1. He’s still a light year ahead of Trump & yet that’s not even a complement. Who would have thunk an Indiana cuck smarter & more tactful than a 5th Ave Faux Businessman. 🥴🤦‍♂️

    2. @John Jacob Jingle Heimer Schmitt it must be really confusing to look at those Fox poll numbers this week where Trump stands at 55% disapproval & then pretend line you speak for the American people. 🍿 👀

    1. And Pence is correct. Trump did not say to investigate a presidential candidate. He was requested to look into Vice President Bidens blackmailing back in 2015

    2. @Bucky Pinata Back in 2015 when all NATO wanted the prosecutor gone?
      2015 when Hunter Biden hadn’t joined the Ukrainian company?
      Funny how Trump only became interested when Biden became Democrat challenger #1.
      Keep repeating the same lies and your Trump buddies will love you for it.

  1. Pence: Foreign countries can’t participate in the political process
    Trump: Hey Putin, Ukraine, China

    1. photoshopknight how quickly you forget how much$$$ the Clinton foundation took from numerous countries. Biden ditto. John Kerry visiting Iran. Paul pelosi jr. Has Ukraine $$$ too. Hillarys Steele dossier. Jeesh

    2. @Kim Kincaid Stick to the issue, stop whataboutism. The issue is Trump asking Ukraine to investigate his political rival, and also asking China to do the same. If you’re okay with that, then all the stuff you just listed you should be okay with. The Hypocrisy is crazy. If they committed crimes, regardless of political affiliation, they should be prosecuted, not If they’re on my team it’s okay but if not then LOCK HER UP! If you can’t defend Trumps actions without saying What about x, then you’ve lost all creditably in your argument..

    3. Imagine being so stupid that you not only rehash the debunked Russia collusion conspiracy theory, you also think China of all countries helped Trump and Ukraine, which is ON RECORD APOLOGIZING TO TRUMP BECAUSE THEY BACKED AND SUPPORTED HILLARY CLINTON SO MUCH

    1. Kim R Let these traitors keep jacking their jaws. Every lie they say is being recorded and scrutinized, and will be used against them. Remember when Nixon resigned, he was pardoned by Ford, but his co conspirators were not and spent time in jail.

  2. Pence, a devout Christian, has forgotten to ask himself that critical question: what would Jesus do? Umm…maybe not lie for starters?

    1. Except Jesus did lie to his disciples…. When peter approached him distraught over leaving everything behind for what. Jesus replied “you shall receive a hundredfold in this times…”

    2. @K Pike No he’s asking Ukraine (and China too) to participate in corruption. BIG AND VERY OBVIOUS DIFFERENCE. An investigation starts with a crime (like the hundreds of crimes committed by Trump and his administration); as there is no crime with the Bidens (neither Joe nor Hunter), this is all just another Trump smokescreen to help him in 2020. Too bad he’s so ignorant he just called for the commission of a crime on national TV, the only evidence needed to impeach came out of Trump’s own mouth in-front of the entire world audience.

    1. It’s very sad we live in United States of America. I’m ashamed of this country right now. It’s completely embarrassing.

  3. When they start rambling on with complete nonsense, someone should tell them to just shut up. You’re embarrassing yourself everyone knows you are lying and you’re trying to defend the indefensible…it’s plain and simple craziness…maddening!!!

  4. “The American people should read the transcript” – Pence. I agree – but they *must read the Mueller report first!*

    1. I’ve read the transcript and most of the Mueller report. Also, you must watch the Mueller congressional testimony hearing as well because that’s when you know Mueller was incompetent and he didn’t even know what was Fusion GPS.

  5. “The nationalist not only does not disapprove of atrocities committed by his own side, but he has a remarkable capacity for not even hearing about them.”  -George Orwell

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