Retired Lt. General grades Putin’s results on the battlefield

President Joe Biden has delivered a stark warning about the dangers behind Russian President Vladimir Putin's nuclear threats as Moscow continues to face military setbacks in Ukraine. CNN's Military Analyst Lt. Gen. Mark Hertling joins Don Lemon to discuss the state of Russia's war in Ukraine.
#MarkHertling #CNN #russiaukrainewar


    1. @Dis N’ Dat Yes you are right, zero is more in line! But I decided to award one point for all the russky ‘kindly donated’ (i.e. trophy) vehicles to the Ukrainians! But it was very close call🙂

    2. @Real Aiglon “Everyone of foreign race, will love Putin’s puffy face, when we bring to the world disorder!”

    1. * Get ready to rule 1000 years back again on earth by repenting your sins before Lord Jesus Christ immediately..
      Holy Bible says to Humans:- Today we appear and tomorrow we disappear, our life is like shadow on Earth.
      Holy Bible Explicitly says to Humans:- The time is fulfilled and the kingdom of God is at hand, please repent from all your sins before Lord Jesus Christ, thou shalt be saved and thy family members from eternal Hell to eternal Heaven Amen.🙏🙏🙏
      Please please please repent from all your secret sins before Lord Jesus Christ immediately without wasting your time to rule 1000 years again back on earth and there by to go to Eternal Kingdom of Heaven and live a very very Happy Life with God Almighty.🙏🙏

    1. @Michael Hogan Remember the old rump saying to the media in March that Putin’s invasion of Ukraine was “genius”. A subject he claims to know A LOT about.😄

  1. Everyone close to Putin thinking : “All his choices so far have failed, fouled up and backfired. Do we really want him to get the nukes out”.

    1. Everyone should remember Vasili Arkhipov. When his superior officer was ready to tear the world asunder he stepped up and anti’d his own life and career in order to stop nuclear armageddon. The Russian state may be rotten, but people will always have a glimmer of hope.

  2. Ukrainian warriors are fighting for their lives, their wives, their sons, their daughters, their mothers, their fathers, their land, and their freedom.

    Russian soldiers have no clue why they’re fighting. And that’s why Russia is losing.

    Slava Ukraini!!! 🇺🇦 🇺🇲

    1. @P Your heretical interpretations and soppy citations of Scripture show you have a lot of repenting to do yourself. And yes, your belief in a literal 1000 year has been declared heresy — for good reason. The “1000 year rule” was metaphorical language for the new relationship between God and Man made possible by the work of Christ on Earth and the following Descent of the Holy Spirit. That “1000 year rule” has already gone on to nearly 2000.

    2. @SpectatorAlius Taliban was created by USA. I saw Brzezinski tell them, that is your land and it is your god given right to fight for it.
      USA opened the funding channels and Muslims provided the martyrs, kind of same as it is happening now in Ukraine.

  3. This is just 1914 again for Russia. Russian autocrat overestimating the ability of its own military, sending swarms of men but can’t equip/feed them, dwindling morale, defeat after defeat, and rising protests. I truly hope the Russian people can one day finally be free autocracy

    1. @I I That is a big difference, but not the only one. This time, their army is in even worse shape than it was in 1914. And who would you see as today’s counterpart to Rasputin?

    2. @Mark Snyder So you are vindicated on the importance of logistics and the disastrous state of logistics in the Russian Army. But that still leaves many other angles.

      So, for example, who is your counterpart of 1914’s Rasputin? Or better yet: who is your counterpart to the US sendig top of the line weapons? Germany needed no other country to have the best weapons the technology of the day could produce. Russia had nowhere to turn to get outside help.

      But speaking of technology, though Russia was clearly behind Germany, the gap was nowhere near as big between US-supplied Ukraine and Russia.

      Here’s another difference: no one ever hears about the Kaiser’s Germany of torturing captured Russian. But Putin’s goons have been doing so much torturing and murdering of civilians, it is hard to believe Putin ordered all of it.

  4. Putin is always complaining about how he doesn’t get enough respect. In other words, he’s Rodney Dangerfield with nukes. THAT’s what’s scary.

    1. @Stephen Hill funny thing is Russia was seen as a stronger power before this war. Ukraine destroyed the illusion of Russian strength and dethroned them as a global military super power

  5. My late Ukrainian dad had a lot to say about the Russians. The most important was that Russians are like drums, the emptier they are the louder they are. He said that a loud Russian is a harmless Russian, it’s when they are quiet that you have to seriously watch out.
    There is another good reason why not to take Putin’s threats too seriously. Most of the Kremlin’s fat cats have adult children living and studying in the West. Even Putin’s own children have real estate in the west where they live on and off.
    And a third reason is that a low yield tactical nuke anywhere in Ukraine is not gonna offer Russian forces any strategic or tactical advantages while at the same freeing NATO countries of any lingering inhibitions to go all the way with support for Ukraine.
    For this very reason some Ukrainians I’m in contact with even hope that Putin is so stupid. It would be another of many really bad mistakes that Putin has been making in the duration of this war.

    1. Yes indeed make sense, that is true wishful thinking even in animal trying to look bigger and meaner to get away from the would be preditor or to stop being attacked by …

    1. @Stephen Newton they don’t really need weapons. The Russians morale is so low because they’re being kept as hostages on the frontlines. Some even shot themselves so they could return home, it’s so bad that if they projected the message that solders would be treated decently through audio many would surrender.

  6. While it makes no logical sense to use tactical nukes on the battlefield, invading Ukraine in the first place also made no logical sense. So, yes, its possible that he lobs a few nukes at Ukrainian forces, hoping they will back down and suddenly open up for giving parts of their land to Russia. But I dont think they will. He will have to deploy a lot of small nukes to compensate for his failing conventional warfare. But that will trigger a NATO response at some point. Not nuclear, but likely with conventional strikes against russian positions that have been identified as the source of these nuclear strikes. And then it will all boil down to whether or not putin finally gets up and leaves the table or escalates the war further. At that point it could spiral out of control…

    The problem is not so much that putin is crazy, but that he is too proud and scared to lose his power when Ukraine beats him in his war. Its a matter of self preservation for him… on top of that, he thinks he knows how Ukraine and the West will react to limited nuclear strikes. But he also thought he knew that when he invaded Ukraine in Februar – and boy, was he wrong on all counts!

  7. Can we imagine : if Russia had put all his war effort into building a strong vibrant economy with sustained growth for its people instead of more misery & hardship (that they thought was behind them when the Soviet Union collapsed).
    This situation is absolutely insane. Not only is Putin destroying Ukraine, he is destroying Russia at the same time. Russia/soviet Union seems doomed to keep repeating this cycle every 30 years or so.

  8. What kind of scares me is that I was talking to a co worker about seeing Putin being willing to go nuclear and not care it could result in MAD, and my coworker absolutely agreed

  9. I totally agree with Max Boot’s perspective; it would be a catastrophic failure if US-allies took nuclear threat as a motive to back down/chicken-out .🧐

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