Newest addition to Trump’s legal team sidelined in Mar-a-Lago search case

The newest addition to former President Donald Trump’s legal team, Chris Kise, has been sidelined from the Mar-a-Lago documents investigation less than a month after he was brought on to represent Trump in the matter, two sources familiar with the move tell CNN. #CNN #News


    1. Does it come as a shock that you’re consistently duped and humiliated by the same org time and time again?

  1. Kise is a registered foreign agent of the Maduro government in Venezuela. Given that there are classified documents in the mix, it’s probably a good idea that he not be involved in the Mar-A-Lago investigation.

    1. @badmola1 lol I am an expert in any case involving classified documents, if I can just see them, photo copy them and then send them to a “friend”

      But i will also say, do you really think trump has paid him lol

    2. @Biden is Garbage I’m not as delusional as the maga crazies – and just so you know I’m not registered with any party – so your attempt of insult just blew up in your face. Have a wonderful day in crazy land.

    3. If he is a registered foreign agent, it would be a crime under federal law to grant him a clearance even if his background investigation was perfect.

    4. @richard c That was the agreement that Trump had to pay him up front. Since Trump had ran out of lawyers willing to represent him, I think Trump did pay him, otherwise he would have left already. Do you notice that he can’t even help Trump in the Mar-a-Lago case, but they’re still keeping him around, ask yourself, why? Why keep him around if he can’t represent Trump? That’s because he already got paid his retainer fee with no refund, so they’re going to use him in other cases where security clearance is not required.

    1. I guess, a few more years, no Trump, most of the world will want Americans seen as a pile of ashes.
      The US needs to burn so hot under nukes, so hot the ground turns to glass.

    2. He is a registered foreign agent for – get this – mother fucking Venezuela.

      The collective heads exploding across the extreme right wing outrage entertainment ecosystem would knock the planet off its orbit if this guy was even remotely connected to a Democrat holding federal office.

    1. @Hubie Maddox They mentioned ALL of that in this clip. Are you suffering from a concussion or something?

      Trump paid him $3 million, in advance.

    2. @blackberri343 Well remember that Biden is everything that you accuse Trump of, and you know that now for a fact.
      Do you know that Socialism and NationalSocialism are effectively the exact same thing?

      I don’t know if you like Science and Facts, but here goes…
      *NationalSocialism | Destroying the Denialist Counter Arguments*
      _”I am a socialist.” – Hitler, from his “ZweitesBuch” (Second Book) Page 50._
      ⬆ *This source lists 107 impeccable Historic and Scientific sources* ⬆

  2. Maybe someone couldn’t stand being told what the best legal strategy would be in the Mar-a-Lago case. More fun for the rest of us!

    1. Best legal strategy for Mar-a-lago is that its a complete joke. There is no actual law that gives it any credence whatsoever apart for morons who want a witch hunt,

  3. The lawyer in question has been reported to be registered as a foreign agent. He may not be able to get a security clearance.

    1. @Doodle Bob If you’re still one of the dolts asking for “proof” when Orange Julius has 18 cases against him right now, you need to slap yourself really hard across the face. 🤡

    2. Does he really need a security clearance? The 11th circuit appeals court ruled that Trumps team doesn’t get to see any classified documents

    1. You mean the same Judge who now understands how the FBI lied to get search warrants for Russia Collusion Delusion FISA application? That judge? 🙄

    1. You’re generally better off without a lawyer anyway (so long as you know to keep your mouth shut; which, unfortunately, a lot of people don’t). A layer is dealing to fill his wallet, not yours.

    2. @Debra James If you declassify by any means you admit the prior condition was classified. Whuy would any lawyer represent a client ;pleading innocent who then effectivelly pleads guilty in public, on TV>

    1. The Dems don’t have to worry about that they’ve got the weaponized doj and mainstream media cover up all their criminal activities. “White washing”

    2. @Debra James lol they got him this time I really can’t believe that people still believe anything that comes from cnn 😂 🤣 😅 😆

  4. Chris was looking to get paid, and it was looking less likely as the case progressed. Funny how lawyers are like that.

  5. That’s a polite Way of saying he wasn’t about to put his lawyer license in jeopardy over the trump lies about those classified documents

  6. “When you’re born, you get a ticket to the freak show. When you’re born in America, you get a front row seat.” -George Carlin

  7. America is run by the Golden Rule: Whoever has the Gold, makes the Rules. The Lawmakers take Bribes (Campaign Contributions) and pass laws to protect the Rich Criminals. And these laws are used by the team of lawyers to protect their rich clients. As a result, the laws only apply to people who don’t have the money to hire teams of highly paid lawyers.

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