Pelosi says she won’t send impeachment articles to Senate yet

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi would not commit to sending the articles of impeachment to the Senate, saying in a post-impeachment-vote news conference, "That would have been our intention, but we'll see what happens over there." #CNN #News


    1. @bfgmech3c Lmao all of your talking points make no sense and it would take me a fucking hour to go through all of them and educate you

    2. @GreenRuled yes but it doesn’t change anything… now they’re all being stubborn bc theyre scared to give it to the senate, theyre scared to lose

    3. @Derek Hornsby he did nothing to get impeached. He stood against the establishment and for the people instead. So the a partisan vote impeached him which literally mean exactly squat. The senate will not remove him from office. Partisan impeachment only looks bad for the Democrats right now.

    1. @Gary Halliday The democrats announced their decision to impeach Trump hours after he was elected. Everyone who`s been paying attention knows this because the democrats haven`t shut up about it since.

    1. @Josh Jones its true, they never report the news..they spend 99% of their time giving trump more free publicity

    2. @Scott Louis all the FSB assets say so. I’m not sure why you hate the first amendment and the Free press, but helpless hate is the funniest hate, Scotty Sniffer.

    3. @Darmok Some day creatures like you won`t be able to remain anonymous on the internet and guys like me will make you fear the devil.

    1. @ruletheworld 01 I’ll admit trump is a horrible person but a great president the economy is doing amazing and ive made tens of thousands in stocks already since he took office

    2. @ruletheworld 01 that would be wonderful. I am middle class and I would skip the tax cut just to get these corrupt hoodlums out of there.

    1. Donald the evil stump! “President of the United States?!!! THAT has to be the STUPIDEST thing ever in this this side of the universe! Oh, and his evil back-stabbing-Americans minions. They all need to be FIRED!!!

    2. @Mel Zee you’re really going to hate it when this bs gets body slammed in the Senate. Why wait??? Let’s finish this!

    3. @Marta Caballero did I mention Moscow Mitch needs to be fired to? They can lie and throw away the constitution, and sell their stinky souls to evil drump, but it won’t change the facts Jack.

    1. This morons don’t remember when Clinton was impeached but the Senate aquitted him.They actually believe in their loony toon head that Republicans will turn on Trump and satisfy the demonic demonrats.

  1. More effort put into impeaching one man than the effort put into the US in the last 20 years.
    Can we make this a one party system now?

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