McEnany’s answer stuns Cooper: That’s next level stuff

CNN's Anderson Cooper discusses the lack of action from President Donald Trump and his White House administration days after the election results and reacts to a White House press secretary's reaction to the situation.
#AndersonCooper #CNN #News


    1. @Becky Heinz he is not God, you fruitcake!! He did more than your DA party!! All they did cry, whine & obstruct! You’re a lost one!

    2. @Mikey Dont bring your children with you when you commit a crime and it wouldent be an issue. Seems like a pretty simple fix : )

    3. Funny – they insist that they are right over all evidence to the contrary, they must get their way no matter what, everyone else is wrong, only their view is the right view
      Wait, are we talking Religion or Trump supporters?
      Funny to think that most Americans, when it comes to religion, think EXACTLY like these Trump supporters

  1. “Think of how stupid the average person is, then realize that half of them are even stupider than that”–George Carlin

    1. Think of how stupid it is to believe CNN when it’s obvious they cut her off in the middle of her sentence. Think for yourself and stop letting CNN do it for you. They are twisting everything.

    2. Republican and Democrat people in power are using you people.
      Both sides.
      You are not THEM
      You are WE.
      i want to hate you both but that would make me like you both and help them.
      WE are fucked and it’s benefiting,them .

    3. Funny – they insist that they are right over all evidence to the contrary, they must get their way no matter what, everyone else is wrong, only their view is the right view
      Wait, are we talking Religion or Trump supporters?
      Funny to think that most Americans, when it comes to religion, think EXACTLY like these Trump supporters

    1. Heather Cartwright , if you take a few minutes, you can actually go on line and verify the results as they get updated on “each states Election Commission site”. Of course they all will tell you the same thing. No significant issues and trump lost bigly.. Get used to it.

    2. Angie Russell , oh I have a clue that you are delusional or a Russian Troll. Your comments will not effect the recorded history of this election. Only how many meds you need to convince yourself tump is not a coward,clown, and history.

    1. For what? Not knowing everything that someone else thinks, and suggesting that the person in question be asked directly?

    2. @Free Life What!? LOL. So now she’s not supposed to know her job responsibilities. You’ve got to be kidding me.

    3. Pls Dems, fix your Dem cities (Baltimore, Chicago…), black people are suffering while you pretend to care about them😞. Racist Joe will do nothing positive🤔

  2. He’s started his post Presidency career already by refusing to concede, and the media are playing right into his hands AGAIN!
    He’s done. Move on.
    There’s plenty of other stuff happening that people need to know about.

    1. I hope that you never run for office or hold any position that requires integrity or moral conduct because clearly, all of you who are here bashing, see nothing wrong with doing the right, moral, correct thing, regardless the outcome. President Trump has said that he would wait until the vote counts are accounted for via with honesty, integrity and accountability.

  3. “Anyone” who didn’t take wearing a mask seriously and then ended up getting the coronavirus, and then persisted in their casual attitude towards wearing a mask IS A DAMN FOOL!!!

    1. Life is dangerous. Are you aware that The Revolutionary War was fought during a Smallpox epidemic? If people like yourself were fighting that war, The United States of America would not exist.

    2. @Joanne Galbraith the virus is airborne and the virus is already spread. The post basically says if you didn’t take the masks seriously and caught covid your a fool. As if the mask will prevent you from catching covid. You are a fool if you think a mask will prevent you from catching covid. Experts have said a masks helps they’ve also said they don’t help and that they are worse. Quit being sheep 🐑 people have caught the virus with or without a mask

    3. @Fifer McGee look how many deaths were cause by those rallies. The traditional media is having a hard time finding death rates, on positivity rates. Covid didn’t really kill anyone when they got the virus from those rallies

    4. I hadn’t worn a mask since it started in March unless going to hospital, or stores where required. I’m a pig so I deal with people on a daily basis and have been fine. I also eat good and go to the gym 5-6 times a week. It astonishes me how scared people are of death from a virus with over a 99% survival rating

    1. Pls Dems, fix your Dem cities (Baltimore, Chicago…), black people are suffering while you pretend to care about them😞. Racist Joe will do nothing positive…

  4. All this legacy talk is sheer stupidity. These people will never have a future in politics from their prison cells.

    1. @Free Life he has a lot of court cases against him and after Jan. 20th it’s game on. State of New York is knocking on his door for tax fraud.

    2. Pls Dems, fix your Dem cities (Baltimore, Chicago…), black people are suffering while you pretend to care about them😞. Racist Joe will do nothing positive🤔

    1. @Mary have you even read the constitution? Becasue it seems like you haven’t 😂 it’s contested so by law he can drag it out as long as he wants to win!

    2. @Black Sheep Comic Collector Buddy, you’d better sit down and read it yourself, because that ain’t gonna happen. Come Jan, he WILL be escorted out, like it or not.

  5. he also said that we wouldn’t be hearing anything about the coronavirus after the election and the virus is getting out of control. The worst of the worst.

    1. so they say , could be an influenza outbreak , would you know for sure ? if they have statistics on the numbers then they should have statistics of age, underlying health problems and so on , or could it be that the democrats are exaggerating the numbers to make Trump look bad, no one has proved that corona virus actually kills people , If I was to have a car accident and die while I also had a cold then the car accident would be what killed me but under the same circumstances I had corona virus what would be the outcome then ? I also think that the runaway success that the democrats thought that they would have didn’t happen , and they are fudging the numbers as a last resort, they want to win at all costs . Donald Trump is right to call a recount . Here’s a fact as follows . No one in Australia has died of influenza this season , but if you look at the numbers of people who have died of the flu in pre corona virus years you will find that less died this year than in the previous years , how is that so?

    1. I’m sorry that your company is not sincere. You might want to think about what your words confess about your circumstances before you say them publicly.

    2. GottaclovecSouther women. We were taught to talk behind each other’s backs, but your smile should be as sweet as honey.

    1. Pls Dems, fix your Dem cities (Baltimore, Chicago…), black people are suffering while you pretend to care about them😞. Racist Joe will do nothing positive🤔

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