1. As a teacher this is especially heartbreaking. We feel responsible when our students follow our directions and the result is horrific. I hope he knows he did all he could. Every teacher’s worst nightmare.💔

    1. @Semechki for Putin yeah I think you are right 100% and he was also telling 10 year olds so in the split second, he probably couldn’t do much else

  2. So sad & painful what he they all went through. Just a damn failure on law enforcement. 💔😥 I can’t believe all that time wasted. 😒

  3. This was a derelict of duty of the worst order. An abysmal failure to protect society’s most precious and vulnerable members.

    1. This wasn’t about cops protecting themselves though. Multiple cops put their lives at risk in minutes of the shooter entering. Within 3 minutes there were cops trying to enter the room who got shot at. This is about a police Chief who has controlled his officers to such a degree that one of them asked for permission to shoot the guy with a gun & then the rest were ordered to treat it like a hostage negotiation, not an active shooter situation. I want to know why the cop felt he had to ask for permission? Is that because the guy hadn’t yet shot anyone & the cop didn’t want to be targeted for an unjustified shooting? Or because his Chief has ordered them to get permission first so they don’t get targeted for unjustified shootings? Or some other reason? It’s not about the cops being cowards – although I’m sure that when it comes down to knowing you’re probably going to die & you haven’t faced that before, or you have people or things you want to live for, I’m sure there are some cops who buckle under fire. But not all of them. That’s just the knee jerk “let’s blame someone” response. We need to know WHY they listened to their supervisor when training says it’s the wrong approach. And more importantly, we need to stop these high powered weapons getting in the hands of f’d up young men & stop them from thinking that shooting up a school, concert, parade, shop etc is something that’s reasonable in their twisted minds. We need to stop an entire f’ing country putting guns before kids lives!

    2. Blue lives matter…what part of that cheer did texans fail to understand when they chanted it repeatedly!?!?!

  4. This teacher will never get over this trauma. The police, the politicians with their gun glorifying ads all know what these military style weapons can do. They can shoot through both walls of a dumpster from far away. In a classroom no desk or bookcase or anything can protect kids and teachers. The guy shooting from an upper story of a hotel in Vegas was able to kill so many people across a highway. These kids in Uvalde had no chance. The cops were scared – they knew what an AR-15 can do. It’s crazy that Texas state government made it easier for killers to kill yet refuse to protect even children from being slaughtered. It took DNA to identify the bodies. People need to vote for sanity.

      This type of comment is very common, it always has the same ‘Fuk what you saying here’ then a link to a totally unrelated video. They come from different people but have the same format, so I have no idea why it’s done unless it’s just to get views for their chanel.

  5. WTF? How can a Sheriff refuse to testify??? He should be fired if he refuses. Or at least stood down until he agrees to testify. They’d better subpoena him & put him in jail if he refuses. That is dodgy AF!

    1. Because Texas. Elon Musk loves Texas because of this, no accountability, do whatever you want as long as you have power and money.

    2. The police unions are that damn strong. I’m sure the union lawyers are telling him to do exactly what he’s doing. Standard playbook.

    3. he should be fired for gross negligence….and dereliction of duty…what are they waiting for….???

  6. The parents of the deceased need to lawyer up. Thank you for ths heartbreaking interview, Gentlemen.

  7. What kind of society have we become when the
    police are more concerned with their own safety
    over the safety of little kids I am just disgusted.

    1. @Louise Collard except it wasn’t just the police chief there were nine other cops in that hallway. And in that case orders wouldn’t matter.

    2. You must be kidding me. You didn’t hear texans screaming blue lives matter for the past five years!?!?

  8. They’re hoping that once the media has gone, everyone will forget. I’m glad these reporters aren’t giving up. 🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾 Thank you, Shimone, for calling them out from the beginning. You’ve shown incredible bravery… Anderson and Shimone are doing this for all of our students and teachers. #thankyou

    1. The problem is that half the population doesn’t watch news that will talk about this… They would prefer their bubble and hearing only what they agree with.

  9. Dear Sir, the failure to identify this murderer before he came to the school, and the police failure to enter the classrooms is indescribably wrong. I am so pleased you survived to carry the memory of your students. This is your life path. Do not waste emotion feeling guilt.

    1. @ETHAN BITISI this is a stupid bot or spam that responds this to everybody I reported it so hopefully it won’t last long, but it seems to keep persisting

  10. These cowardly and lying cops are scum. This poor guy 😞 I pray for your healing brother 🙏 but I don’t know if that’s possible for you now

  11. I can’t imagine what the teacher is going through because he’s like a silent parent..he watched them grow up like a parent too..you tried your best to do what you could! Hero(teachers) deserves a standing ovation. ..

  12. The fact that Abbott and the Mayor etc all took for granted the police had done a great job, not questioning anything at the start, just left the door open for a future cover up. They’re all to blame for a rotten system.

  13. The Uvalde police have been stalking, threatening, and harassing the mother that saved her own kids that day because she talked.

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