See Marjorie Taylor Greene’s reaction when GOP election official corrects her lies

Marjorie Taylor Greene continued to spread false information about the 2020 election at a congressional hearing and attacked a Republican election official in Georgia named Gabriel Sterling. Sterling speaks with Anderson Cooper about the exchange and discusses why Taylor Greene continues to lie about the 2020 election. #CNN #News


    1. And that’s why he asked the Sec of State to find 11780 more votes…not the hundreds of millions that MGT claims!!!

    2. We need politicians to sign a contract that outlines the duties and responsibilities for anyone who seeks the privilege of representing the American people.

  1. If elections are rigged, why isn’t she questioning her own elections and the elections of others?

    1. @randalgibbons  Politicians always have the upper hand, because we have a representative government. They can always say if you don’t like what I do then just vote me out. That’s their contract. There can never be any other contract than that, since the constituents have different, opposing demands, but only one person got elected, and once elected, he represents all constituents.

  2. The big question is, “Does joining the GOP make you crazy, or do mostly crazy people join the GOP?”

    1. Both! Some in the GOP were never Trumpers (all 2016 Republican candidates) until he won. When they converted into the cult, mostly crazies sought to follow. Welcome to the Twilight Zone!

    2. We need politicians to sign a contract that outlines the duties and responsibilities for anyone who seeks the privilege of representing the American people.

    1. If tomorrow all the things were gone
      I worked for all my life
      And I had to start again
      With just my children and my wife
      I thank my lucky stars
      To be living here today
      ‘Cause the flag still stands for freedom
      And they can’t take that away
      And I’m proud to be an American
      Where at least I know I’m free
      And I won’t forget the men who died
      Who gave that right to me
      And I’d gladly stand up next to you
      And defend Her still today
      ‘Cause there ain’t no doubt
      I love this land
      God Bless the U.S.A.
      From the lakes of Minnesota
      To the hills of Tennessee
      Across the plains of Texas
      From sea to shining sea
      From Detroit down to Houston
      And New York to L.A.
      Where’s pride in every American heart
      And it’s time we stand and say
      That I’m proud to be an American
      Where at least I know I’m free
      And I won’t forget the men who died
      Who gave that right to me
      And I’d gladly stand up next to you
      And defend Her still today
      ‘Cause there ain’t no doubt
      I love this land
      God Bless the U.S.A.
      And I’m proud to be an American
      Where at least I know I’m free
      And I won’t forget the men who died
      Who gave that right to me
      And I’d gladly stand up next to you
      And defend Her still today
      ‘Cause there ain’t no doubt
      I love this land
      God Bless the U.S.A.

  3. she had to leave to go check how many retweets and ‘likes’ she got. Thank you, Gabriel, for staying with the others to do the real work.

  4. He should of literally just ignored her, turned to the cameras, and said “IS THIS HER SOCIAL MEDIA BIT…????” 😂

    1. The problem is, that she just shouts over everyone else, making it impossible to ignore her

    2. No, can’t do that. She’ll accuse them of belittling her then, and make it into a big issue.

    3. @Belly Dancer Em that Karen voice is overpowering…like a car engine exploding in someone’s ear for minutes at a time.

  5. This is how a bully acts, but usually it is more physical and always with threats.
    She’s s as dangerous as the bullies in middle school, that haunted my daughter to the brink of suicide.

    1. ​@Bob I am not surprised. I am shocked that Americans are voting for that type of person to govern us–we are going back to the 1950s (but it is worse today–just compare the news to the past).

      I went to the school so many times to help my daughter . . . it was a long time ago, but the horror of it all never leaves you. I feel guilty until today. I asked one girl, why are they doing those things to her (it was supposed to be a “good” public school, so I thought), and the girl said it was because she was so good and innocent. I find that a crazy reason to hurt someone both mentally and physically.

      My daughter told me more about what happened to her, when we moved out of the neighborhood to a brand new city. A couple of the teachers were a bit cruel too. All this happened right before Columbine (which was a completely different state from ours). When Columbine happened, I was not surprised . . . I had been telling my husband that the children (some of them) seemed to be growing more fierce. There was no longer simply name-calling in schools. It was encircling a child in physical Ed and holding her upright so another could punch her, and it was so much more. I should have taught my daughter to be tougher. I was teaching her to be kind and to treat others well . . . and I thought most moms and dads were doing the same. I was wrong. The principal and others barely punished the culprit children as they promised me. My daughter told me every time I went to the school to tell them what happened made it worse for her.
      There is so much that happened.
      In the end my daughter says she forgives them, and I wonder why I can not forgive them. Bullies can change your life to go into a different direction. It is even worse today, and I still do not understand why. I’ll stop writing–I am getting carried away.

    2. @Lydia361000: I am so sorry that happened to your daughter. And I don’t blame you for not being able to forgive the heartless culprits. Your daughter is an amazing person for retaining her humanity after enduring such terrible abuse.

    3. @Lydia361000 your story makes me so sad for you, sounds like your daughter is just amazing. Best wishes to you both from Australia.

    1. @Go St Did you reply, then delete your reply? If so, I’ll say it again. PROVE IT. WHERE.IS.YOUR.PROOF

  6. Something is seriously wrong with this system, that someone one be in a group (integrity) and not participate, yet still be able to ‘take advantage’ and abuse status of responsibility.

  7. I remember Mr Sterling, giving an impassioned speech stating how damaging the big lie was. I saw a man holding on to his temper with his finger nails at the sheer insanity of his own party. This was what cold, hard fury looked like and he was proved right in his prediction of real damage to come.

    1. Indeed. MJT thinks saying the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result is the definition of sanity. LOL!

    2. @P L But she has a following of insane Georgians who love the entertainment side of our Federal Government! It’s all lose-lose here!

    3. @P L Just as Trump, just as Hitler did. Old tactic that works very well on those who easily misled.

  8. it’s amazing to me that a responsible person like Mr. Sterling even has respect for Margie. Essentially, she called him a liar and trashed the job that Georgia’s voting officials had done. I can’t think of anything nice or compassionate to say about this.

    1. I doubt if he has any respect for her. But he was being polite and respectful which is appropriate in that situation. Too bad she doesn’t have even one percent of that class.


    1. He is still a little in the echo chamber when he says his party has not been dysfunctional until very recently.

  10. That Marj is capable of standing on her hind legs and speaking simultaneously is beyond impressive

  11. It really hurts when you realise you caused your own loss – no wonder they don’t want to admit it

  12. “She’s not there to pass legislation. . . . She’s there to get the media attention and then walk out.” A perfect summation of MTG.

    1. We need politicians to sign a contract that outlines the duties and responsibilities for anyone who seeks the privilege of representing the American people.

    2. @randal gibbons good luck with that. This is the only job I know you don’t have to have a psychological test there is no drug testing. These people pass laws and they’re not even required to take a civics test. For GOD’S sake you can become a politician and just have a GED. 🤔

  13. I love how he is able to look her in the eye because the truth is behind him, and she has to continually look away because she knows she is lying to him.

  14. “It’s 2023, she’s still talking about 2020…. She’s since won 2 elections, but she isn’t questioning those….” Amen.

  15. The funniest thing is that she thinks she showing “power” when she’s making such a fool of herself.

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