the supreme court would not overturn Roe.

    1. @David Guelette then add an amendment for abortion if you want. I don’t see how what you’re saying in any way negates that guns are there… Abortion isn’t.

    2. @Paul Stedmond I’m a gun owner. What I’m saying is I the constitution is open to interpretation by the Supreme Court. Before the Scalia ruling the second amendment had a different interpretation by the S.C.Everyone acts like things like the 2nd are set in stone. They are not.This Court is using what’s called originalist theory,which most legal experts don’t agree with.

  2. The only thing Lindsay is consistent about, is his hypocrisy. How the man stands without a spine truly defies physics. Shouldn’t Linda Graham be talking to a Grand Jury at Georgia?

    1. Graham translation. I think abortion should be left up to the states… unless it starts to look like the GOP House majority could be jeopardized in the November midterms, In which case I support a federal time limit on abortions. When the election is over, we’ll just ignore my little gaff (it would never pass McConnell’s Senate vote anyway) and go back to states making the decision.

  3. Frankly, there should be no compromise on this issue. Far too many people think that every issue has 2 sides, this is nonsense. Some issues have 2 sides, some have 3 or 4 sides and some, like a woman’s right to choose what happens with her body have exactly 1 side. They have the right too choose, full stop.

    1. @Eric It is a separate body with a heart and central nervous system. It thinks, dreams and feels pain. Try to be a better human.

  4. Dang, abortion should be a woman’s choice. She has to live with the consequences good or bad either way. No free lunch here, just hard choices. So let the individual make them and live with the consequences.

    1. @Tommy Boy Dude where have you been? No matter what you do it’s murder, either literally or figuratively. Again, no easy good feel answers to this.

    1. You would rather have a king? Thus land was created because the people did not believe there should be one rule for all. The idea that you can terminate your unborn child’s life isn’t exactly considered a good thing, even when necessary. I hope there are always better options than killing.

    2. @AMechanicalSoul nobody should be OK with a mother taking her child’s life. If it was the mother of your child, born or unborn, are you OK with it not being up to you at all as a father? As a child you get zero say when mom puts the blender to you? If you can live with that, what else would you tolerate as freedom? Killing is killing, it should never be uncontroversial.

  5. Hahahaha, “I’ve been consistent”, then, proceeds to say the EXACT opposite of his stated position.

    1. @Adrian Geh
      He’d said the States should decide, now wants a federal law. That’s what we’re talking about here. Try to keep up.

    1. In news the wokies don’t tell you,Gov. DeSantis sent two plane loads of immigrants to Marthas Vineyard today!!!!!!!! Gotta love that!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Mitch knows he’s going to lose the senate and must be thrilled Miss Lindsey just helped him lose with this insane proposal.

  7. I think that a single man, with no kids, should sit down and shut up when it comes to women’s rights. If Graham wants to talk, he should head to GA and testify.

  8. The abortion ban, is not just about access to safe legal abortions, it’s also about rights to privacy between women, and their doctors!

  9. It’s hilarious how they talk about inflation as if it’s solely a Biden issue… it started to rise during the end of trump’s term

    1. @Dr K.I.A. I have been asking the question: In the deepest part of a Worldwide pandemic, when everyone either lost or quit their jobs, and can’t work……Is that a logical time to have a HOUSING BOOM? If anyone can explain that to me, please do. All I can figure is the rich are buying all the properties (we buy ugly houses) and raising the prices.

  10. The first three words out of his mouth, were a lie: “I’ve been consistent.” Consistent with what? Flip-flopping?

  11. We had a ‘federal’ law for 50yrs which was overturned! Graham doesn’t mention that states with “more” restrictive policy would be allowed to keep those restrictions and states with ‘less’ restrive policy would be forced to institute this ‘federal’ restrictive policy. Everyone needs to vote!!!! Please don’t let politicians dictate what anyone can / can’t do with their autonomy! This is GOP first step of many desires to control who/what/where/when/how …

  12. So now Graham is making decisions for my body and healthcare? I don’t even know this man but he is deciding he knows better than my doctor and myself what to do with my own reproductive organs.

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