SE Cupp: Republicans are enabling an unstable Trump

CNN's SE Cupp scrutinizes President Donald Trump's response to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, saying he has "bungled" the crisis from the start and calls out Republicans for not acting in the best interest of their constituents. #CNN #News


    1. Mitch McConnell and Lindsey Graham are both up for their 6 six year reelection in 2020 . Those are the two you want to get rid of before the window closes for another 6 years ! Let’s hope Kentucky and NC voters have had enough of these two !
      EDIT : That’s Lindsey Graham from SC . My bad ! I

    2. @ThE DuCk Lindsey Graham is not the senator of NC. He is the senator of SC. You can stop hoping now, because you know what’s going on in those states. Maybe try Thom Tills (the actual senator of NC).

    3. @Mr. James Don’t lose your mind over it dude !
      Meh — you’re a sock puppet . An anonymous
      keyboard wanker !

  1. Everyone remember this one basic fact: When Trump came into office he fired the entire pandemic response team that Obama put in place.

    1. @kelperdude not exactly true.pelosi wants to give money to immigrants that are here legally, pay taxes and are married to Anericans..and the prison releases? Bipartisan decision there dude..if you are going to spout crap make sure you don’t just trust faux news…they never tell the WHOLE story..and none of the truth..

    2. The President promised to “drain the swamp” and that’s exactly what he’s doing. Obama fired every single one of his IG’s on entering office, including the IG for the State Department, which is why Hillary had the freedom to do whatever she wanted without any oversight….including operating her own server, in order to lauder billions and enrich her foundation.

    3. @Mark Warren fact check.. he also said the things were OK at that point but may change. I watched the video. Please present whole story not just the parts to suit your narrative.

    1. @Joe V No offense, but it had been Republican for the past 25 years before the Democrat won it in 2018. So it was traditionally a Republican seat that got flipped back.

    2. @Mr. James No offense but the only reason the democrats are in power is because a number of Red areas decided to give Blue a chance. They had their chance and did nothing so it’s very likely Trump will win again with the House and Senate.

    3. Ahi viene They are going to put the election off till 2022. sorry to be the bearer of bad news

    4. @Joe V I will agree with you on red areas giving blue a chance. However, it’s too early to determine whether they’ll go back to red. Though they did in this race, we can’t say the same will be true for all. In simple terms, don’t hold your breath.

    1. @Esther Castro if you watched anything besides left wing propaganda, you would have already seen the numerous stories about released prisoners committing violent crimes within days. Or, you have seen those stories, and you’re just dishonest, trying to make someone else do the leg work and post a link for you, or else you get to say you won. You lefty morons are all the exact same person.

    2. @Ocasio-Cortez4prez2022 I watch lots of things besides CNN I sometimes even watch Fox news. I prefer CBS or PBS and I do not take ANY of them at their word. Almost all news has its bias based on raising ratings for advertising dollars. By and large news is for sale these days but occasionally I find that even though that is true even Fox and CNN report things accurately sometimes. I will admit I find CNN to be more fact based as a rule but not always. When I agree with Tucker Carlson or anyone else at Fox news Im not afraid to admit it. Im not asking CNN or Fox to cite their source though. I am asking you to cite yours. Deflecting the question based on your belief in what “is the only thing I watch” does not accomplish that. Im NOT even saying you are wrong. For all I know you were correct I only wanted for you to back your statement up with a source. I am not Democrat nor am I Republican. I am an American who makes up their own mind. I am not the one who made the statement. If I make a claim like the one you did I would back it up with what the source was. If I didnt I certainly would not be offended or mad if someone simply asked me to do so. I think I even said please for crying out load. I did not insult you or make assumptions about you. I might even agree with you. I do not want violent criminals free on the street. Honestly I do not think anyone does. Is it really that hard to simply say where you read or heard this? Seems like a simple request but you would rather insult me and presume things about me, based on a simple question posed to you. Which unfortunately seems to be a trend in the USA these days.

  2. If even Fox news is fake news now, what is he going to refer to as “truth?” Just his own blathering?

    1. @Bug Man I prefer President as Leader Of The Free World, as opposed to the senile pedophile thats being run by the left.

    2. @Kris Frederick Isn’t clorox the beverage of choice for leftwingers washing down their tide pods ?

    3. @Renewed 2019 leftwing trolls lurk everywhere, but following biden, i hear they lurk around elementary schools quite a bit

    4. You who believe that it’s “safer” to stay confined indoors for the foreseeable future are completely ignoring the bigger picture. People are dying…they are committing suicide in greater numbers, there is an increase in child abuse and domestic violence because of the mental instability that many suffer when deprived of their livelihoods.

      600 doctors sent a letter to President Trump, asking him to end the shutdown. The letter outlines a variety of consequences that the doctors have observed resulting from the coronavirus shutdowns, including patients missing routine checkups that could detect things like heart problems or cancer, increases in substance and alcohol abuse, and increases in financial instability that could lead to poverty and financial uncertainty, which is closely linked to poor health.
      “We are alarmed at what appears to be the lack of consideration for the future health of our patients,” the doctors say in their letter. “The downstream health effects … are being massively under-estimated and under-reported. This is an order of magnitude error.”

  3. Not surprised 🤨
    Trumps Republican motto:


    Same old dirty trump traits, new day 😒

    🇺🇸Trump 4 Prison 2020🇺🇸

    1. Matthew Sigurdson where is the proof 😜 like trump you POS’s got NOTHING but lies😎

    2. @Sandra Hicks Well of course CNN isn’t going to show you. Educate yourself. Google it . don’t be lazy

    1. I’m willing to bet there are just as much poorly educated dimwits who voted for Hillary.

    2. @helvis you don’t have to be smart to get a degree. You just have to be willing to sit in a room and listen to some jackass talk for 4-8 years, and have the money to pay to do it. Or just take out student loans and cry about that the rest of your life. And being educated, or smart, doesn’t make you a better person than someone whose less educated or intelligent. Having that mentality, however, makes you a worse person than those people who might be less educated than you.

    3. Douglas Lowe Exactly they can pay them cheap then call ICE and say they are illegals and have ICE remove them without having to pay them a dime or a fine. Same with China, they wrote the trade agreement but left out the part about workers rights which would have made China pay their workers on scale close to ours. The Democrats have always been for labor the Republicans for the 1%, look at it Reagan (rich movie star), Bush’s ( rich oil men), Trump (spoiled brat born with a silver spoon in his mouth), Carter (peanut farmer), Clinton (poor Arkansan who got an education), Obama from Chicago after getting a law degree). All Republicans bought their office all Democrats worked to get theirs.

    4. @Bug Man I’m not saying anything bad about more educated people. I’m just saying having a good education doesn’t make you a better person than people with less education. And those lower end jobs need to be done too.

    1. @Ocasio-Cortez4prez2022 Correction; And they also live in the internet, and think Chumpy is an obsessed lunatic that can’t go 5 seconds without screaming about the bad black man.

    1. @kelperdude “wow” is right. Every word she said is undisputed truth. Your obviously a Russian troll. Lol, “I don’t usually come to CNN”, your on Youtube trolling and spouting ignorant statements embedded in the trump/Russia propaganda scheme. Боже храни Америку нас вы не проведете

    2. @Scott Dykema “undisputed truth”, really? Do you actually fact check her to make sure everything she’s saying is factual? Or do you just assume it, because she’s telling you what you want to hear? You lefties are completely insane with your hero worship, that’s why it’s so funny when you project and accuse Trump supporters of being cult like. You don’t see many people on the right making claims like someone speaks the “undisputed truth”, all the time. Because most of us have fully formed and functioning adult brains, and we understand that people lie sometimes, and they’re also just wrong sometimes. All people.

    3. You who believe that it’s “safer” to stay confined indoors for the foreseeable future are completely ignoring the bigger picture. People are dying…they are committing suicide in greater numbers, there is an increase in child abuse and domestic violence because of the mental instability that many suffer when deprived of their livelihoods.

      600 doctors sent a letter to President Trump, asking him to end the shutdown. The letter outlines a variety of consequences that the doctors have observed resulting from the coronavirus shutdowns, including patients missing routine checkups that could detect things like heart problems or cancer, increases in substance and alcohol abuse, and increases in financial instability that could lead to poverty and financial uncertainty, which is closely linked to poor health.
      “We are alarmed at what appears to be the lack of consideration for the future health of our patients,” the doctors say in their letter. “The downstream health effects … are being massively under-estimated and under-reported. This is an order of magnitude error.”

    1. @Trump Fan Network 2 Wow, it must be real amazing if you capitalize it. I’m impressed.

    2. Walter Lichtenberg – Coming from someone with the same amount of subscribers as someone without a YouTube account, is double AMAZING!

    3. @FalconXE302 The study that Trump relies on was soundly debunked by other French doctors. All the studies have shown it to be worse than useless. It doesn’t help with the virus, and often causes arrhythmia.

  4. ‘ Republicans are enabling an unstable Trump’
    They’ve done that since he was sworn in.

    1. Whatever happened to “believe all women” – why is it now the “b!tches iie all the time” when the shoe is on Biden’s foot?

    2. You can love better I wouldn’t wish that dog on a democrat,. Tells it like it is insults and repeats of the last few days, no news just repeats. Now Fox,. OAN. They have the beauties

  5. “Enabling” is too soft a word, they have been in dereliction of constitutional duty and broke their sworn oaths.

    1. @atfinn trumpists talking about the constitution and especially their constitutional duty is hilarious. And i’m a libertarian, try again.

  6. Talk about the Lincoln Project!!! Republicans who actually give a damn about ‘The People’ and want to oust Trump and corrupt GOP

    1. Poor Teva….all you can do about it is cry on social media for four more years. 🖕🏻🤣🖕🏻

    2. @Debate Me! You all have to take responsibility and vote. Only 50% of adults vote in the USA. In Australia it is 100%. Voting is all our responsibility as well as our right. Perhaps that would help get a Government that truly reflects the people.

    3. @Kermit T. Frog A revolution isn’t necessarily violent. If your countries wealth is in so few hands. Perhaps if there were fewer desperately poor people, homeless, living in desperate circumstances in a country with 4.7% of the world population and over
      25% of the wealth. So many homeless and desperate people because just one person in the family gets sick without insurance that can precipitate the family going over the edge. Seems a bit immoral don’t you think.. You can care for your people and still “live the American dream”. Or you can just live like most lucky people in the world in developed countries Knowing that if the worse happens you will be cared for.

    1. she’s a RINO liberal.

      pro-immigration, pro-work and education visas

      fake conservative globalist shill.

  7. Read “Letters from Earth” Author: Marl Twain (banned at the time) Speaks to the Lunacy then and now

  8. Okay, what about Vets getting to vote by mail, which we’ve done for 30 + years! Because we are outta state!

  9. Sooner or later, it’s all going to come out. It always does. I’ll guarantee you, we will discover that President Dim Bulb had his kids run out and buy up stock in companies that manufacture Hydroxychloroquine. He had the government buy 29 MILLION doses of the stuff and now he’s trying to get out from under. This is so damn typical of all the decisions he’s ever made about running any of his crappy companies and why they all have gone belly up in less than 18 months. He has the impulse control of a toddler.

    1. I don’t know what will come out about President Dim Bulb, but potent stuff will come out. Sooner than later.

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