1. has anyone noticed that the flag of the yellow-blue Ukraine is hanging in the cemetery next to the black-and-red flag of the Nazi unit “Right Sector”?

    2. There is no glory in this. Ukraine has already been blown back into the stone age and it will take decades to rebuild even if it stops today. Leaders in Russia need to come to their damn senses and stop this BS.

    1. @pugetwitch Someone is salty from constantly losing. It’s all red and chapped-there, there and there. Put some lotion on it cupcake.

    2. The whole ‘mislead Russian soldier’ thing may have been understandable in the opening days, but not this far in. They know what their job is, and they seem only too happy to do it. Wipe out the lot of them.

    3. Unfortunately, they are not mislead…they are willing to destroy us a nation, this is their main intention for centuries and we suffer from this for centuries… they been in Ukraine for a month now, I am sorry to say it, but they definitely know what they are doing.
      Thank you for your support.

    1. @Rob Moreno That’s not what Wikipedia says and it also states the Neo Nazi organisation was Non-Govermental. So where do you get your intelligence from ? If not the Internet from documented sources , You’ve openly said non of us get it we ain’t got a clue so help us out where is your info from and I promise you once you’ve educated me I’ll still be shouting up the UA Slava Slava Ukrani.

    2. @Mark Armstrong Then Wikipedia is wrong like a lot of times.The azov batallion is part of the national guard and financed from their ministry of defence since 2014.Igor kolomoisky an ukrain oil oligarch financed them before and after aswell .The azov was also part of the so called Maiden Revolution.Wikipedia will also say maidan was a revolution not a coupe even tho Victoria nuland exposed the whole thing 18 days before the event.Wikipedia was independent once but since it got politicized and censored you shouldnt read in it abput politics.How do i know ? 8 years full of articles fromm CNN BBC to european media.Wiki exposed a lot about the CIA 10 years ago and stated fact Senators in the US found out in church committee 1977 but somehow it got censored a lot.Iam all for the ukrain population but iam against a fascist government and nazi ideologie.Forgett it man just live in your lala land and be happy

    3. In the 2019 Ukrainian parliament elections Svoboda and other right wing parties won only 2.15% of the votes, less than half of the 5% election threshold. Blaming Ukraine of having an exceptional Nazi problem is part of the Russian hate propaganda. Ironically Russia itself has a much bigger problem, as the fascist are already sitting in the Kremlin. I mean they act like fascist: no free and open elections since at least two decades as any opposition is neutralized in beforehand, the people are brainwashed with lies and Kremlin propaganda by the state controlled media and any protest is harshly punished.

    4. 23 years ago, 19 NATO countries dropped 10,000 bombs on Yugoslavia… Without UN sanction…Russia is not Yugoslavia… 70% of Russians have been morally ready for nuclear war since 2014… Does the US understand that the world is guaranteed to be destroyed??? I don’t think so…has anyone noticed that the flag of the yellow-blue Ukraine is hanging in the cemetery next to the black-and-red flag of the Nazi unit “Right Sector”?

    5. @Rob Moreno Right and what’s your evidence that what you’ve read isn’t censored, missinformation or just 100% propaganda? Seems to me unless you lived and breathed it all your doing is quoting other people’s information and when that’s from the grape vine be it word of mouth or Internet things get lost In translation. The way I see it it’s Putler that need wiping out.

  1. My respect to Ukraine. Ukraine, a country that preserves the dignity of its dead enemy soldiers by preserving their bodies in huge refrigerated morgues and not exposing them to reporters before shipping them to their country, Russia. Can Putin’s Russia do the same?

    1. @Yuri Fedoroff I say that I’m not American, and neither are the Ukrainian civilians being bombed by Russia… you can’t justify Russia’s actions by a ‘tu quoque’ argument – that’s like saying it’s okay to commit murder because other murderers have got away with it before…

    2. @Yuri Fedoroff ‘May be Nazi is your drunk dad?’ – I’m not even sure what that sentence is meant to say. No one in my family is remotely right wing, we don’t support authoritarians who don’t allow free voting, free speech or the right to protest (huh, Putin fits into the category of a Nazi once again…)

    3. 23 years ago, 19 NATO countries dropped 10,000 bombs on Yugoslavia… Without UN sanction…Russia is not Yugoslavia… 70% of Russians have been morally ready for nuclear war since 2014… Does the US understand that the world is guaranteed to be destroyed??? I don’t think so…has anyone noticed that the flag of the yellow-blue Ukraine is hanging in the cemetery next to the black-and-red flag of the Nazi unit “Right Sector”?

  2. My respect to ukrainian people and also to the ukrainian governent.still caring for the dead russiannsoldoers.

    1. @Harish Bheemineni what? 😂 Are you for real? Why would the Russian army be doing with dead Ukrainian soliders, they are on Ukrainians land? Chokas Cristos I hope you are not a real person! 😆

    2. has anyone noticed that the flag of the yellow-blue Ukraine is hanging in the cemetery next to the black-and-red flag of the Nazi unit “Right Sector”?

    3. @Anna Romanova you deserve your small Wagner pay and your friends in a trailer. I enjoy watching it. Enjoy.

    4. @Андрей Суворов  bull hockey. You have sold out your country. You are responsible for all the losses of your ccountrymen. Saddest part is you don’t even care.

  3. Brave Ukrainian soldiers and civilians facing Golden Horde invasion, you are all heroes, praying for your victory…
    SLAVA UKRAINE🙏❤🙏❤🙏 Stay strong Ukraine 👏💪🇺🇦🇵🇹 Бабушка – настоящая украинка! Низкий поклон. А оккупантам, хлеб с солью не обещаем, а пирожки с мышьяком – всегда пожалуйста!

  4. This is the nicest, most revealing, and yet saddest field reports I’ve seen from Ukraine so far. It shows that war is as much about explosions and destruction as it is about the natural human desire to have a normal life, with basic services and without corpses laying in-sanitarily around. Thank you Ivan!

    1. @Anna Romanova you are extremely uneducated and not very intelligent are you, Ronald Reagan liberated Ukraine from the Soviet Union, who in their right mind wants to live under authoritarianism, communism and tyranny?? Do you crave having the boot of authoritarianism upon your neck?? Do you enjoy being told how you can live every minute of your life, what you can read, what you can watch on TV, what music you can listen to, what words you can speak, and if you defy your master you go to prisoner or worse??…Ukraine refuses to be Russia’s dancing bear, they have a right to choose their own future and be free without being terrorized by Russian thugs and their lunatic dictator. No one wants anything from Russia, go home!!!

    2. 23 years ago, 19 NATO countries dropped 10,000 bombs on Yugoslavia… Without UN sanction…Russia is not Yugoslavia… 70% of Russians have been morally ready for nuclear war since 2014… Does the US understand that the world is guaranteed to be destroyed??? I don’t think so…has anyone noticed that the flag of the yellow-blue Ukraine is hanging in the cemetery next to the black-and-red flag of the Nazi unit “Right Sector”?

    3. Keeping busses and water running in a war torn country isnt as sexy as producing arms but is probably more important

  5. In war nobody wins fathers have to bury their sons and mothers are left behind to suffer the loss of their children😞🙏

  6. Stay strong Ukraine 👏💪🇺🇦🇵🇹 Бабушка – настоящая украинка! Низкий поклон. А оккупантам, хлеб с солью не обещаем, а пирожки с мышьяком – всегда пожалуйста!

  7. Ukrainians are generous and kind hearted people. They wanted to lead a peaceful life but Russian brutal dictator did not allow them to do so and declared a war with Ukarine in the last week of February and it has been going on for a month with no end visible.
    The Ukrainians are fighting back with much resistance irrespective of the fear for their life and assets. A good patriotic people and I like them so much. May this war end soon and peace restored over there. The irony is that Russians are also good people but their leader is very bad and a brutal dictator with no kindness or compassion on human values. Russians should unseat this brutal guy from power. As long as the command is under his control, one cannot expect peace in Ukarine and his ultimate goal is to capture the province and annex with Russia. His dream is big but for sure no guarantee because of the tough resistance from Ukrainians freedom fighters.

  8. My heart is so broken I can hardly breathe. So much useless death and destruction of innocent lives!!!

    1. I am an engineer. I develop software for various organizations for our country and abroad and do research on science. You can understand why I am saying this by reading my entire article. In the beginning I had my humble respect for you. Think you hit a rock somewhere, what happened? Nothing was created but something was broken. When an engineer builds a machine he builds up the whole machine from the smallest chip of the machine to the whole machine with the perfect calculation. Even then, there is an error somewhere and the device gets damaged after a few months or years. If it is not possible to make a 100% perfect instrument even after so many calculations and experiments, then how did this perfect universe be created on its own. The functions of the various organs of the human body are so perfect and perfect that no human can ever discover such a device. These wonderful people and other creatures were created by their own ? According to all the Abrahamic religions (Islam, Judaism, Christianity) and Hinduism (Vedas) God is one, he has no image, no sculpture, nothing like him to see in the universe. According to the Islam, no vision can capture God. Now the question is, has God chosen any religion for us? The religion you practice may not be God’s chosen religion.

      Then how to find the right religion. I will tell you the way. The Almighty Creator knows all things that are going on in our minds. He can see and hear every creature in the universe . The Creator is very holy. If in a pure state of your body and in a very simple heart (passionate and emotional) you ask him(God) for something, he does not make you return. If you ask him for the right religion, He will surely show you the right path. If you do not believe me, remember Allah when you are in danger and say, O my true Creator, save me from this danger. Thus, once, twice, five times, if you pray to the Creator, I am 100% sure that your prayers will be accepted and granted. But you have to make sure that God is one, and you must not pray to any of his idols. There is only one religion acceptable to the Creator. You will be greatly astonished if you hear the concept of god in Islam. Besides my profession I research on comparative religion. Islam is the only religion on the earth that can give you logical answer to all of your questions. You may get angry while I am speaking about Islam. Please be patient and read the entire article carefully. All that media shows about Islam is not always true. The holy book of Islam is the Quran revealed by god where god challenged all the humanity to write a book like Quran. God enriched this book with the highest linguistic ornaments and literature. People(Muslim and non Muslim) are trying from 14 hundreds year back to write a chapter like Quran in Arabic but they shamefully failed. For these reason Muslim people is increasing more than five times than Christianity. This book is rich in moral lesson and scientific fact Like 1. Big bang 2. Universe is expanding 3. The volume of the universe is endless 4. Moon has no light of it’s own. 5. Sun is rotating. 6. Embryology 7. Male sperm is responsible for human sex. 6. Main part of the sperm fertilize woman’s egg. 8. The mountain hinder the movement of the earth surface. 9.Female bee is the leader of the hive. 10. Water is the main element of life.11. There is a difference called barsaque between sweet water and salt water that’s why sea water doesn’t mix with river water. 12. Water cycle and so on that science proved in the previous century. You may test me by reading the book whether I am true or false.I remind you that this book was written 14 hundreds years ago and even the criticizers of Islam certifying that every word of Quran is unchanged from 14 hundreds years.you may think I am advertising Islam but I am calling you to the actual god. If you don’t believe me you can use the way I mentioned above to draw the attention of god. I have hundreds of people who prayed to different gods and idols to full fill their wishes but their prayer did not granted. When they prayed to the god of Islam they experienced different miracles and their wishes were fulfilled by Allah and they converted to Muslim. God has created us to test who is the best of us in action.Jesus was a messenger of God ,not God. Jesus could not do anything without God. I will suggest you to study comparative religion and you will come to know the truth .May God guide you to the right path .I am requesting you to watch the following videos that will change your life and you will feel that you have reborn again. Please store these video links in your device and watch them whenever you can make sometime. Thanks a lot.


    1. This is so sad. Thank you CNN for broadcasting CIA propaganda. God Bless unworthy people in Donbass, Yemen, Somalia, Libya, Syria, Iraq, Vietnam, Korea, Guatemala, Chile, Venezuela.

  9. Mi corazón con las familias ucranianas que han perdido familiares.
    Honor a los héroes caídos que han defendido su patria.
    Gloria a los patriotas que están salvando a su nación.

  10. Wow 😮 lots of respect for this official, taking care of Russia bodies, and recognizing they are innocents of this war too.. I’m very impressed with Ukrainians character and values. God bless them; the world 🌎 is praying for unity and peace ☮️

    1. @therealstormy No one over the age of five is an innocent. At three years girls learn how to get what they want by manipulation, and at five years boys learn about doing it by force. We are all nefarious reprobates long before we are strong enough to pick up a gun.

    2. @Positively Brainwashed Not really. He wouldn’t open the truck to show us, so he could have been lying just as much as the Russians.

    3. @Mimi Kurtz While both sides of the media lie, the basis of Russians invasion is a much bigger lie. People continue to lie to cover up lies. And the civillains and people who are being attacked are generally lying less than the attackers. If you just lost your leg or a loved one, less likely you’ll be telling a lie if you’re safely interviewed. So not all liars should be treated equally.

      And when you watch media from international countries like India who are not involved in this war, you can see even more clearly that Russia is more at fault.

    1. То есть никого не смутило что в офисе у мэра днепра висит портрет президента сша и их флаг ? Видно кому служит украина и за кого умирают ее граждане😰😰😰

    2. @Anna Romanova  you trade your friends lives for a small Wagner paycheck. Enjoy it if you can. You have deserted your country.

  11. What a wonderful brave and DECENT nation Ukrainians are. God please continue to bless them ‘ to make them strong’ and to deliver and expose the evil doers . SLAVA UKRAINE !!!

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