Re: Tennyson Joseph warns Skerrit and Other Caribbean Leaders

By: Louis B Robinson


What the crook that was fired by his boss is alleged to have done pales in comparison to those that the boss himself has done. They are both associated with human traffickers, drug dealers but only the boss is directly involved in defrauding the treasury.

I would not repeat this alleged denial by Ron that there was no corruption. That is not an accurate portrayal of the statement made.

But for all those who suddenly find stealing associating with criminals, supporting corruption, turning a blind eye to the total disrespect been meted out to anyone who dares to sing an independent song, for the continued disrespecting of the first Prime Minister of Dominica Patrick Roland John, the man who gave Dominica the National Bank, The Social Security, introduced economic development zone (Free Zone) had a stadium built, whose foreign policy was way ahead of his time, but embraces Venezuelan convicted felon Chavez, yes these are facts not anecdotes.

FET you have a brain, do not get tangled in the web of intellectual masturbation been spun in this forum, by people whose sole motive for supporting the dismantling of the institutions of democracy in Dominica, is dislike or pure hatred for a returning Dominican who, rather than spend all his productive years in another country choose to make the sacrifice that all these supporters of corruption would not consider making, returned home and tilled the soil among the farmers, the teachers, the police officers, the firemen, the laborers etc.

He could not be manipulated by the so-called or self appointed elites. They will all support the corrupt Skerrit now because he has reversed all that the Labor party under E O Leblanc and Patrick John worked so hard to achieve for Dominica, even the respectability that Eugenia Charles achieved that too has been destroyed.

He has returned Economic, political, and social power into the hands of the children of the very people from whom it was rested with blood, sweat, and tears, and if this is what it will take to restore our democracy, integrity and good governance then star preparing yourself for the battle, that is if returning home is an option for you, if it is not then I pray you my friend, leave it  to those of us who will be making that journey, for if you are not against corruption, dictatorship, dismantling of our democratic institutions, you support those evils and are for them.

Be careful my friend of their entrapment.

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