1. “If ever you become in doubt, run in circles, scream and shout!” From Mad Magazine sometime in the 60s. Words to live by.

    1. @Darrylizer1 The Trump,(Cartman), administration is a live version of South Park. Oh my God they killed Pencey!

    1. He should’ve locked down the city already before things get worst but it’s too late for that. Too much downplaying till it’s too late.

    2. Thats the only way to keep people calm. So he is doing what he should. I dont appreciate him taking little stabs at the federal govt at this time,but hey, he is Cuomo.

  2. Our government has stopped representing us.

    I do not consent to this. I’m never paying federal taxes again.

  3. Well when you have 10 different officials and news agencies telling you all opposite things, the public tends to not believe anything said and start to panic. The lack of information or disinformation is concerning. Some of the things said just go against common sense and your left there just scratching your head, wondering wtf you just heard…

    1. @Raymond Petersen Absolutely not.

      It’s not responsible or reasonable to do that yet because it hasn’t been around long enough for that information to be reliable. The numbers given all come with a big asterisk (or a huge red X in the case of anything the president says) meaning AS FAR AS WE KNOW FOR NOW. Cases that are asymptomatic, mistaken for another illness, or unreported also complicate the matter of getting reliable numbers. All the statistics are greatly impacted if it’s true that China is under-reporting.

      So no, it would not be nice, because it would not be accurate.

    2. Incorrect when you have hundreds of news channels hyping colds and viruses for 20 years h1n1, west Nile, Zika, Ebola, etc. you tend to not trust anyone from those groups because it’s been bullshit a million times so it’s most likely bullshit now right?

    3. @Raymond Petersen flu deaths 0.01% of people who get it, coronavirus death rate is 3.7% of people who get it

  4. “It’s no big deal. It’s just a state of emergency.” He doesn’t understand why people are confused? He thinks it’s the CDC that’s confusing people?

  5. “Underlying conditions”: diabetes, high blood pressure, cancer, heart disease, leukemia, high cholesterol, alcoholism, inflammatory lung disease, diverticulitis, celiacs, obesity…. who DOESN’T have an underlying condition for crying out loud?

    1. Bookmouse if you realised that your immune system is run by your cells and your cells respond to how you FEEL, you could actually have an effect on your health. Read The Biology of Belief by Bruce Lipton and learn something. You must be a reader according to your ‘name’, or else you just eat the pages of unread books.

    2. On the ABC special last night the doctor said not underlying conditions but serious underlying conditions and that high blood pressure and diabetes that are being controlled with medication dont fall into that category but diseases like cancer and respiratory problems…
      But who the heck knows for sure, there is alot they still dont know
      I just want to add the following because I’m trying to get it out there hoping a change will come….Wolf van lines is trying to hold people to NYC bus trips that were previously planned. We dont want to go with that being a hot spot right now but they won’t give a refund. They would really put people in harm’s way and possibly spread this virus more just so they dont lose money. They need to have common sense and human decency!

  6. Sounds like somebody just found a way to diminish social security obligation to old, disabled etc.etc.

  7. My so-called “fear” and “hysteria” is valid; I’m taking care of a high-risk parent!
    Stay safe everyone! ✌❤

    1. Good luck to you. People don’t want to face the reality of this. The facts aren’t wrong. It is people’s fear not allowing them to see how serious this can get in our country. I just saw a video which shows the projection based on numbers if we don’t get this under control and by mid May hospital systems could be overwhelmed along with lack of supplies. This is very serious and just the tip of the iceberg I am afraid. Stay safe. Prayers to you and your family.

    2. I have a 94 year old mother-in-law living with us and my 90 year old dad living with my sister, he has copd! We are doing NOTHING DIFFERENT. My sister lives in AZ the virus is there. I live in Michigan it’s not here yet. But we aren’t panicking. Use common sense!! By the way MORE PEOPLE DIE EVERY YEAR FROM THE PLAIN OLD FLU! YOU SHOULD BE MORE AFRAID OF THAT.

    3. @Steven Hopefully you are right Steve. I saw statistics. Death rate is 0.1 percent for the flu and this is between 0.8 to 2 percent. WHO says 3.4 percent..but they aren’t including people who don’t test. Also I have read it is more contagious than the flu. That is what is worrisome…if too many older people have to be hospitalized in a short amount of time..it could overload the system. I live in Michigan too. I am staying calm but I do worry about my elderly parents. I would hate for them to get it. Lets hope for the best. You have to admit this isn’t typical that we are imposing quarantines. That doesn’t typically happen. Wishing you and your family the best. PS I am proud to be a Michigander. Love our state.❤

  8. Does anyone know the rules for state of emergency?
    Also is NYC/time square in a state of emergency?

  9. When catholic priests fondle little boys and get away with it that is a state of emergency governor.

  10. He meant to say “We have no idea what we’re doing and you’re all going to die.” End of video. Morons run this country.

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